Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mrs. Paine Talks!


September 20, 2019,

Ruth Hyde Paine is excited to be flying for the first time from Santa Rosa to Dallas.

Not having to get herself to the Oakland Airport or SFO will simplify the trip the 87-year-old will take Friday to a place that’s been painful for her since Nov. 22, 1963.

You may recall that the resident of Santa Rosa’s Friends House retirement community has an extraordinary linkage to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

As a young mother and Quaker living in the Dallas suburb of Irving, she befriended a Russian-speaking newcomer to America named Marina Nikolayevna Oswald. The immigrant’s husband was Lee Harvey Oswald.

It was Ruth Paine who told Lee Oswald of a seasonal job opening she’d heard of at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas. Paine took Oswald’s wife and two children into her home, and she put up with having Oswald stay there each weekend and then return to his job and boarding-house room in Dallas.

“I didn’t want him to be there all the time,” she told me as she prepared for her journey back to Dallas, “but I did say he could come on weekends to see his wife and children.”

Oswald carpooled to Paine’s home in Irving after work each Friday. But he appeared unannounced on Thursday, Nov. 21, 1963, and secretly removed something from Paine’s garage before returning to Dallas early the next morning.

Paine counts as the shock of her life the moment she learned that Oswald had hidden in her garage the rifle he used at 12:30  p.m. on Nov 22 to shoot the president from a window on the book storehouse’s sixth floor.

On Sunday, Paine will be at Dallas’ landmark Texas Theatre, where Audie Murphy’s “War Is Hell” was showing when Oswald ducked in after he killed Kennedy and then Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit. As police rushed Oswald inside the historic theater, he raised the pistol he’d removed from his boarding room but failed to get off a shot.
PAINE IS SET to be at the Texas Theatre at 6 p.m. Sunday for the premiere of a documentary, “Truth is the Only Client: The Official Investigation of the Murder of John F. Kennedy.”

The film focuses on surviving attorney/investigators for the Warren Commission, which conducted a yearlong probe into the shooting. It found that Oswald killed JFK and he acted alone, a conclusion since disputed by a whole array of alternate and conspiracy scenarios.

Also featured in the documentary are surviving witnesses to the Warren Commission. Ruth Paine’s testimony was key to the inquiry.

She’s scheduled to answer questions at the theater alongside former Warren Commission attorneys Howard Willens, Burt Griffin and David Slawson, and also Bernie Weismann, who placed in the Dallas Morning News on the morning of the assassination a John Birch Society-affiliated ad critical of Kennedy.
THE DAY BEFORE the showing and panel discussion in Dallas, Ruth Paine will be back in her former hometown of Irving, a suburb of Dallas, on Saturday afternoon. In a talk at the Irving public library, she’ll recount her friendship with Marina Oswald, and how they spoke Russian together, and all that happened to persuade her that Lee Harvey Oswald decided shortly before JFK’s visit to Dallas that he wanted to retrieve his Italian Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from her garage.

If time allows, she may visit her former home, now the city of Irving’s Ruth Paine House. A museum, it carries visitors back to the morning that Lee Harvey Oswald arose early and carried from the garage a long, narrow package that he told his ride-share buddy contained curtain rods.
GIVEN THE CHANCE, Paine would ask this of everyone who doubts that Oswald killed President Kennedy, or that he acted alone:

What do you make of the murder attempt in Dallas seven months earlier on former Army Major Gen. Edwin “Ted” Walker?

[BK Notes: I intend to take Mrs. Paine up on her challenge - I will attempt to answer that question in detail, if she will answer mine - what does she know about the relationship between Michael's mother Ruth Forbes Paine Young and Mary Bancroft? -]

A decorated combat veteran and ardent conservative, Walker was seated at his desk the night of April 10, 1963, when a bullet pierced a window and passed within about an inch of his head.

The attempt on Walker’s life went unsolved until after the Kennedy assassination and the arrest and murder, by Jack Ruby, of Lee Harvey Oswald.

An investigation concluded that it was Oswald who’d fired at Walker. The evidence included a bombshell involving Ruth Paine. She had at her home in Irving a book left behind by Marina Oswald, who never returned to the house after Nov. 22, 1963. Thinking that Marina Oswald might like to have the book, Paine asked a police officer to take it to her.

A short while later, Paine had company.

“The Secret Service came and showed me this note,” she recalled. The agents wanted to know why she sent it to Marina Oswald.

She told them she’d never seen the note and didn’t know it was inside the book she’d sent to her friend.

Paine agrees with the subsequent conclusion by investigators that it was a note that Lee Harvey Oswald left for his wife before he’d gone off to try to kill Ted Walker. The note instructed Marina Oswald on what to do if Lee Oswald did not return from his mission.

