The trip from Fort Dix to Baltimore
lasted approximately three hours. It had occurred to me that it was the first
time in eight weeks that I actually was sitting in a relatively comfortable
seat. In basic training, there are virtually no chairs. True, one sits in
training rooms and in the mess hall, but those chairs are built for function,
not for comfort. Sitting on a bunk is just not the same as sitting in a real
chair. I wonder if today I would find a seat on Greyhound bus quite as
wonderful as it seemed then.
More importantly, however, the trip
meant three hours alone – away from other soldiers and drill sergeants for the
first time in more than eight weeks. It had been easy to forget that the world
did not stop at the Fort Dix gates, but rather it was humming along quite
nicely. The tiny island of civilian life on the Greyhound bus gave me three
hours to stare out the window and think about the past eight weeks, about my
life prior to those eight weeks, and how strange it seemed that things I had
nothing to do with and had no control over placed me on this bus headed south
to some damned place no one seemed to know anything about.
Once in Baltimore, I dragged my
jam-packed duffel bag off the bus, and asked a few people where I could catch
the bus to Fort Holabird. One person said, I heard of Fort Meade, but I
really don’t know anything about Fort Holabird. Are you sure you don’t
mean Fort Meade? A couple other people were equally as ignorant about Fort
Holabird. I thought Christ, these people live here, and they never heard
of the place? What the hell¦??? Finally, I asked the information person at
the bus terminal, who mercifully knew what bus I should take to get to this
mystery military post.
Shortly thereafter, duffel bag and I
boarded the local bus that would take us to the base. I asked the bus driver to
let me know when we got to Fort Holabird. No problem, he said. I was more than
a little relieved to confirm that I was on the right bus and that the driver
actually knew where the damned place was. The uniform again provoked stares,
smiles and glares from the other passengers. By this time, I was becoming
accustomed to it. Besides, I was tired, and I just wanted to get to wherever
the hell I was supposed to be.
Here’s the base, son, the driver
said, as he stopped the bus by the gate, in front of a guardhouse. I struggled
with the duffle bag down the bus aisle and thanked the driver as I turned to
step off through the bus doors. As I got off the bus, I was horrified to see an
MP (military policeman) looking at me and walking at a brisk pace from the
guardhouse in my direction. Oh hell. Here it comes. He was a tall,
staff sergeant, the same rank as my drill sergeant. I didn’t think it possible,
but the MP looked even more frightening than the drill sergeants I
had just spent eight weeks with. He was wearing the white MP helmet and a black
MP armband. His trousers were bloused over his spit-shined airborne boots, and
he wore a 45 semi-automatic sidearm. I braced myself for what I was certain
would be a ration of shit about something or other I was not doing right.
Before I could say that I was
reporting for duty (that’s what one is supposed to say), he said, Hi. You need
help with that bag?
I said, Pardon me? What did he say??
He repeated, How ya doing? You look
like you could use some help with that bag
I was speechless. I could only nod
my head in the affirmative, something that would have unleashed a torrent of
invective from a drill sergeant about the importance of sounding off like you
got a pair!
The MP looked at me for a moment,
and I thought, OK, let the hollering begin. He didn’t holler; He
said, You look beat, and he effortlessly tossed my duffel bag over his shoulder
and carried it to the guardhouse. He set it down and asked, Where on the base
are you headed? Still in shock, I told him that I had no idea where I was
headed. I just knew that I was ordered to come here. He smiled he actually
smiled and said, No problem. Let me take a look at your orders.
He took a quick look at the orders
and said, O.K. The building you have to report to is about a quarter mile down
this street on the right side – big brick building “ you can’t miss it. When
you get there, ask for Sergeant Perez. He’ll get you squared away.
I thanked him and began walk in the
direction he had indicated. The MP shouted behind me, Wait! I thought, OK,
I knew that this was too good to be true – this must be some kind of trap.
Now, the hollering will begin.
I turned in his direction and said,
He said, is really too far for you
to walk with that bag. I’ll have someone drive you OK, Jimbo, this must be some
kind of a Twilight-frigging Zone thing. There is no way that white-helmeted,
bloused-trousered, pistol packing staff sergeant MP just said that he would get
me a ride because it was too far for me to walk with a heavy bag.
But, that’s what he said.
The MP got on the phone, and in a
minute or two a corporal appeared in an Army car and said, You the guy who
needs a ride? Hop in. During the short ride to my destination, I couldn’t think
of anything to say to the corporal, other than to thank him for the lift. Here’s
the barracks building he said. Sergeant Perez should be in the orderly room. He’ll
check you in.
I found the orderly room, and, just
as promised, Sergeant Perez was there. He was a sergeant-first class (three
stripes up and tworockers). Again, I found myself thinking that it was
absolutely impossible for a sergeant-first-class to be anything other than mean
and ornery. When I entered the room, breathless from having lugged the bag up
the stairs, Sergeant Perez looked up from the papers on his desk, and said, Yes?
What can I do for you? Wait a minute. This is the way civilized people
speak. Sergeants don’ t talk this way. What in Christ’s name is going on here?
I’m reporting for duty, sergeant.
Oh, you must be one of the new
students. You’re a little early, but that is not a problem. Did he say students?
I could no longer contain myself. I
blurted out, What is this place?
You don’t know? the sergeant said.
No I don’t, and I have not been able
to find anyone who knows anything about this place.
This is the United States Army
Military Intelligence School.
I stood there in silence trying to
process it all. After a few seconds, I asked, What will I be doing here?
Let’s take a look at your orders,
and we’ll see. I handed him my orders, and he said, You are a 96C. You’re an
An interrogator? He remained patient, despite my stupidly
repeating everything I had just heard.
Yes, that’s what a 96C is. I also
see that you speak German.
Well, I took the German test. How
can you tell from looking at the orders that I speak German?
The sergeant explained, It says that
your MOS (military occupation specialty) is 96C2L29. That tells me that you are
an interrogator, and the 2L29 tells me that you speak German I couldn’t help thinking back to that miserable bastard at Fort Dix
who tried to intimidate me into not
taking the German test. (see 1/3/03)
The sergeant, still looking at my
orders, continued, Oh, now I know why you might be a little puzzled by all
this. I see that you are a draftee. We don’t get many draftees. Most guys
enlist in order to get into Military Intelligence and they know in advance what
it is all about.
Well, it's close to the end of
the work day here, so let me get you some bedding and show you to the
barracks.Hold it.
A sergeant-first-class is going to get my bedding and show me to the barracks?
People in hotels show you to your room. People in the Army don't show you to
your room. Twilight Zone definitely.
He emerged from another room with
sheets, a pillow and a blanket, and walked me down the hall to a large bay
area, with approximately twenty double bunks on each side of the room. Lockers
ran down the center of the bay. I believe you're the first one here, so
you can pick your spot. Make up your bunk, and stop by the office when you’re
done to pick up some forms.
I made up the bunk on autopilot and
emptied the contents of my duffel bag into my locker. It was all still too much
to think about. When I finished, I reported back to the orderly room.
Sergeant Perez handed me a couple
forms, and said, Fill these out when you have a chance. We need them
next week. He took out a
map of the base, and circled things like that mess hall and the PX (Post
Exchange “ i.e. the store). He said, I think you may have missed dinner at
the mess hall, but you can get a burger or something at the PX. A burger? I can eat by myself? I can go to a store? And,
I'm not being hollered at?
