Wednesday, December 18, 2019

CAPA 2019 Dallas Conference Critique

David P. Nesbitt wrote:

.......Rolf Mowatt-Larssen's presentation was disgusting.  Why was he invited to the conference?  Is CAPA really against political assassinations?  It doesn't seem like it, if you are inviting the perpetrators of political assassinations to come and condescendingly tells us how a rogue agent might have used LHO to assassinate JFK.  What a joke.  I am tempted to ask for my money back and resign my membership from CAPA.  I also question the wisdom and integrity of Larry Schnapf in inviting John Orr to spend so much time to present the same lies and propaganda that have surrounded this case for 56 years.  What is happening to CAPA?.......

...... I appreciate the dialogue and hope my opinions will be helpful and an encouragement to the organization.

Re:  "Would you mind telling me what propaganda and lies were told during this segment?"

Yes, I would be happy to address Orr's lies and propaganda.  The Warren Report conclusions are certainly not evidence and they are often demonstrably false.  The Warren Commission testimony, while given under oath, was often rehearsed, often obtained through leading questions, often steered away from crucial areas, not given publicly, not subjected to cross-examination, and evidently altered in certain circumstances.  John Orr apparently believes Oswald was firing from the 6th floor window and parrotted the Warren Commission conclusions to this end.  There is no credible evidence that places Oswald in that window at the time of the assassination and the parafin test results prove that he did not fire a rifle on that day.  To argue otherwise is to spread lies and propaganda.  The most egregious example of this behavior is Orr's assertion that Oswald attempted to assassinate General Walker, based on Marina's coerced and dubious testimony against her husband.  There is zero evidence that Oswald shot at Walker and there is ample evidence to the contrary.  Even General Walker himself did not believe that Oswald was the shooter and told the Warren Commission so.  Later in the day, I confronted Mr. Orr about this and he admitted to me that he did not himself believe that Oswald shot at Walker, but that he used the Warren Commission conclusions to indicate a predilection for violence in order to make a stronger case in the Mock inquiry.  This dissembling is patently dishonest and reprehensible.

I would like to turn the tables and ask, "Would you mind telling me what truthful and reasonable statements were told by John Orr during this segment?"

This case is not an academic exercise.  I am very disappointed in CAPA's efforts along the lines of the mock trial and this mock inquiry.  The Houston mock trial was a debacle.  It and this mock inquiry were a mockery of the actual evidence in this case after 56 years of investigation.  These activities are not helping our cause.  We should focus on getting the Justice Department to reopen the case as per the HSCA and abandon these flawed and useless exercises that further muddy the waters with lies and propaganda.  If not, CAPA should change its name to LEPG (Lawyers Engaging in Parlour Games).

I am a citizen against political assassinations.  The consequences of these assassinations have been the deaths of millions of innocent people from Vietnam to Iraq and the violation of the civil rights, privacy, and human dignity of hundreds of millions of people around the globe.  We cannot afford to play games here.

In my opinion, three disinformation agents spoke in Dallas this year:  Judyth Baker, John Orr, and Rolf Mowatt-Larssen.  CAPA cannot do anything about Judyth Baker.  I am fine if she wants to claim to be a high school cancer researcher and the New Orleans mistress of Lee Harvey Oswald, assertions which can never be corroborted.  That has zero impact on this case.  The problem with her conference is that most of the speakers believe that LBJ was the mastermind of the assassination.  This position is not only false, but harmful to history and the culture.  If LBJ had JFK murdered, then he profited by becoming president rather than going to jail for corruption, but the effects of the assassination end with his decision not to run again in 1968.  However, as Dr. Wecht often says, this was a Coup D'Etat.  It was not merely the changing of a president, but it was the changing of an entire government.  The National Security State took complete power in 1963 and has not relinquished it since.  Judyth's conference denies the true import and lasting consequences of the JFK assassination, as well as all of the others, both foreign and domestic, perpetrated by the same military-industrial complex.

Against all credible evidence, John Orr believes that Oswald shot and wounded JFK and a mafia shooter shot and killed JFK, both from behind.  What kind of organization lends approval to such a ridiculous position 56 years after the assassination?  This is not a rhetorical question.  At best, some mafia players were used as underworld mercenaries to carry out low-level aspects of the plot, but the mafia was not responsible in any way, shape, or form for the assassination.  It did not control the autopsy, the investigation, or the on-going cover-up.  Giving prominence to the likes of Orr and Curington defeats the purpose of CAPA by assigning responsibility to the wrong group and denying, as with Baker's conference, the true import and lasting consequences of the JFK assassination.

The US Government evidence that the CIA has been engaged in political assassination dating back to at least 1953 is beyond dispute.  Why on earth would an organization that is against political assassinations invite a brazen and unapogetic Larssen to speak to us for 90 minutes?  I cannot fathom the reasoning.  Did he promise to beg forgiveness for the organization and deliver the documents that are still being illegally withheld?  If not, why was he given the podium?  To smugly tell us how a rogue agent might have recruited Oswald, but that Oswald had probably just killed JFK on his own?  This presentation was contrary to everything CAPA claims to stand for.  And I personally found it sickening.

CAPA needs to do some seriouse soul-searching and figure out what it is really all about.  Is it just to make a little money and gather 200 people together for intellectual parlour games?  Or is it to unite citizens against political assassinations and disseminate truth about what has been happening since the National Security Act of 1947?  If it is the latter, then CAPA needs to figure out what it really believes and frame the conference around communicating that message.  Disinformation agents can speak at Judy's conference, but they should not be speaking at CAPA's conference.

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