[BK Notes: "if Lee Oswald did not return from his mission." ! Yes, thank you as it MUST be perceived as a "mission" before it can be understood. Will elaborate soon. ]

For the past 56 years, Paine has contended that the note proves that the killing of JFK was not Oswald’s first attempt at high-profile murder. For the Santa Rosan, the note dissolves any doubt that Oswald was a lone assassin in search of prey.

“He wanted to kill somebody,” she told me, “and he saw an opportunity.”
PAINE IS HERSELF the subject of allegations of conspiracy. There is a line of thought that in 1963 she was a CIA operative who set up Lee Harvey Oswald.

[BK Notes: During the New Orleans trial - Garrison asked Marina why she didn't associate with Ruth Paine after the assassination and she said the Secret Service told her not to because of her association with the CIA. How is Ruth Paine associated with the CIA? The likely suspects - Antioch College, Philadelphia Quakers, Michael's Mom Ruth Forbes Paine Young - via World Federalists, Bell Helicopter and Mary Bancroft. ] 

She dismisses the accusations as not only false but ridiculous.

Interviews and public appearances that take her back to Kennedy’s murder are not pleasing to her. “There’s a lot of grief in it,” she said.

She has said she hasn’t excused herself from the issue but continues to argue her view because she says there’s so much false information that she feels obligated to help to dismiss.

Fundamentally, to return to Dallas and Irving is not what she regards as a good time. But as the trip approached, she was looking forward to starting off at Sonoma County’s airport.

You can contact Chris Smith at 707-521-5211 and

The CIA's Propagandists Guide to the Valkyrie Plot -1964

BK Notes: This was the only document the CIA could find among its files that refers to the July 20, 1944 Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler. 

The CIA's Propagandists Guide to the Valkyrie Plot - 20th Anniversary - July 1964

At first the CIA responded to the August 25, 2012 Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC) FOIA request for all CIA records pertaining to the CIA's "detailed study" of the July 20, 1944 plot to kill Hitler to be adapted for use against Castro, as it us described in the Higgins Memo of the September 25 meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by saying that they found no responsive records.

Then, after six fruitless years of looking among their files for any mention of the Valkyrie plot to kill Hitler without success, the CIA backtracked and admitted they found this one document - a 1964 psychological warfare report that lists dozens of dates and opportunities to counter Communist propaganda with propaganda of their own, including the utilization of the 20th anniversary of the July 1944 attempt to kill Hitler that was betrayed by Communists.

It is very interesting that the very first item is a reference to an article on South America by Hal "the Spook" Hendrix, an asset of David Atlee Philips, who called Seth Kantor in Dallas from Florida on the day of the assassination to give him deep background information on Lee Harvey Oswald, who had not yet been officially accused of the assassination. 

The July 20, 1964 - 20th anniversary of the German military plot to kill Hitler is viewed as a good opportunity to show how the Soviet Communists supported Hitler and betrayed some of those who were involved in the plot, arranging for the Gestapo to arrest them a few weeks before the attempt. 
This is the relevant extract from this document: 

CIA's Propagandist’s Guide to Communist Dissensions
4 May 1964
Briefly Noted
780. 20 July 1964: Twentieth Anniversary of the Anti-Hitler Plot*
Approved for Release: 2017/08/17 CO2573160  

BACKGROUND: [Note. The Communists were never  anti-Fascist in the sense of being against oppressive totalitarianism. They were and are against everything, including free democratic ideologies, that might thwart their imposition of their own brand of totalitarianism. They indifferently support anything or attack anything in maneuvering toward their own goal of eventual domination. It would be difficult to present evidence proving conclusively that the Communists, as a tactic to insure their own takeover in Germany after her defeat in WW II, intentionally informed the Gestapo of the conspiracy against Hitler in June 1944. It would be simpler to prove that the German Communist, due to their own lack of security precautions, were penetrated by the Gestapo. However, established writers have made statements in their published works which at least implicate the Communists in exposing this last plot to kill Hitler. These statements can be used to seriously damage the self-image the Communists try to create of being the saviors of those threatened by Fascism.]

“Fascist resurgence  and Nazi revanchism” is a dead horse which Communists propagandists have flogged ad nauseam since World War II. Twentieth anniversary of the attempt to assassinate Hitler on July 20th offers good occasion for a public reminder that Hitler and fascism could never have come to power without the support of Stalin and the German Communist Party, acting under the direction of Moscow. Different writers have suggested that the Communists actually saved Hitler in 1944 by deliberately betraying the assassination plot to the Gestapo. (See unclassified attachment). The failure of the assassination attempt led to the near obliteration of what moral fiber remained in Germany officialdom, while causing incalculable and needless additional human suffering.