Thanks, that sounds great, I said, beginning to actually speak to Sergeant Perez as if he was
a regular person.
So, what are your plans for the
Pardon me? My plans?
Yeah, are you going to hang around the base? You could go into
Baltimore. You could go to D.C.
You mean that I can leave the
base when I want?
Sure. Just be back here by 7
o'clock, Monday morning. That's when we start the classes.
You mean I can go home for the
weekend, if I want?
He smiled and said, That depends
on where you live. I don't think going to California would make much sense.
Where do you live?
New Jersey, I replied.
That's no problem. The buses
run regularly between Baltimore and Newark.
Absolutely stupefied, I said, Please forgive me. I just want to make sure that I understand. I just checked
in here, and I can turn around and go home for the weekend, if I want?
That's right. Just be back by
Monday Morning.
Do I need a written pass or
Nope. Not necessary. Do you have
civilian clothes with you? Did he
say civilian clothes? Where's Rod Serling?
No. We weren't allowed to have
civilian clothes at Fort Dix.
Well, you may want to bring some
back with you from home. You only have to wear your uniform during duty hours.
Unless you have some kind of extra duty, civilian clothes are fine around here
after duty. This
cannot be.
Perez continued, If you have no
further questions, I'm going to hit the road. See you Monday morning. Have a
nice weekend.
And he left.
I sprinted to a pay phone to call my
family and girlfriend to breathlessly tell them I was coming home. Are you
in trouble? my mother
asked. So did my girlfriend. I promised I would bring them all up to date when
I got home.
A few hours later, I found myself
back on the Greyhound bus, this time heading north. I wondered how the cosmic
cards fell such that I ended up being selected by be trained as an interrogator.
Had some of those psychological profiles we took identified me as a latent
knuckle-breaker? I reasoned that the job of an interrogator is to question
prisoners of war, and the only place I could think of that would have a supply
of prisoners of war was Vietnam. Was this a good thing? All this was happening
way too fast. I would wait until Monday to think about being an interrogator.
All I knew was that I was
going home for the weekend and that for the first time in months I
felt just a little bit like a human being.
Enjoyed your site. Brought back
memories of my posting back in 1955(spent entire time at Ft. Holabird-55 thru
57)with the Headquarters Company.
I assume you were there during the
Vietman era? It had its share of chickenshit, but nothing like basic or
advanced. Thamks for bringing back some memories.
Comment by manny adler —
My dad was stationed at Ft. Holabird
mid-50’s to 1963. I had no idea it was military intelligence. Yes, he spoke
German, In fact his father was Italian (from Mass.) and mother German. He also
married a German lady. Can you tell me anything more about what was done there?
Where would I find out on his discharge papers or whatever what his actual job
description was? Is there anyone who was stationed there (like Manny) who would
have known? Folks have been dead for years – they destroyed almost all photos from
childhood and ALL papers of any kind including personal letters before they
died. Not one piece of paper left in house other than Dad’s discharge and a few
photos from pre-war Germany. Thank you very much – any help greatly
appreciated. E-mail address is case-sensitive – be sure to use caps, etc. where
Comment by Brenda O'Connor — March
9, 2004
Manny Adler – This is one of those
“Do you know?”. I attended the agents course starting 2 Jan. 1956 and then
assigned to Korea. Only one guy in our class didn’t get a TS clearance because
he was a Fullbright scholar in England. Supposedly he was assigned to
Hq,Holabird which didn’t make sense to me. What a golden opportunity to learn
agents names. He was from Kansas City and I never thought that I would forget
his name. He was a nice guy and married. Any remote possibilities that you
might have run on to him. Bernie
Comment by Bernie Thielen — May 8,
2004 @ 9:10
My dad attended the agent handlers
course at Fort Holabird in the late 1950s, in fact duing the 1958 NY Giants-
Baltimore Colts world championship. He returned for refresher training prior to
going to Viet Nam in 1966. Does anyone remember him, his name was Norman J.
Melody? Does anyone have any photos of Fort Holabird?
Comment by Paul Melody — September
2, 2004 @ 9:39
My dad was stationed at Ft Holabird
after returning from Germany 1955-1956. He was an MP and said the base was
pretty desserted when he got there. He doesn’t remember a lot of details but
does have few stories to tell. I am retired USAF, Oct 1994.
Comment by Phil Kindel — October 2,
2004 @ 2:23
Trying to do some research for a
“memoir” I’m writing. I spent 3 months at Ft. Holabird, Jan thru Mar 1969,
training at the school as 96D! I think. That’s a “clerk typist with top secret
clearance.” Then off to Saigon for 1 1/2 years. So, where is Holabird in
relationship to Baltimore? I don’t remember and can’t find it on the map.
Anyone remember?
Comment by Chris Abel — November 12,
2004 @ 11:12
I believe that it was in a place
called Dundalk (sp?), a short bus ride to Baltimore. I believe we were there
about the same time.
I was at Holabird from sep 65 to jun
68. It is in Dundalk, part of Baltimore county.I had the same shock of going
from basic training at Dix to the freedom of the Bird. During the build-up for
Vietnam, everyone assigned to a school was “frozen” (code 9). They didn’t want
to slow the flow of new people to Nam so they didn’t want to change the
personel responsable to keep the flow going. I was a 97D.20, intelligence
coordinator, assigned to S2 (personnel security) we issued and validated
security clearances for in-comeing students and permenent party personnel. I
spent many a night(too many) across the street at the Holabird Inn. Thanks for
the memories!
Comment by bill leach — November 21,
2004 @ 12:28
I was quite suprised to find a
website of people who have actually heard of Ft. Holabird, much less stationed
there. I was assigned there out of Ft Dix from Nov. 1967 thru the spring of
1968. I trained as a 96D2T, Imagery Interpreter, TIFF qualified. After that, I
was with the 1st MI Btn in DaNag for a year. After that, I was with the 15th MI
Btn at Ft. Bragg.
Comment by Stephen D Griffis —
December 1, 2004 @ 11:11 am
If you went to school in 1967, I
issued or validated your security clearance and checked you in on your first
Comment by bill leach — December 1,
2004 @ 10:56
I enjoyed reading your story and
everyone’s comments. My grandfather was stationed and died at Fort Holabird
while in the Counter Intelligence Corps in the late 1940’s after WWII. There
was a hall dedicated in his memory there. It was Hubbard Hall. Does anyone
remember it? I am actually trying to find if the building or the dedication
plaques still exist. I would love to find it for my grandmother. She will be 85
years old in a few weeks! Any comments would be appreciated and enjoyed.
Comment by Maria Franco — December
7, 2004 @ 9:18
A group of us transferred from Fort
Knox to Fort Holabird after basic training in 1956. Most of us were draftees
and were taking the Counter Intelligence Course for typists as it could be done
in the 2 years we would spend in the army. I remember ‘marching’ my group to
the mess hall before we found what a heaven Fort Holabird was. Though I thought
we would go to Korea, most of my group went to Europe. I was very lucky to be
sent to France where I spent my time at a field office in civilian clothes! I
have fond memories of Fort Holabird.
This is great, folks who know about
Ft. Holabird (USAINTS). I was sent there directly after basic training at Ft.
Lewis, Washington in late 1969. I too experienced the culture shock of going
from concentration camp basic training to the laid-back Ft. Holabird atmosphere
(don’t you dare salute anything lower than a General, and don’t march, just
I was trained as a 96DT, Aerial
Imagery Interpreter. After that, a number of us were also sent to an advanced
Aerial Imagery Interpretation course combined with an NCO academy. We graduated
at Spec. 5 level.
