Friday, May 15, 2020

Luis Angel Castillo - JFK Clue 120518


Luis Angel Castillo is a clue to the JFK assassination

This story starts in Bordentown Reformatory in New Jersey, where baby-faced Luis Angel Castillo was undoubtedly selected for MK/Ultra hypnosis experiments that involved the manufacture of Manchurian Candidate robot assassins. The doors on the subject of multiple personality disorder first opened in 1957 with the publication of The Three Faces of Eve.

The CIA’s interest in hypnosis mind control is well documented despite all attempts to erase and obscure it, and the list of suspected MCs continues to grow through the decades.

In 1966, Castillo departed Chicago for the Philippines, traveling under a Philippine passport taken from a Philippine national illegally in the USA. Apparently his mission was to assassinate Ferdinand Marcos, who was dipping his fingers excessively into the stolen gold stashed by the Japanese after WWII and recovered by Yale Bonesmen working with Opus Dei.

Once in the Philippines Castillo was arrested by security services. He claimed to be a Castro secret agent and offered his services in assassinating Huk guerrillas. But then they decided to submit Castillo to drugs and hypnosis and an entirely different story popped out. He quickly confessed to being among 14 Cuban intelligence agents who had been deployed in Dallas for Kennedy’s assassination after which he flew to Chicago in a plane piloted by a Russian-looking women named Jean Dole of Madison, Wisconsin.

It appears Castillo could have been a shooter, or back-up patsy linked to Castro if anything went south with the Oswald-as-lone-assassin scenario. Castillo claimed to have been positioned on the second floor of the Dal-Tex Building with a rifle in his lap that he had no memory of firing (a detail that could easily have been hypnotically erased). Also of note, Castillo claimed the rifle was produced out of a bag in two parts, which corresponds to Ed Hoffman’s testimony of the grassy knoll gunman, as well as Joseph Milteer’s description of the weapon.

Apparently, Castillo had been part of the Bay of Pigs invasion and later deployed into Castro’s intelligence services before landing in Chicago. The CIA put immense effort into locating people who were easy to hypnotize and used them for a variety of intel ops, and Castillo pioneered a list that now includes Sirhan Sirhan, Mark Chapman and Donald DeFreeze, and many others. The problem was Castillo had so many multiple personalities that it became exceedingly difficult to determine which of his statements might be true, as opposed to which had been hypnotically planted.

Mind control has evolved enormously in our time. Before they needed to put their hands on you to create MCs, while now they recruit and direct them through Internet-induced hypnosis. And, of course, three companies (Google, Facebook, Amazon)  are directing the mass mind with all sorts of analytic tools at their disposal. These are the primary digital gatekeepers and their power is growing. To a large extent, they decide what stories people believe and what products they will lust for, and they have controls to adjust the psychological ballast for maintaining stability of the status quo.

Victor Arcega
Dear Steven Hager, your recent posting on Luis Angel Castillo (Dec. 2018) delightfully suggests to me that you are revisiting the case. I read the fresh (?) material above and am impressed at the closeness of your version to what I knew about the case and the subject. On the other hand, you have cited some slippery generalizations about his Manila interrogations and his Manchrian Candidate preparations for the Philippine mission. I wonder if you are just paraphrasing the information or basing your report on sanitized source.

Not really revisiting the case, just noting this mysterious character whose story changed so many times that getting to the truth of him will always be difficult. However, feel free to add any details you think might be relevant.

Victor Arcega
Luis Angel Castillo was first interrogated by the military, using sodium pentothal, which only succeeded in eliciting scattered and inconclusive blubbing. When he was transferred to the civil branch, the NBI (National Bureau of Investigation), he was interrogated 95% of the time by hypnosis, over the period of April to July, 1967. A single attempt to give him sodium amytal, the milder type of truth serum, failed because he had a hysterical fear of needles. This was the first significant hint of what seemed like previous brain-washing experiences. 

What followed was the extraction of a system of post-hypnotic commands and instructions, the hallmarks of the Manchurian Candidate training. The major pattern of the MC program was:

a. Hypnotic commands were all given in good, grammatical – almost academic – English.
b. Some of the codes were phrases from JFK speeches, clips from the movie “Manchurian Candidate” and military labels in Spanish.
c. The cavalier use of electric shock.
d. Choking when refusing to respond.
e. Artificial left-handedness training, except when shooting a gun.
f. Humming the Star-Spangled Banner during a regression.
g. There was repeated use of the word “tin”.
h. Shooting oneself at the end of the mission.

The CIA officers and FBI agents who observed the hypnotic sessions seemed more displeased than surprised at the hypnotist’s success in cracking of the MC codes.

The single, quite puzzling, feature of this so-called assassin was a display of casualness as though actually wanting to be caught.

Obviously, the details on these investigations would take up more space. But what’s interesting about your version of the Castillo research is the coincidence between the Japanese gold issue between the CIA and President Ferdinand Marcos. The Castillo case took place in 1967, when Marcos started opening his first Swiss bank foundation and also started receiving $200,000 quarterly bonus from President Johnson for sending Filipino soldiers to Vietnam.

Incidentally, I happen to have a picture of Castillo when he visited the Philippines; a bit older than the picture you have on the website.

Victor Arcega

Hello Steven, how does a hard-working and discredited researcher fix conflicting “truths” as follow:

a. Jean Dole, pilot of the Dallas exit airplane, was Jean Dolphe to Luis Castillo? Mispronunciation?

b. Jean, who firmly denied knowing Luis, was listed as rose grader and supervisor at a rose growing center in North Bend, Milwaukee, called Holton and Hunkel. But at the time she was reported employed there, Holton-Hunkel was no longer existing except for a rundown sign in front of an empty lot.

c. James Myer, who absolutely knew no Castillo, was listed by FBI as a businessman in Madison. Castillo remembered him as a businessman dealing with computers. It was James who instructed Castillo to soak his body in whisky, drive over speed limit through Highway 66 so that he could attract state police. That was when he was ID-ied as Antonio Eloriaga, an overstaying illegal migrant who was ready to be deported back to his home, the Philippines.

d. Antonio did not lend his passport to Castillo; being gay, he was compromised in a hotel on an agreement that he surrendered his passport to Castillo and in exchange be allowed to remain in the US.

e. Castillo did not visit Manila, as stated by FBI, but deported back to his “country”, which he would see for the first time in his life.

f. The FBI agents in Manila called Castillo “the pretty spy”, suggesting that he was gay. Castillo was actually married to a black resident nurse in Chicago.

g. During his investigation, he was visited by one WHO-based doctor, who secretly tried and failed to rehypnotize him. Life, Time and Post correspondents who “interviewed” him warned him to “shut up”.

h. In 1968, Castillo was returned to the US on charges of mischief and vagrancy. He entered an Illinois federal jail, but his wife (his ex very soon after), swore that he never stayed a day in jail. In less than a month, the Illinois governor pardoned Castillo and promptly he was free and out.

i. The last time he was seen, his mother (a Mexican-type woman residing in Chicago) was told Luis was shopping for clothes and travel stuff, preparing for a “missionary” trip. To Angola.