Numerous eminent or high ranking personages in Nazi Germany were convinced that Hitler must be killed and were fully prepared to do so personally. Elaborate plots and active attempts were thwarted by mischance or the fantastic security measures surrounding Hitler’s person. Spurred to new efforts by the success of the Allied invasion in mid-1944, a conspiratorial group centered around Dr. Karl Friedrich Goerdler began to take desperate measures to assassinate Hitler and depose his Nazi retinue. 

This conspiracy included all of the numerous anti-Nazi elements in German except the illegal German Communist Party (KPD), the remnants of which had been driven underground. On 22 June 1944 the conspirators reluctantly broke a long-standing resolve by taking into their confidence two surviving members of the KPD, hoping that the latter could at least be counted on to cooperate against the Nazis. Two Social Democrats among the conspirators Reichwein and Leber, met with KPD representatives Saefkow and Jacob, who brought with them a third man introduced as “Rambow.” Rambow turned out to be a Gestapo informer, and REichwein and Leber were arrested by the Gestapo on July 4th and 5th. 

This forced the precipitate action, and Count Claus von Stauffenberge was nominated to personally plant a brief-case bomb under the staff conference table during the 20 July visit by Hitler to his Rastenburg field Headquarters in East Prussia. Owing perhaps to the haste of the preparations, Hitler survived the blast without serious injury. His revenge was a fratricidal purge which involved 7,000 arrests and 5,000 deaths, eliminating the potential for any further anti-Nazi movement within Germany. 

During the winter of 1944-45 what remained of the spiritual elite of Germany was behind bars. Those who remained alive in April 1945 were, so far as possible, shot out of hand by the S.S. least they survive the war and play the part that would naturally have been theirs in post-war Germany.

According to all logic of motive, betrayal of the anti-Hitler group to the Gestapo, was consistent with and typical of the anti-Hitler group to the Gestapo, was consistent with and typical of Moscow’s methods – before, during and after the war. While understanding and betraying its “allies” and “enemies” of the moment with fine impartially, Moscow managed to build for itself a popular image of heroic anti-Fascist struggle. The falsity of this image has been extensively documented,….This study affords a broad perspective of the grievous human tragedy which has been inflicted by Moscow throughout the length and breadth of Eurasia in times of peace as well as in war. 

Monday, September 16, 2019

Times or Israel - LBJ Knew Who Killed JFK

BK NOTES: This is dated over a year ago, but is just making the rounds.I believe LBJ did know who killed JFK, and it wasn't him, but he knew them. I don't believe Oswald was a full fledged Cajun, like my friend Paul - Pablo - a Louisiana pharmacist and friend of Marina. But I will ask him.There are a number of Israel connections - the primary one being Oswald's boss at the Minsk radio factory - who was Jewish, working for an American international company in South America when he moved to the USSR. Oswald dated and fell in love with his daughter Ella German, who this article says is still alive and living in Israel. Jack Ruby in particular, expressed concern the assassination would give Jews a bad name - possibly because of the Weinstein ad in the paper. Weinsteain should be asked about his if he appears as scheduled at the Dallas Texas Theater opening of the new documentary film "Truth Is Our Only Client" - that I will review as soon as I get a chance to see it.]

Times of Israel AUG 6, 2018, 10:32 AM
Dov Ivry

LBJ Knew Who Killed JFK

Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Israel nor its partners assume any responsibility for them. Please contact us in case of abuse.

An event of major historical importance occurred last fall and was totally ignored. It’s understandable, news has been going at a frantic pace, almost subsumed by fake news, embodied in probably the biggest hoax in history, the Russian collusion delusion and the Mueller witch hunt.

The US released the latest batch of documents on the JFK assassination. In there was a statement attributed to LBJ that he knew who killed JFK. And he got it right.

When the assassination occurred, I was working for the newspaper in my home town, Saint John, NB, Canada. My first reaction was, “that damn woman actually did it.”

It’s not my country so I never paid any more attention to this until a couple of years ago. I was doing a follow-up for a book on a major international mutual funds company IOS Ltd. into which vast sums of money had vanished. It was headquartered in Saint John. The number two guy was associated with the Montreal mafia. He had been in New Orleans in 1963 buying a carbine “to kill Kennedy.” Someone commented “well, all roads to the assassination led through the Montreal mafia.”

Since this event had been dumped into my backyard I decided to look into it. It just so happened that I knew something about Louisiana as well. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Cajun via his mother. I know Cajuns. They originated in Nova Scotia where I was born and as Acadians, they are 40 per cent of NB’s population. I traveled all through Louisiana interviewing Cajuns for a magazine article once. Cajuns don’t do stuff like Oswald was accused of. They are good people, as the rule.

I would find out later that a significant number of Americans had the same initial reaction as I had when the assassination occurred. They wrote to the FBI imploring them to check out that woman.

The bottom line is that the CIA under JFK had been bumping off leading political figures all over the globe: Lumumba, Trujillo, Hammarskjöld, Diem. He finally messed with the one woman in the world you did not mess with and hope to live to tell the tale.