Most of that class went from there
to Viet Nam, but 6 of us had order changes at the last minute and were sent to
the 502nd MI Battalion in Seoul, Korea. Best time of my life.
Comment by Richard Lovelace —
December 29, 2004 @ 12:51 pm
I served with the 1st MI Btn (ARS)
in Vietnam in 1970-71 with 3 months in Danang, 3 months in Nahtrang, and 6
months in Pleiku. Flew U-6A Davilland Beavers. We were the “Pleku Good Guys”.
Flew I and II Corps daily delivering intel pictures.
Paul F. Webb, CW3 Retired
Comment by Paul F. Webb — January
12, 2005 @ 11:10
Great story site. I share many of
your memories, I too went from DIX to Holabird and Bill you must have checked
me out. In fact you must have found a problem as they claimed to have lost my
personnel records about the time the rest of my Class shipped out to Vietnam or
Korea as a 96D. I spent the next 3 months as CQ working nights for Cpt. Doyle
Smith. Oh well it gave me the opportunity to one very cute School Teacher at
“The Keystone”. The Teacher eventually became my wife. Anybody else remember
this cool bar with the hot chicks and how bout “Summer In The City – Lovin’
Spoonful – 66” and the Legendary Jim Palmer and Johnny Unitas what a sports
From there I went on to 502nd with
Gen. Bonesteel’s 8th and some of my former Classmates. My most memorable
memories were working with Sharon Tates father Maj.Frank Tate and our shops
involvment with the “Blue House and Pueblo Incidents of 68”. I have also
managed to communicate with a few of my old mates from there.
Keep the site up
Jon Tallman
Comment by Jon Tallman — January 13,
2005 @ 10:26
What great memories….Ft. Holabird…I
liked it so much I went twice. In 1966, right after basic at Ft. Polk, LA. I
went to Holabird to become an Analyst (96B),,on to Ft. Bragg for some
interesting times and then SVN for a year. Back to Holabird for CI Agent class
then the 113th MI Gp in Chicago. 1968 Dem National Convention…good times had by
all. A little more work in CONUS..and then an offer I couldn’t refuse….I’ll
tell that one later.. Anyone who may have been in the same places at the same
time,,shoot me an email..
Comment by Jerry Race — January 28,
2005 @ 3:39
I did the ‘Bird ‘ before Berlin
and again before the Nam. She taught
me well
I am home again.
Comment by ljklaiber — February 1,
2005 @ 6:38
Hi, Wow, didnt know the “fort” was
still there. I was part of the permanent personnel there in 1955-56..Medics…
Worked in the laboratory. drawing blood, making slides etc and then as an
assistant in the dental clinic. Were about 5 dentists there. One was a woman
dentist who had been in a concentration camp and had the number tattooed on her
inner wrist. Was a colonel in charge(Rudisill?) who was also a dentist..I
“retired ” from the Army in april 56 but not before being transferred to the
MPs there. At the time it was called CIC school and kind of “hush hush”..
memories,,Thanks for the site..
Comment by Bob Nargi — February 19,
2005 @ 4:06
I was one of four guys who were
photographers at Ft. Holabird during 1954 and 1955. It took four of us to
relieve one guy who had numerous duties. I, too, was surprised at the freedom
we had, particularly considering the security of the place. Not bad duty, but I
was delighted to be discharged.
Comment by Charlie Larus — February
24, 2005 @ 6:26
Fort Holabird is no longer there. It
was deactivated in the 70’s, I believe. The Army Intelligence unit was moved to
Arizona, to be closer to Barry Goldwater. My father enlisted there and was
stationed there in 1955-57 (second and third grades for me) and again in 1960
(6th grade). I remember staying at the Reception Center (I’m not sure of the
name) for about 2 weeks when we moved to the area. We had lots of great times
at the Officers pool.
Comment by Jonathan T. Kurtz —
February 27, 2005 @ 11:26 am
I enlisted to be an Order of Battle
Analyst in late 1968, after basic at Ft. Jackson, myself, Walter “Hap” Farrell,
and Brian Landry, the latter from Weston and Marlborough Mass. respectively, I
was from Framingham, Mass, we found ourselves at Fort Holabird in early January
1969. We attended and graduated from the R-12, Intelligence Analyst Course and
were awarded the military occupational specialty (MOS) of 96B10. All three of
us went summarily to Vietnam, as Male 96B’s did in those days. Four WACS in the
class all went to Germany, one male went to Germany also, the rest to Vietnam.
I remember the 1,2,3 club, other students, Rocco Nudo, Ceasar Rosales, Nick
Pappas, Bob Rheiner, and a confusing world at a very confusing time in history.
Most of us went to the 525 M.I. Group in Vietnam, some to 5th. Group, 25th.
Infantry, and other derivative units. I am now retired after a 30 year Army
career and am still serving in the intelligence career field as an instructor.
When I retired I was the last active duty still-serving soldier in the
intelligence corps who was a Fort Holabird Graduate. Anybody who remembers me,
or a fellow classmate, please make contact.. Best to all.. Jeff Gallant
Comment by Jeffrey Gallant — March
11, 2005 @ 5:47
I was there. There where a lot of us
that started class for 96D2T in December of 1969. I was the only one to come
from Fort Bragg, NC And when I came back from Christmas leave I drove my 1958
Cady lemo. Made a few trips with it, even to Boston. It was the best time of my
2 years 6 months and 5 days of active duty. While in Danang Vietnam I worked
with many guys that had gone through there and a few more after while stationed
in Fort Hood, TX.
Comment by Richard Rauenhorst —
March 13, 2005 @ 1:01 am
The Army sold Fort Holabird to
Baltimore City for $1. It has subsequently been parceled out and redeveloped
into a business/industrial park. With the exception of a VFW Post, the only
building that remains is what is known locally as the old DIS building. It is
located on Van Deman Street and is scheduled for demolition within the year.
This building was supposedly a school of some sort at one time, including mock
villages behind it. There is a wonderful piece of marble/granite on the floor
of the main entrance to this building complete with a logo. The new owners of
the property plan to salvage this section of the floor and incorporate it, in
some way, into their new building. Call it a tribute. While the Fort may be
gone, one small piece will live on.
Comment by vzeeec9d — March 18, 2005
@ 11:11 pm
Comment by BILL BERGHOLM — March 19,
2005 @ 3:54
I was in the 96B class at
“Holabird-on-the-Colgate” from January-April of 1965, then off to Region I of
the 113th MI Group in Chicago where I worked as an agent until 1967. I’d like
to hear from anyone from that era as I’m writing a book on the stateside role
of the 113th MI during the riots of 1967.
Comment by Craig Anderson — March
24, 2005 @ 12:11
-Looking for anyone who may have
known my father-in-law, Robert Andrew (Bob) Balog. He was at Fort Holabird in
late 1970. Thanks!
Comment by Leslie Balog — April 15,
2005 @ 12:59
Anybody attend image interpretation
school in 1968 and later assigned to the 45th Spt. Co. or CICV in Vietnam? All
I can remember is the Arbys roast beef joint outside the front gate.
Comment by David Driscoll — May 2,
2005 @ 5:40
I have almost the same memory and
perspective as you did from back in 1968. I completed Basic at Ft Dix in June
and took the bus trip to Balitmore like you. However, I was to become a 96B20
(intelligence analyst)I went through the same confusing reorientation
interactiong with people other than Drill Sargents. After arriving at Ft
Holibird and finding out that I could get home to Massachusetts every weekend
of the summer by taking the bus to Newark Airport and a short hop to Logan I
was elated. Alas by October 0f 1968 I was headed overseas where the odessey
Comment by Ted Williams — May 3,
2005 @ 12:09
Father spent career in CIC, and
retired from Holabird in ’61. His file is as thin as a recruits after 23 years
of assignement.
Comment by rinehart — May 3, 2005
@ 12:47 pm
I too have fond memories of the Bird
and the aroma of Colgate Creek. I was there in 1963, then to Bragg, then Korea,
then Viet Nam, where after about 6 months I reunited with many of my friends
from Bragg (but they came to me).
Back then, the really nice thing
about our line of business was there was hardly any where you were assigned
that you didn’t find at least one person you knew. Baker, French, Martin,
Comment by Paul D. Melton — May 3,
2005 @ 6:32
David Driscoll, the beef place
outside the main gate was Harleys. They were famous for the Harley Burger, it
was beef patties smotherd in onions. The other corner across from the main gate
was the Holabird Inn. I spent many a night there for three years, 1965-1968,
then stumbled to Harleys for a Harley Burger Sub.
Comment by bill leach — May 3, 2005
@ 10:48 pm
USAINTS 67-T-5 and 68-TA-1 96D2T RVN
1968-69 1st MIB(ARS) HHC at 121 Chi Lang St. in Gia Dinh/Saigon and 45th
MID(ARS) later re-named Det. E at Hue/Phu Bai. Back to USAINTS in ’69-’70 as
instructor and as Tac. NCO for the advanced II and NCO course. Spent many an
evening at the Holabird Inn where they made very good cheeseburger subs. and at
the Greek place a block or so on down Holabird Ave. Anyone remember Lts. Fitch
and Frick? Better known to us as Frick ‘n Frack.
Comment by John Nichols — May 14,
2005 @ 12:27
I arrived at the “Bird” just ahead
of a 100 year snowstorm in January of 66. I came from sunny California and
suffered the same experience about where Holabird was, at the airport. Finally
a guy from Arizona approached me and offered to share a cab as he was going to
Holabird as well. The first few months at the “Bird” were an experience to say
the least. At that point the place was overbooked. The barracks were stuffed
with four times the personnel they were designed to handle. The gym was filled
with bunks stacked 3 high. Every available space was used for housing. Then
school started, in double shifts. My class went from 0600 to 1200, with another
right behind us. I was one of those clerks with a top secret clearance, a 97D20
I believe. After school was done I got assigned to Holabird. Permanent Party
there was a good deal, except for one thing, the first sergeant…….aka: The
Tank. He would roust late sleepers for police call on the weekends. My
cube-mate and I bailed off the second story balcony once to avoid him. I worked
at the 1-2-3 club to make some extra $$$ and became kinda popular for being
able to pour the tallest beers, a reputation that followed me all the way to
Nam. Part of my time at Holabird was about as Un-military as one could imagine,
but I for one, would not have changed a thing. Does anyone know of any posted
pics of Holabird in the 60’s??
Comment by Ray Bosnich — May 25,
2005 @ 10:38
I arrived at Holabird from Fort
Lewis in late Sept. of 66 and did the image interpretation course. It was
culture shock, Holabird was great and I too remember the old Holabird Inn.
Baltimore or “Balmer” as the locals called it was a fun place. All of us from
our class shipped out for TIFF training at Ft. Myers and then on to Bragg and
the 15th MI. I transferred over to the 14th MI and worked in supply for CONTIC
until I was sent to Vietnam and the 73rd Aviation Company in Vung Tau.
Comment by Jim Shoop — May 25, 2005
@ 12:25 pm
I grew up in Dundalk and lived just
outside the Ft. My first job, in 1959, was at the Officers Club doing
janitorial work and helping set up many functions and Friday Night Happy Hours.
I met many of the army brats living there and use to hang out at the pool next
to the Officers Club and then they built a new pool up on the hill by the old
tank track and ball fields. Use to walk through Cummings Apartments to get to
work. It would be nice to connect with any kids who grew up there in the late
Comment by Gary Clelan — June 6,
2005 @ 10:54
I arrived at Ft. Holabird in Sept.
of 1967 after basic training at Ft. Campbell Kentucky. Even before I started my
Area Studies training–actually the first night I was there–a couple of us
newbies headed downtown to the notorious “Block.” Didn’t even change out of our
uniforms. Joined up with the 6th Batallion, Special Ops, of the 525 MI Group in
Saigon after graduation from USAINTS. Later, went back to the Bird as an
instructor in the Area Studies Practical Applications Dept. Lots of drunken
nights at the Holabird Inn and the Keystone.
Comment by D. Morin — June 28, 2005
@ 9:13 pm
I wanted to add that last Sept. I
visited Baltimore for the first time since leaving Ft. Holabird in 1970. Stayed
at the Sheraton near the Inner Harbor but took a taxi to the old Ft. Holabird
site which is now an industrial park. The buildings where the Holabird Inn and
the Keystone are still there though appeared closed. Anybody remember Squire’s
Italian restaurant near the corner of Holabird and Dundalk? Still there and
greatly enlarged. Other than that, the surrounding neighborhood seemed to have
gone down hill considerably from 1970. I’m sure the Army installation provided
a lot of money to the area. There really is nothing left of the old Ft. Holabird
in the industrial park that I could see. Overall, I had a ball at the place and
surrounding area when stationed there.
Comment by D. Morin — June 29, 2005
@ 8:38 pm
Eurika! A Fort Holibird site. I did
two training at Fort Holibird. 97D20 MI coordinater and 97B40 Counter
Intelligence Agent In 69 and 71. Have never met anyone else from Holibird since
then. Lived in the WAC shack so know about the odor or Colgate Creek. Worked at
H&H company as a Coordinator. Got sent to Saint Louis Mo to the DODNAC
center as an Agent.
Comment by Kathleen Stevens — July
5, 2005 @ 4:13
Did 97B and then 97C training at ‘the
Bird’, in the late ’60’s enjoyed your rememberances. I will tell you my own
briefly. Upon arriving at Holibird after Basic, and having my first meal at the
mess hall.
Having my first meal in 8 weeks in
leisure. I had baked halibut. Being from west Texas, I had never had it before,
but due to the wonderful memories it brings back, it remains one of my favorite
Comment by A. Robertson — July 5,
2005 @ 6:19
I remember I enlisted in March 1966,
I went to basic at Fort Knox, signed up for OCS and they sent me to Fort Ord,
California for 11B10 training. Just before finishing 11B10, I found out that I
was being sent to Fort Sill, OK for Artillery OCS and I would be a Forward
Observer. Having a desire to have a chance in living, I dropped my orders for
OCS and they sent me to Fort Holabird for 96B20, Intelligence Anaylst Training.
We had a mixed class of Marines and Army. We had a Marine Master Sgt. It was
good times. I remember going to a movie and us laughing at James Bond. I was
sent to Fort Bragg, we called ourselves the lost 11. I was a desk analyst for
Israel and Jordan, wrote these strategic analysis books. Gave out bagels and
lox during the 67 war. Everyone went to Vietnam except me, I was sent to Seoul
Korea, worked in the War Room 8th Army, I was the NCOIC. Very interesting work.