Oswald was a marine who was sent to the military intelligence spy school in Nag’s Head, NC. He got into the Soviet Union, worked under the CIA using the code name “Harvey of Minsk.” He fell in love with a Jewish girl Ella German, asked her to marry him, she declined, so he decided to come home grabbing Marina, a party girl from Leningrad on the rebound, and married her. Ella German, who is now in Israel, would say that if he had waited just a bit, she would have married him, and then of course, all history changes. There would have been no patsy to pin the assassination on and they may have exposed the actual culprits at the time.

Oswald continued his work as a CIA agent and despite living in Dallas, New Orleans, and Dallas, he was attached to the Los Angeles branch.

He was asked to form a pro-Castro group, Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), but not to recruit members. When he distributed leaflets in New Orleans and they thought he should be surrounded by “members,” they sent out agents from LA. A photo appeared in 2016 in the National Enquirer of Oswald with these agents plus Rafael Cruz, father of Sen. Ted Cruz. He was a Cuban émigré, not living in California, but because the purpose of the exercise was to try to smoke out Cuban agents coming off ships, they thought it would be appropriate to add a Spanish speaker to the group. A letter exists of the LA branch requesting the New Orleans branch not to let the names of its agents leak out. In 2004, Hunter Leake, then number 2 in the New Orleans CIA branch, said he was Oswald’s paymaster.

The CIA and the mob were all mixed up together on a you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours basis. In Miami, for example, the CIA owned 50 businesses and they would hire mobsters to manage some and they went on the CIA payroll, available for other kinds of business as well.

Oswald was an exceptionally good asset because he was regarded as part of the family in the New Orleans mob headed by Carlos Marcello, who also ran the Dallas operation. Oswald’s uncle Dutz worked for Marcello. In addition to that Oswald received a monthly retainer from the FBI as an informant and he tipped them off to a gunrunning operation just before he was arrested in the assassination. (Dutz’s daughter was also a CIA agent but she was always overseas.)

Oswald in working for the CIA and in tight with the mob knew too much. He knew everything. Framing him as the patsy was not enough; he had to be silenced immediately.

The assignment fell to Jack Ruby, who was the Dallas liaison for the Chicago mob, as documented by the Kefauver commission. Ruby admitted as much on his deathbed. He gave a note to Deputy Sheriff Al Maddox, which said, “it was a conspiracy” and “my role was to silence Oswald.” 

Maddox came forward in 1996. Ruby had been a hitman in the Chicago mob before WWII and his best friend remained their top gun David (“The Executioner”) Yaras, whom he last talked to Nov. 21, the day before the JFK assassination.

The frame-up of Oswald was accomplished by killing a cop J. D. Tippit a half-hour after the JFK assassination. Someone shot Tippit three times and then walked over, as was the mob custom, and put a bullet in his brain. Next someone handed a fake Oswald wallet to a plainclothes cop. No one saw who that someone was. The wallet was filled with documents manufactured by the CIA including a draft card with a photo of Oswald, even though draft cards did not have photos. Oswald’s actual wallet was taken from him at his arrest not long after, but that would vanish, and only the fake wallet went to the FBI in Washington.
Oswald himself was seen standing a mile away at a bus stop three minutes before the shooting and if he could not run a three-minute mile knowing where the finish line was, he could not have been at the scene of the crime.

Oswald had been told by military intelligence that if he ever were in serious trouble to call John Hurt in Raleigh, NC. The night after his arrest he asked to call John Hurt. The Secret Service told the operator not to put the call through. Oswald was killed the next day so he never got a second chance to make that call.
The woman who orchestrated the assassination was Tran Le Xuan, better known as Mme. Nhu.

This is the document that came out in the latest batch quoting a former CIA director.

Richard Helms: “President Johnson used to go around saying that the reason President Kennedy was assassinated was that he had assassinated President Diem.”

That is 100 per cent correct. LBJ kept it quiet because it would have caused trouble for him in the war in Vietnam and he already had enough trouble.

Diem was president of Vietnam and his brother Nhu was his second-in-command. Since Diem was unmarried, Mme. Nhu was the first lady in that country. When those two were killed, she became the head of the family.

Two others beside LBJ figured it out. The first was the KGB. They knew Oswald from the time he was in the USSR. He could not hit the broad side of barn from three feet. He went rabbit hunting and never hit a rabbit. Every marine who served with him said the same thing. The KGB also knew that Mme. Nhu had come to them and asked how much they would take to shoot Kennedy. Khrushchev sent back a message, tell that woman to get lost. The second was James Arthur Duff, a Canadian who ran an espionage ring in China against the Japanese during WWII. When the Communists took over, he just wandered the world for the rest of his life, although no one can say who he was working for, an exceptionally well-informed man. He ran into Dick Russell, a JFK researcher, in the Middle East in 1971 and told him, Mme. Nhu did it.