Comment by Joel Storchan — July 6,
2005 @ 3:13
I was at the “Bird” in 1968. It was
a great experience except when the booze plants smoke stacks lit up. Anyone
remember the name of the sandwich place across from the front gate?
Comment by Chris Sawyer — July 6,
2005 @ 9:39
What the heck were the “booze plants
smoke stacks?” I think the sub shop was called Harley’s or something like that.
A much better sub shop was located near the corner of Holabird and
Dundalk–think it was called the Village Subs. On the way back from the Keystone
we would stop there for a hamburger sub, eat it on the way back, and then throw
up on the railroad track. Doesn’t get much better than that.
Comment by D. Morin — July 7, 2005
@ 9:14 pm
It was Harley’s. They were famous
for Harley_Burgers. Three hamburger patties in a sub roll, smothered in onions
(I’m getting hungry)! Even better, was the holabird Inn on the other
corner!!!(I’m getting thirsty)!
Comment by bill — July 7, 2005
@ 11:02 pm
Fort Holabird, the most unmilitary
post in the Army. I went through the agent’s course (97B) in the fall of 1964.
Mostly I went through lots of beer at the Holabird Inn. There was a girl who
played piano there in the fall of 1964. Our class were regulars there and often
joined in and sang with her. She was a sweetheart to tolerate a bunch of drunk
agent wannabees. Wonder whatever happened to her?
Went back to the ‘Bird in fall of
1966 for 97C training but was older, wiser and married.
Mostly I remember the actors in the
glassed-in classroom. And that damn bouncing bridge between the barracks and
the classroom building. We used to march in step to see how high we could
bounce it. Great times.
Comment by Rogers — July 9, 2005
@ 8:22 am
I remember the interminable time
spent in casual company in 1968 and the “ole Sarge” who doled out the work
assignments. I caught a good one as a driver until my 97C class started in
July. Many good memories inspite of the rather alarming odor wafting from
Colgate creek. As I recall, “Hey Jude” covered the airways.
Comment by Gary halgunseth — July
13, 2005 @ 6:39
Graduated from the I.I. Course (I
still have my diploma), 14 Feb-67 signed by Col.Richard S. Smith, Commandant
and Major James Hess. Lucked out and went to SETAF Aviation Co. in Italy, not
before getting stuck in casual company. (guys waiting for their class to begin
and other waiting to ship out) they line you up in the A.M. and give out B.S.
duties for the day. After two days of not calling my name – I
walked around the Fort all day, till the EM club opened.
They did things 1st class at the
‘bird’ I still have a formal Invitation for the 1966 Thanksgiving Day Dinner.
“Consolidated Mess 136″, with a
message from Col. Smith on one side and the menu on the other.
They even took the class to Aberdeen
Proving Ground for a day, and sent us to Ft. Myer so we
could tour the Pentagon. What other
Post hands out ‘Day Trips”?.
Great Fort, Great bunch of guys.
Comment by Steve Sisco — July 15,
2005 @ 9:50
Great to read the rememberances
here. I was a 96D2T II and I showed up in Jan.1969. My welcome experience was
very similar, the CQ sent me down to Casual Company (I think this is where John
Dean served his Watergate Sentence)and the first guy I met was Paul Benoit. He
asked me what my school was and when I told him I was an II he said,”You’re
going ta Nam, all the 96 Deltas do…”. I had just come off Christmas leave and
my orders had me reporting on 12/31 which I recall was a Friday night. The CQ
told me to get lost until Monday if I wanted to, but I didn’t have the money to
go back home to Connecticut so I just hung out. I think I was in Casual for
about a week and then we were assigned to a school. We were the PM class which
ran from noon to 6PM. That was great because we didn’t have to get up until
9:00AM. I really liked my time at the Bird and I was hoping that I could get
back there after I did my time in Nam (1st Mibars Det B in Danang
5/15/69-4/15-70)but no such luck, I went to the 66th MI Group in Munich (that
is a whole other talk show). Benoit and I were assigned to Det B as “brothers”
but he was killed by a Marine who was stealing his jeep about half way through
our tour.
Our Bay in Building 36, as I recall,
was a small one that looked out at the Railroad tracks that ran through the
post. On Friday nights we would watch as the new guys would arrive by bus from
Dix and Basic. We got the idea that they needed some discipline so I dressed up
as a Drill Corporal, I had a Smokey Bear hat and I was an acting jack squad
leader so I would go down and meet the bus and dole out the standard ration of
harassment that these poor souls were all expecting. I would bark at them
trying to scare them into thinking that Basic was a picnic compared to what
they were in store for at the Bird! Because they were all expecting this very
treatment they were only too obliging. I don’t know why I didn’t get punched
out when they saw me around post in the weeks following when they realized how
civilized the Holabird experience was.
Remember the Friday night cattle shows
at the 123 club? My memory is very dim from those days but I remember going to
them and watching some of my classmates getting drunk and dancing with girls
they would never approach under any other circumstances. Dancing to “Crimson
and Clover” by Tommy James and the Shondells God it was pretty lame.
I really had a good time, made great
friends, and learned a lot there and then when we graduated from II school they
sent us over to Ft. McNair for a week’s TDY at the Behavior Research Lab in DC.
We were asked to read out photos in the AM and then we were out on the town
during Cherry Blossom time from noon on. It was a nice way to leave for Nam.
Comment by —
July 15, 2005 @ 9:05 pm
Gosh…Holabird. Certainly remember
dinners at Hausner’s and evenings at the Acropolis. I went through the 9668
course in 1963/1964 and from there on to the 502nd in ROK. Crossing the Colgate
on the way to lunch…what a way to kill an appetite. For a number of summers in
the late 1960’s and into the the very early 1970’s I took summer vacations at
Ft. Holabird…2 to 4 week stints as part of the residency portion of the Carrer
Course one does as a reservist. Colonel Sheldon the foreign area intellignece
school man at Holabird when I was there and my Bn.CO in ROK. Fun times.
Comment by E. Herrick — July 21,
2005 @ 1:37
Comment by RICHARD A. PROSS — July
27, 2005 @ 2:12
Arrived at Ft. Holibird September
1966 after basic in Ft. Lenordwood, Missori. Original orders were for advanced
training as a Battle Order Specialist (trained in viewing photos with the magnifying
glass on a small stand above photos taken from the air). One cool fall morning
we were lined up during morning muster, they called out names. 13 of us lucky
devils were called out. We were advised that we were going to get some
additional advanced training, another 13 weeks “Prisoner of War Interrogator.”
Note the number 13? This was a guaranteed trip to Nam. My best memory of
Holibird was the weekends, usually Friday or Saturday night, about 1:30-2:00 AM
some guy would go to Harleys and bring back one of their famous sandwiches. The
smell would wake up everyone in the barricks and off we would all go and get
our own. Seemed to be a weekend tradition. I was with the 9th Division Military
Intelligence unit in the Mekong Delta. Finished my last time at Ft. Bragg at
the new training school set up there to train replacements in 1968.
Comment by Richard Goniu — July 28,
2005 @ 12:23
I was in the agent class fall of
1963, then to the 108th in New England. After mostly doorbell ringing, promoted
to civilian. After myriad of adventures, moved back to teach college (and write
my book—go to and joined MIANE, the local CIC old farts
association, which meets monthly, and even gave a presentation ot two. Plan to
visit Baltimore in October when in DC for the AFIO meeting.
Comment by Philip Madell — July 29,
2005 @ 5:41
I am writing a book on the CHUSA
activities in the late ’60’s. Any of you who were involved in CHUSA in those
days, I would really appreciate hearing from you. You will of course be well
cited. Thanks.
Comment by Alan Robertson — August
2, 2005 @ 1:47
I too was struck by the relaxed
atmosphere of Holabird immediately upon arriving in July of 69. The group that
accompanied me and I had just finished basic at Fort Ord. After traveling all
day we arrived sometime after midnight on a Sunday morning and were told to
show up for classes on Monday. I remember the guy who checked us in saying that
we weren’t going to believe how different our treatment would be at Holabird
compared to the treatment we had been subjected to in basic. I was skeptical at
first, but by Monday morning I knew what he was talking about. It was almost
like being in college again.
Near the end of my 96B Intelligence
Analyst training several classmates and I were selected against our wishes (I
had orders for Germany)for the first 96B NCO Academy because they could not get
enough volunteers to fill the class. I seem to recall there were only a handful
of applicants. The Major in charge of the program assumed that there would be
such an overwhelming response to participate that he had prepared to interview
candidates. There was not, and we were all required to interview. It turned out
to be an absurd situation as it became a “reverse” interview, with the
interviewees doing their best to present themselves as unqualified or
emphatically resistant to being selected. I guess my orders to Germany were a
convincing argument against my selection, however two of those who had been
selected had their top secret clearances come through and I was chosen to
replace one of them. I completed the course and ended up as a much resented
“shake and bake” E5 with the 4th MI Co of the 4th Infantry Div. in Vietnam.
Other memories of Holabird: the old
gymnasium and handball court; the infamous “Block” of downtown Baltimore; great
polish sausage sandwich served in the E4 and above(?)Club.
Comment by Mike Luckey — August 5,
2005 @ 10:24
Best 6 months of my life, followed
by the worst year(Nam)in the 45thMI CICV at Ton Son Nut. I was there mid 65 to
early 66. Spent weekdays with the nurse students at the hospital then weekends
back in the bronx. Anyone at the compound at Long Bin.
Comment by Bob Marold — August 17,
2005 @ 3:44
Wow…not even sure how I stumbled
in here but it’s great! I arrived at Holabird in March or April(?) of 1966
for 96 Delta training. I believe we were the first TIFF qualified class. Fond
memories of soft-shell crab subs from the place down the street, and hazy
memories of puking my guts out somewhere near the creek after a night at the
123 club. I recall seeing the movie “the Ipcress File†at the post theater and wishing I had signed up for Agent School
One Marine in our class had a wicked
habit of waiting ‘till a payday Saturday night and covering the urinals with
Saran-Wrap and taping a Playboy pinup at eye level. Around midnight when the
guys came staggering in to take a leak before crashing, their attention was on
the pinup, not where they were pissing….you’d hear a rata-tat-tat splashing
sound and then a loud SON-OF-A-BITCH!!! from the latrine.
After training at the ‘Bird, I was
sent to the 15th MI Bn at Ft. Bragg…God, what a pit compared to Holabird. The
15th MI was basically a holding tank for our MOS and all we had was sh*t duty
like shoveling coal and painting barracks. Got so bad that I asked to be
assigned to a unit in Nam, but then some Black Suits from the Pentagon showed
up at morning formation and asked for five 96D volunteers for an unspecified TS
project and my hand shot up….anything would be better than Bragg. Got lucky
and spent the next two years at Redstone Arsenal, R&D Directorate, working
on a real-time aerial recon project that never got off the ground.
Thanks for the site & the
Comment by John Wallis — August 21,
2005 @ 2:55
Accidentally stepped into this site.
Thanks for setting up.
Started at Ft Benning 2 days after
college graduation. From Benning I caught an allnight train through the North
Ga Mountain and Appalacians…great ride and finally slept until sunrise and
stopped at Baltimore. After basic training did not know what to expect…knew no
one there either and also remember lugging that ugly green duffle on a
Baltimore city bus to Ft Holabird. Man what memories…vagly remember the Harley
restaurant and barely remember a swinging bridge…but strongly remember the
building where the Jeep (GP) was designed. Forgot the name of the stinky creek
but after hearing Colgate Creek it brought back memories.
In my case I was stationed in
barracks with a bunch of routy Green Berets. We had a mystery man there that in
the middle of the night (after heavy drinking)would rest his forehead on the
side of a top bunk and take a leak on the person the bottom bunk…when the
person on the bottom bunk screamed or yelled the Green Beret would run
away…after 3 or 4 weeks of this they finally caught the guy who was having a
drinking and sleep walking disorder but knew he was guilty when the yells woke
him up…
Never forget watching Boog Powell
(first baseman for the Baltimore Orioles)hit one in to the second level seats.
At 21 yrs old my first major league baseball game.
After a real education at Ft
Holabird I spend 1 day leaning how to pick locks at the Pentagon. I was there
when we landed on the MOON and as a country boy from Georgia that had never
left my state except for Florida on vacations, I decided to do something
special on the day of the landing on the Moon. Went to the DC to the Aerospace
Museum to sit underneath the Wright Brothers Plan…as I waited for the Lunar
Landing, sitting directly underneath the Wright Brothers plan, a secret service
agent walked up and ask politely if I would mind giving up my seat. I did and
seconds later the Vice President Spiro Agnew and Astronaut Frank Borman took my
seat (couch) and watched the landing on the Moon as I stood in the background
on national television. My 15 minutes of fame.
After Ft Holabird I was bound for
Fort Shafter, Honolulu Hawaii. What a great 1 and 1/2 year tour of duty. The
military intelligence technology at Ft Shafter still today amazes me. Finally
my last year was spent at Binh Wah (spelling?) at Trac III Headquarters.
Went back to Baltimore to find Ft
Holabird about 5 years ago, found Dundalk, and from a friend later found Ft
Holabird was shut down in 1973 and sold to a developer. Condo’s and or
apartments there.
Would love to hear from Dennis
Torrey (MN), Roseboro (NC) or anyone else at Ft Holabird. Most people at Ft
Shafter in Hawaii were from Ft. Holabird.
Ed Haley
Comment by Eddie Haley — August 24,
2005 @ 8:33
Enjoyed reading all the comments.
Brought back alot of memories. Was at Ft. Holabird from October 1966 – April
1967. Then to Vietnam for the next 31 months.
Comment by Jeff Reif — August 26,
2005 @ 2:02
Enjoyed the trip down memory lane.
Was at Holibird High from Sept. 64 to Nov. 64 96B class.
From there to Ft. Eustis to a
Transportation Intel. Det. and then MACV. The 123 club, the subs, and friday
beer parties behind the barracks, all great memories.
Comment by Ed Speakman — September
1, 2005 @ 9:27
After language school (Vietnamese)
at DLI – El Paso, I was at Holabird for Combat Intelligence training in late
1970. In January 1971, I was assigned to the Combined Intelligence Center, Viet
Nam (CICV).
Comment by Ed McCoin — September 21,
2005 @ 1:00
Was stationed at Holibird from ’64
thry ’67 as S/A and Instructor on the FTX Committee. Anyone from that era and
duty, please contact me.
Comment by Bob Scharbert — September
27, 2005 @ 8:52
I came upon this by accident! I was
stationed at USAINTS from July 18 1969 to September 14 1969 (approx).
I was a 96B20 and was a member of
the WAC. I have been trying to find Cheryl Muto — she was stationed there also
— would love to talk to her.