Mme. Nhu was in the US when her husband was killed Nov. 2. The next day she gave a speech, which was more like a primal scream than a speech. It boiled down to this message to JFK: “You live by the sword. You shall die by the sword.” She was a woman of her word.

The motive for the assassination was crystal clear. Tit-for-tat. You kill my husband. I’ll kill you. She rubbed it in in her letter of “condolence” to his missus, Jackie.

Mme. Nhu: “I do not know you, but you must understand now what a wife feels when told that her husband has been brutally done to death. What has come to you is only one effect of the frightful injustice of which my husband was an innocent victim.”

Mme. Nhu was a petite woman but she was a dynamo in human form. She did more to raise the status of woman in her country than any single individual in history in any country. She abolished both concubinage and polygamy and gave women the right to control their own finances after marriage, almost unheard of in that part of Asia. If any man complained, she would look him straight in the eye and tell him, get out of my way for your own good.

Rees Shapiro: “Mme. Nhu — through her sex appeal, fist-pounding persistence and sporadic charm offensives — came to possess tremendous influence on the affairs of state. Army generals took orders from her. The president did too.”

Here’s how she took down JFK.

Nhu, her husband, among whatever else he did, supplied cocaine to the French Connection in Marseille. They processed it into heroin and sent it off to Montreal and New York and from there the mob sold it throughout the US.

They also had an assassin-for-hire service. If we can judge by what Christian David took from the SDECE, the French CIA, for eliminating a troublesome Moroccan, the going rate was $150,000. They would ask a lot more to do JFK. The price must have been steep because she shopped around and that’s how she ended up asking the Soviets to quote a price.

Negotiations started immediately. She would settle for nothing less than the living legend, the Rambo of France, Michel Victor Mertz. If Mertz decided to blow somebody’s brains out, they were as good as blown.
Mertz made his name in the Resistance in WWII. At one point he walked into a café and gunned down 15 Germans. The Nazis caught him four times; he escaped four times.

He didn’t start being a gangster, rather he married into it. He was a SDECE agent when he fell for Paule Scheller Martel, the adopted daughter of Charles Martel, operator of the most lavish bordello in Paris, Le Sphinx. All bordellos were outlawed in 1946. Like father, like daughter. She would take the show on the road to Montreal. Mertz still did work for the SDECE on call beside handling the heroin exports for the French Connection.

Mertz called the Montreal mafia to find out who could tell him the best time and place to assassinate JFK. They put him in touch with Carlos Marcello in New Orleans. Marcello couldn’t believe it; his dream has just come true. He’d been plotting this very thing for a year. He knew Mertz well. If Mertz was on the job, the assassination was as good as done. Marcello would supply a support team.

David Talbot: “No mafia lord was more venomously agitated against the Kennedy brothers than Marcello, who spent two nightmarish months of exile in Central America before slipping secretly back into the country.”
“The New Orleans godfather made an ominous threat in the fall of 1962. ‘Don’t worry about that little Bobby sonofabitch,’ said Marcello. He would make sure the ‘dog’ stopped biting, not by cutting off its tail — Bobby — but its head, the president.

“Marcello also spoke of taking out ‘insurance’ for the president’s assassination by ‘setting up a nut to take the blame … the way they do it all the time in Sicily.’”

Donald Adams, a very astute FBI agent, mapped out where the shots came from. This was like the Gunfight at the OK Corral, all kinds of gunslingers had shown up to have a go. They were all duffers except for Mertz.

There were 11 shots in all. Five hit. Three of those came from the rear, one into JFK’s back, not fatal, and two into John Connolly, the Texas governor, one in his back and one in his wrist.

There were two venues in the rear, the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository, but the sightline was obscured by trees, and much better, the roof of the Dal-Tex building. They caught a mobster with 35 convictions on his rap sheet inside the Dal-Tex building. He said he just went in there to call his mother from a pay phone and they let him go.

Forty witnesses had a direct view right across from the sixth floor of the Texas Book Depository of the two shooters there. These were prisoners in the Dallas Jail. They thought that the two riflemen were security guards. Neither of them was Lee Harvey Oswald. No one from law enforcement ever talked to the 40 prisoners. Oswald was working at the depository but he was downstairs sipping a Coke when the shots were fired. Cops ran into him 90 seconds after the last shot. There was no way for him to come down the 84 stairs from the sixth floor because two women on high heels were descending during those very moments at a relatively slow pace. The electricity on the elevators went out when the shots were fired.

Two shots hit from the grassy knoll in front, one in the throat of JFK and the lethal shot, which blew his brains out. Besides that there were six shots that missed, most of them apparently coming from the grassy knoll.

We can assume that Mertz’s first shot was into the throat because he was the only guy on the grassy knoll who could shoot straight and the second was bingo.