Yes, I remember the Colgate —
smelled like apricot pits (cyanide???).
After Holabird I was stationed at
the Presidio of San Francisco, another abandoned post.
This was fun. Enjoyed reading it.
Comment by Brenda Cates Kilby —
September 28, 2005 @ 1:12 pm
Brenda: I spoke with Cheryl Muto
(Clyde) last week. She lives in Wisconsin and I bet would love to talk to you.
Comment by kathleen Stevens —
October 15, 2005 @ 1:00 pm
This is absolutely wonderful!!! Only
someone who knew her well would remember her as “Clyde!”
Would also like to know whatever
happened to Kathy Irish, my roomate at Holabird.
And if anybody knows whatever
happened to Rose, somebody buy her a drink!!!
Comment by Brenda Cates Kilby —
October 16, 2005 @ 8:46 pm
I knew a Rose, at Holibird, but can
not think of her last name. The one I knew was gay, got outed, so married a
young Marine she had just met, to counter the “gay” charge, and was given an
honorable discharge all within a 7 day time frame. The young Marine sat in the
Wac Shack charge of quarters room for a long time waiting for her, before he
finally gave up. As far as I know he never saw Rose again, and neither did any
of the rest of us. Rose did like to Party!
Comment by Kathleen Stevens —
October 26, 2005 @ 8:53 pm
Entered Army through Ft Holabird Rep
Station in Mar 65. Came back to 97B course after Basic at Ft. Jackson. Was
deverted to 97D after waiting 8 wks. Classes held above 123 Club, HOT. Finished
course, went to Art OCS (Dec 66)and then assigned to NSA, Came back and took
the 666 course, went to VN and came back to MI Advance Course at Holabird (70).
A lot of good times. DAME Course, Photo Course, The covert truck that broke
down in the city and hauled back to Post with Army Wrecker. Taking covert
pictures of diners in the revolving resturant, catching the 668 trying to
infiltrate into Philadelphia. Yes,those were the days.
Comment by John Major — November 1,
2005 @ 2:56
I went to the Holabird School for
Wayward Boys in 1962 in the Agents course. Most amazing group of instructors
and perm party. I had a couple of languages and wound up living in the
proverbial “Interesting Times”.
When I wound up active duty my
security debriefing took 2 1/2 hours while they reminded me of all the things I
was supposed to forget. Civilian clothes and very little chicken exhaust.
Comment by Michael Woodill —
November 1, 2005 @ 10:47 pm
Did basic training at Ft Dix August
1961 ( E Company under Lt Wiggins with Sgt Turner )Then by bus to Ft. Holabird
for the agents course with a mixed bag of “troopers”. Remember typing with
“click along with Mrs. Clicka” and running around tunnels with empty .38 2″
When taught background investigations we were instructed to cover LIDMAC, i.e.,
loyalty, integrety, ?, morals, ? and character. For the life of me I can not
remember the D and A. Does anyone remember? Lived in Towson at the time so
commuted. Ended up in the reserves witht he 224th MI detachment in Willow
Grove, PA. Summer camps at Ft. Meade and Camp Drum.
Comment by Dan Egan — December 6,
2005 @ 9:55
The “D” in LIDMAC stood for
Comment by Bill Leach — December 6,
2005 @ 10:12
Dan: I remember “Ma Clicka”. She
could teach anyone to type, even me, allthough I insisted it was against my
religion! She held a world record as the fastest typist! I can’t remember
D&A infact I had forgotton LIDMAC all together. But I remember FNU LNU and
A thru F 1 thru 5 clasification system for informants. I could still do back
asthmiths if I had to, but I still would not like it.
Comment by Kathleen Stevens —
December 7, 2005 @ 10:46 pm
Thanks Bill for the Discretion part
of the puzzle. Now for the A! And Kathlen, I forgot to mention FNU LNU because
I never forgot it. For those who might have forgotten, it stood for “first name
unknow”, “last name unknown”. And I might have used Clicka instead of Klicka.
Not sure which is correct. And they were indeed good days. Come on someone with
the missing “A”. I suppose the compass/map course has been replaced with the
GPS/map course. The photography course lead to a life long hobby.
Comment by Dan Egan — December 10,
2005 @ 10:25
Dan, it just stands for “and”.
Morals and Courage. Type in LIDMAC on google and you will find quite a bit of
Comment by bill — December 12, 2005
@ 10:08 pm
Bill. Thanks, now I can rest.
Comment by Dan Egan — December 19,
2005 @ 9:59
Came to Holabird in 1964 (June or
July) for the Interrogator course after half a year as a straight leg in the
5th Inf Div at Ft Carson, a year in Nha Trang and Kontum, and a year learning
Russian at the Presidio of Monterey. Ended up in a Border Resident Office of
the 511th MI Co in Germany which turned out to be a dream assignment (about 100
miles from the headquarters, civilian clothing allowance, off-post offices and
quarters, etc., etc.) Holabird was fun, but I never did adjust to the summer
“aroma.” Kept in touch with two classmates for many years, but have long since
lost contact. Enjoyed this site immensely. Thanks!
Comment by Jack — January 25, 2006
@ 9:45 pm
This was fun reading everyone’s
memories of Ft. Holabird. Took a similar bus trip in Dec. 1968 from Ft. Dix,
arriving in Baltimore after midnight, and no one in Baltimore knew where
Holabird was. The cabbie claimed he didn’t know where it was and stiffed me for
a $10 ride after he finally “found” the place. Who could forget the Holabird
Inn (I had forgotten all about those great cheeseburger subs). The folks who
ran the place were great people. I’ll never forget the jukebox there which
showed pics of scantilly clad women as the records played (was new to me being
from Maine!). Was in the 97C course from March 69 thru July 69 (Agent Handler
course). So many of us there we had to hang around from December to March
waiting for a class to open up. My kids today still ask me what it was like to
be a “spy.” Went from there to DLIWC in Monterey, CA for Vietnamese language
school for a year and then for a year in MI stationed at Bien Hoa Army Base in
Comment by Larry Hamilton — January
31, 2006 @ 4:35
Last communication back aways(2004).
Hope I can answer some of your questions from at least the mid-1950’s. The
eatery outside the main gate was the Liberty at that time. The infamous
Keystone was up the street. Squires up and across and the sub-place, whose name
I can’t recall, on the corner. The Headquarters company commander was a Captain
Thomas Evans and his exec a Cpt. Ansumea(?). The 50’s where a little more (not
much though) Army than what came later and permanent staff experienced a little
more b.s than trainees but nothing compared to Fort elsewheres. The interesting
part of Holabird is the high level of education of our mostly draftee and
enlistee privates and specialists(lawyers, ma’s, ph.d.’s, etc). I was assigned
to training aids (whatever in the hell that was). Every six months they trucked
us out to Meade to requalify on some M1’s they had somewhere. This shot our
Saturday (oh what suffering and bitching that caused) We lived in bays in the big
bldg in back of Furlow field. We were truly a company of smart-asses, cynics,
misfits and general malcontents but I am sure we all were thankfull we didn,t
really have to play soldier despite all our bitching. We had two generals (one
at a time) a Boniface Campbell(sounds civil war) and then a Richard Gaither
(both Brigidiers). Most Fridays at about 4:30 we marched in review behind our
awful band who seemed to know one song, Colonel Boggies(?) March.