The Dallas Police nabbed Mertz immediately. A short time passed and a call came through from Washington, send him over to immigration (INS). They already had Oswald; it was cased closed, wasn’t it?

The INS called Katzenbach, filling in for RFK as a-g, to find out what to do with the guy. Katzenbach called James Angleton at the CIA. At that very moment, by sheerest coincidence – yeah, sure — Angleton was sitting at a meeting with Col. Georges de Lannurien, deputy chief of the SDECE. He told Angleton, he’s one of ours. Angleton told Katzenbach, let him go. Katzenbach told the INS, let him go, and they told the Dallas branch, let him go.

Mertz got into his private plane and flew off to Montreal to be with his beloved Paule and they popped out champagne celebrating a very handsome pay day. You won’t find any pictures of Mertz on the web because every last one of them vanished suddenly throughout France a few years later. Newsday published two faded prints in an exposé of the heroin trade and that may be it unless the Mounties have some or there are more in newspapers on file in France.

The SDECE beat the CIA at its own game. Does that mean they knew why Mertz was in Dallas? Probably. But he was too valuable a man to let go down the drain. Besides that the CIA had tried to kill deGaulle, president of France; turnabout is always fair play.

The OAS, a French-Algerian terrorist organization, had tried 12 times to assassinate deGaulle. In one of them Maurice Brooks Gaitlin, a lawyer, was sent from New Orleans by CIA operatives, to deliver $100,000 to the OAS to finance one of their attempts. Gaitlin would meet his end in 1965 falling from the sixth floor of San Juan hotel. It was ruled a heart attack.

Having tried everything and everyone else, after the 11th attempt deGaulle ordered Mertz to cease marketing heroin and report for duty. Mertz infiltrated the OAS. On Aug. 22, 1962, the OAS ambushed deGaulle, who was with his wife, firing 221 shots at his car, of which 14 hit, some whizzing past the couple’s heads, 20 flew onto and into a nearby café, and the rest missed. deGaulle survived unscathed and Mertz was able to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of the 12 shooters. The OAS was broken as a threat to the nation and Mertz came under deGaulle’s personal protection.

One of the most dangerous OAS gunmen had not been with that group and he got away to Madrid. His name was Jean René Souêtre. He became the most wanted man in France. When Mertz was arrested, he told the Dallas Police that his name was Jean René Souêtre. The SDECE gave deGaulle that name and he called the Americans immediately to ask if they had captured Souêtre.


Dov Ivry is from the Maritimes in Canada, born in Nova Scotia, raised in New Brunswick. He worked as a journalist there for 20 years with a one-year stop at the Gazette in Montreal. He's been hanging out in Israel for 36 years, doing this and that, and managed to produce 66 books.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Commandos Mabasies and the Rex

Comandos Mambises - a CIA infiltration team designed to set up an intelligence network and a resistance organization inside Cuba during 1963. 

A Major CIA Covert Op related to the Dealey Plaza Operation -

 [Thanks to Bill Simpich for putting this together]

Members of the team were captured on 10/21/63 when they were deposited on a Cuban beach by the Rex.

Castro paraded the captured Mambaises on Cuban TV and denounced the attempts to kill him. 

The New York Times ran a picture of the Rex on the front page of their November 1, 1963 issue and reported that the Rex was owned by Somoza of Nicaragua and "leased" to Collins Radio of Richardson, Texas. 

Warren Hinckle and William Turner, Deadly Secrets (Thunder's Mouth Press, New York: 1992), p. 152

"(Gordon) Campbell was in charge of the CIA's naval operations in the Caribbean...Captain Alejandro Brooks watched him from the open bridge of the Rex...the 174-foot Rex was the flagship of the CIA's secret Caribbean navy. She was an ex-US Navy patrol craft of early 1940s vintage, formerly engaged in the business of subchasing...the CIA's navy included a sister ship to the Rex, the Leda, plus another four similar ships of the line, and a dozen smaller vessels, all well armed...(the Belcher Oil Company) leased the Rex to Collins Radio International of Dallas for 'electronic and oceanographic research.' Collins was a division of Collins Radio of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a major defense contractor that more than once provided cover for CIA operations." The twelve commandos on 10/21/63 were all members of the Commandos Mambises, "a wholly owned creation of the CIA, and a crash creation at that. They were trained at a CIA amphibious base near New Orleans...(the) imperative to 'do something' was authorized by President Kennedy on June 19 - a greatly escalated program of sabotage aimed at petroleum facilities, railroad and highway transportation, and electric power and communications facilities in Cuba. This led to the CIA's launching its Caribbean secret navy and the creation of the Commandos Mambises. A measure of the White House green light was that for the first time the CIA was allowed to violate the sanctum sanctorum and target previously off-limits installations that had been owned by American companies. It was a major escalation of the Secret War."

"Mambises first materialized on evening of August 18, 1963 when (Rafael) Pupo made rounds of Guatemala City press offices handing out release about strike against oil storage tanks at strategic port of Casilda. Their leader, Angel Orozco Crespo was captured and later executed. Other raids carried out on October 1 in Cayo Guin and October 22 at port of Isabela de Sagua. Also on October 22, Mambises unit attempted a landing from the Rex on Pinar del Rio Province. Set off a firefight and strafing of freighter J. Louis by MIGs. US charged that Cuba had attacked the J. Louis without provocation, but Castro reported that four of the Rex crew had been captured, described the Rex and named her home port in West Palm Beach...The Rex was harbored at West Palm Beach and the Leda at Port Everglades. Captains of the vessels were brother Alejandro Brooks (Rex) and Gaspar Brooks (Leda). Both flew the flag of Nicaragua...those captured were Alberto del Busto, Luis Montero Carranzana, Dr. Clemente Inclan Werner, and one not identified by name."

The five sabotage raids led by the CIA were said to take place on August 18, August 19, September 30, October 21, and December 23.

Jesus Arboleya, The Cuban Counterrevolutionaries (Ohio University, 2000), p. 131

"Manuel Villafana, who had been head of the Cuban Air Force in exile, was chosen to lead (the Comandos Mambises in 1963). The Comandos in reality consisted of an elite paramilitary group trained in New Orleans that was to operate with the support of the Agency's fleet."

Re 10/21/63: "Some (Bay of Pigs) veterans were assigned to the 'spook ship' Rex, a 175-foot converted US Navy patrol boat that made hundreds of clandestine voyages to Cuba. Flying the Nicaraguan flag, the Rex operated out of West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It carried the latest radar and sonar equipment, five cannons, several .30 caliber machine guns and two 20-foot speedboats. Its skipper reportedly was Eugenio Rolando Martinez, a Miami real estate salesman and CIA agent who made more than 300 nocturnal runs to Cuba. (He was taken off the official CIA payroll in 1972, the day after he was caught in the Watergate break-in.)...On the night of October 21, 1963, the Rex sent its twin speedboats ashore at the western tip of Cuba. The landing was observed by a militia patrol and the six men in the first boat were captured as soon as they hit the beach. The second launch was sunk by a Cuban gunboat as it raced back to the Rex. Cannon fire from the Rex drove off the Cuban vessel. The men in the water were hauled aboard the spy ship. Next morning, a US Navy submarine surfaced near the Rex off the Bahamas. Five Cubans - four dead, one wounded - reportedly were transferred to the sub, which then submerged and headed to Florida." 

See 4/24/75, Paul Meskil, "A Mission to Cuba: Tale of the Doomed Raiders", NY Daily News.

Fabian Escalante, JFK: The Cuban Files (Ocean Press, 2006), p. 244

"October 22 (1963): During the night, Cuban airplanes intercepted and attacked two V-20 pirate launches as they were attempting to land arms and saboteurs in Cuba on the southern coast of Pinar del Rio province. The Cuban aircraft also located and attacked the 'mother ship' that had transported the launches. The enemy action was frustrated in a coordinated air force and coastal defense action. CIA agents Clemente Inclan Werner, chief of security in actions organized against Cuba from the Rex vessel, and crew members Luis Montero Carranza and Roberto Lizano Rodriguez were captured. Spokesmen from the Comsandos L stated that Cuban counter-revolutionary groups under CIA direction were given every assistance in their anti-Cuba actions, citing the case of the Mambi Commandos (note: Comandos Mambises), who had engaged in attacks on Cuba from points in US territory." His capture is verified in this CIA 

10/24/63 cable from Mexico City to Director: "'Gonzalez' and 'Buenrostro' (sic) have been in custody (of) Mexi Navy since late afternoon 23 Oct. Both wounded in legs. Receiving adequate medical attention at Cozumel Naval Base...Madrid should stand by however should WAVE or HQS wish (to) attempt contact with Cubans with message from 'Captain Wally' in order (to) advise Cubans on their third and new cover story..."

10/26/63 cable from Mexico City to Director, slugline RYBAT TYPIC AMGLOSSY: After the American embassy in Merida got a request for help from AMGLOSSY, Mexico City's response was "Mexi suggests base take no action pending WAVE/DIR instructions. Due (to) some recent info that AMGLOSSY Cubans now under Castro control Mexi suggests that normal answer as sent..." There is a note saying that "Mr. Tilton SAS notified."

10/26/63 cable MEXI-6684 from Mexico City to Director: "Mexi in telecon (with) Chief of Base Madrid morning 26 October. Agreed he will use Madrid exile relief leader as method (of) funding AMGLOSSY Cubans in Cozumel. ASAP (the Chief of Base) will send exile leader with about five thousand pesos 'from Mr. Wally'...Madrid making every effort (to) investigate unknown Cubans Islas Mujeres to ascertain if they AMGLOSSY types. LITEMPOS still unable to report when they can move AMGLOSSY Cubans to Madrid or Mexico City."

"Airmailing to Pieper address 3 Nov edition of newspaper Hoy containing detailed account confessions captured Rex expeditionaries."

11/8/63 press conference with CIA agents captured in Cuba. They were identified as Clemente Inclan Werner (note: AMSIGH-2), Luis Montero Carranza, and Roberto Lizano Rodriguez. Inclan Werner said, "The US citizen working with the infiltration group was my chief, his name is Hank...a US citizen whom I understand was a retired naval officer was in charge of the ship. His name is Wally...Later this Wally was promoted and another US citizen took over the ship. His name was Bob...(at page 5): The main plan of the group was to establish an intelligence network...over radio through a radio operator who was brought to the CIA base in the United States. As a secondary mission, the team was to set up a resistance organization..." (at page 9): Werner explained that he was a lawyer for the university until he left Cuba in 1960 and had been previously active in the MDC...(at page 14): Inclan served on the team as an interpreter and security officer...the ship's captain was Alejandro Brooks.

1/29/64 contact report #38 from AMWORLD: "The remaining members of the AMGLOSSY team have applied for jobs with AMWORLD. They told AMYUM-19 that they were sent over by (CIA) since we had no further use for them. It is planned to use them as instructors or as cadre."

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Control of Communications - First Draft


If one of our primary hypothesis is true- and the assassination was not the work of a deranged lone gunman but rather a very detailed plot, plan and coup d’etat – then those responsible for the killing of the President did so by the book – Coup d’etat A Practical Handbook – by Edward Lutwak, in which control of the communications is a requirement for a successful coup.

If that is true, and those responsible for the assassination controlled the communications, we can identify them by determining who controlled the communications and how they did it. Sort of working the evidence backwards, as we know a lot more now than anyone did then.

Control of Communications is one of the five aspects of the German military's Valkyrie Plot to kill Hitler that appears to have been adapted for use against Castro that was redirected to JFK in Dallas. The Communications are a key element in any covert intelligence operation, and would have to have been included in any serious operation aimed at killing the president. 

For starters, we know most of the early information about the assassinations came across radios – first the radios in the motorcade, then commercial public radio stations – and they were limited.

The Known Base Stations were:

The Dallas Police had two active channels – One and Two – both recorded by dictabelts, which are the basis of the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) acoustical study which concluded there are four shots on the tape. All Dallas PD cars and motorcycles had radios tuned to these two channels.
White House Communications Agency (WHCA) also manned a makeshift base station in a suite of rooms at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel, where the Secret Service and WHCA – as well as George Herbert Walker Bush were registered.

It is also the locaton of the lobby where David Atlee Phillips met with Antonio Veciana and Lee Harvey Oswald in September 1963.

This base station was for “Charlie” Channel, the motorcade’s primary channel used by the secuirty team and monitored by Captain Swindell, who sat in the pilot’s seat of Air Force One and listened in.

In the motorcade there were radios tuned to Charlie Channel in the pilot car, the lead car, the Lincoln Limo the President was in and the car LBJ was in a few cars back. Other cars in the motorcade may also have radios.

There were two other sideband radios on Air Force One – but they were not used and the automatic recording device did not kick in until the plane was in the air.

The Air Force One radios were associated with the Mystic Star network – run by the WHCA – which utilized an AT&T switchboard known as “Waldorf,” and had relay stations in Brandywine and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the headquarters of Collins Radio – makers of the radios and contractors for their use. The relay staton in Cedar Rapids was known as “Liberty” and can be heard often on the extant AF1 radio tapes.

Others base stations attached to the Mystic Star – Air Force One – network included the White House Situation Room, Andrews Air Force Base – home of AF1, and the Strategic Air Command (SAC) – the Air Force bomb and missle command that also used Collins Radio and were attached to this network.

After the assassination a makeshift WHCA base station was set up in the office of the Secret Service Director in his office in the Executive Office Building (EOB) next door to the White House.
Other base stations attached to the network were Site R – and the SAC headquarters, but they remained silent during most of the assassination proceedings.

More recently, another base station was identified – at the Dallas Emergency Command Post – a bomb proof underground command and control center below the Science Museum at the Texas State Fairgrounds, where the Dallas Police Special Services Unit also made their headquarters. More than half of the Dallas Special Service bureau policeman were also US Army Reserve officers.

This Dallas Emergency Command Post was run by Jack Crichton, head of the US Army 488th Intelligence Unit, though Crichton reported to be at a conference at the Adolphis Hotel at the time of the assassination, while the Emergency Command Post was directed by an assistant, also a Colonel........

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