Class A, no rifles. KP and guard occasionally (Ml’s without ammunition, they
didn,t trust us). Many more memories and details but I don’t want to bore you
more than I have.aplpreciated hearing from anyone from the 50’s and thanks for
your site.
Two questions: How do I get to your site without going through google and have
you changed your e-mail address (the old one is returned)?
Comment by Manny — March 8, 2006
@ 10:59 am
Maude Klecka, FNU LNU, A-F 1-5,
LIDMAC. Just like old times. I was in Klecka’s last class, before her
retirement, hers and the Underwoods! Did a stint at Holabird to become a CI
Agent in ’70, with interrogator for good measure. Then off to the 902nd, 113th
and finally CICV. Wasn’t the sub place named something like Harley’s? What was
the name of the bar right outside the main gate? Holabird Inn? Who else was
DAME & DASE trained? Some talents are never lost! 97B40A
Comment by Lon Schank — March 14,
2006 @ 8:05
I was with Dick Goniu’s class in Sep
66…see his post above…I had a candy apple red 1969 Olds Super 88 convertible
since I was from Philly, not too far from Balmer. Took a photo of my car under
“Big John’s Place”, made my car look about 1/2 scale!
I dated a gal from Northern Pakway
area who was a sophomore at Eastern HS for a long time, she sent me DJ while in
Nam. Met up with her again last year in DC…glad I didn’t marry her!
My favorite eatery was the Gino’s
with KFC on the road to Sparrow’s Point…best burgers in the world! Stopped
there every Sunday night on the way in from Philly.
Went to DLI Viet at Biggs Fld, then
to 525th then to Co A 519th MI Bn, worked at CMIC.
I have stayed in touch with a
half-dozen or so of the guys in the 96B & 96C classes in the fall of 1966.
Some guys are famous (?) such as Sandy Chadwick who is a radio reporter for NPR
out in CA and Mike Landrum who as an actor, starred in a soap opera called “How
To Survive a Marriage” in the 70s or 80s as well as numerous TV commercials (Horizon
coffee, also some antacid…maybe Riopan?). Also one guy, who shall remain
nameless at this time, ended up as a big shot with the Company. He is retired
If someone were to e-mail me I would
be happy to discuss a reunion of sorts we are planning for 2007, which is
approx 40, yes forty yeas ago!!!
Comment by Joseph Lachowiec — March
23, 2006 @ 4:36
Your site brought back great
memories. I was at Holabird from March thru June 1967, in 97D class. I remember
that 33 of the 34 students in our class went to Vietnam together! I had the
same shock when I arrived at Holabird. Got there on a Saturday night and got up
at 5am Sunday morning assuming it was the same routine as boot camp. A drunk
private came stumbling in the barracks and told me to go back to bed. It was a
great time!!! Thanks for the memories!
Comment by Ron Seacrist — March 24,
2006 @ 3:47
Good stuff. I was there both as an
inmate and a keeper from about April 66 to Jan 69.
Would like to hear from anyone who was in DODNACC or USAINTC during that
period. I served
as BG Blakefields driver and gofer for about a year. Note to Craig Anderson: I
was there
in Chicago during both riots (TDY) and would like to contribute. I can be
reached at:
SP5 Ronald Wayne Griffith, USAINTC
“first member of my family to serve in the Yankee army since reconstruction”
Comment by Wayne Griffith — May 15,
2006 @ 3:24
Testing……1, 2, 3.
NOTE: Manny (Manfred) Adler has
posted comments here bofore (see: 2/12/04, 3/1/06, and 3/8/06), but for reasons
I cannot figure out yet, he is unable to leave a comment here.
Anyway, he is interested in knowing
about any reunions and such. In addition, if any of you can help figure out why
he is having trouble commenting here (I don’t think my spam filters are
flagging them), please try to help him.
Jim – Parkway Rest Stop
Thanks and let’s see if this shows
Comment by Manny Adler — September
8, 2006 @ 2:36 pm
Arrived Jan.6,1966 after basic,I
also was amazed at how Holibird was run. Was there from Jan till Apirl 66. I
went through the 96B20 & 96C20. Started snowing the 6 of January. Did not
see ground till some time around of March. Remember bus loads of nursing
students on Friday night for Dances. Went to Ft.Bragg and from there to Vietnam
with the 519th BN. Served there from July 66 till July 67. Spec5 Donald R.
Comment by Donald Stacks — September
16, 2006 @ 11:47 pm
Boy, Sawyer sure turned around from
the jerk to a seemingly likable guy. And I think him and Kate will be having a
baby soon :).
Someone said that this post was not
accepting comments. Just wanted to check.
Parkway Rest Stop
Checking again to make sure the
comments are working.
Parkway Rest Stop
Testing if this one works.
Comment by manny — March 31, 2007
@ 6:25
Thanks and yes it works. Manny
Comment by manny — March 31, 2007
@ 6:29
Does anybody have pictures of Ft
Holabird? Could you post them on line or send them to me in an e-mail? Thanks,
Comment by bill leach — April 28,
2007 @ 12:54
Perhaps this may help you in your
quest.The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (if this is indeed still
the official designation) at Fort Belvior, Virginia (assuming it is still
located there) published a book back in 1993 titled THE MILITARY INTELLIGENCE
STORY: A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY. This book contains a few photos of Ft. Holabird
(pages 24 and 46).
this source may know of some other archival materials. If you should find any I
suspect myself and others would apreciate that information. Best of luck in
your search.
Comment by manny — April 29, 2007
@ 11:03
Manny, thanks for the info. I just
found an aerial photo from the 60s. (it must be before 1965 because I can’t see
the swimming pool that was there when I was in 1965-1968). You can see it at:
Thanks again and I will keep you
Comment by Bill — May 27, 2007
@ 8:31
After leaving basic training at Ft.
Knox in August 1968 I boarded a flight from Louisville, Ky. to Baltimore, Md.
and Ft. Holabird. On arrival the smell of Colgate creek and the humid August
heat of Maryland are still branded into my memory.
I was about to begin my training as
a 96b20, intelligent analyst or so I thought. It seemed I had just missed the
start of a class; another class would not begin for almost a month. So, it was
work details and the infamous weekly KP duty.
Once school began life got better,
passing class was in the forefront of everyone’s mind. Some passed, others did
Once school was over all graduates
except one received orders to Vietnam, “the one” received orders for Hawaii.
Vietnam orientation began on
Saturdays in the movie theater, followed with combat training at Ft. George
From August 68 to late Nov. 68, life
at Holabird was liveable. It was an experience of learning and many practical
jokes with shave cream, shoe polish, tooth paste, short sheeted bunks; to wet
bedding in the cold Baltimore fall mornings.
An enjoyable site to relive old
memories – no regrets.
Comment by Gregory M. Virginia —
June 3, 2007 @ 12:04 pm
The swimming pool if my memory is
still relatively intact was there in the mid 50’s. It was in the vicinity of
the officer’s club and off limits to peons. I recall a chain link fence and
sqeals of children and teen laughter but that is as close as we ever got. It
was on the way to the dental clinic (speaking of ambivalence).
Comment by manny — June 6, 2007
@ 5:16
Manny, the pool I am talking about
would be all the way to the left in the picture. There also was a bowling alley
next to the pool and that is not in the picture either.(did you see the
picture)? I do remember the pool at the Officers club.
I just noticed the date of your last comment, June 6th. That is the date I left
Ft Holabird for the last time, June 6, 1968.
Comment by bill — June 13, 2007
@ 10:51
Do not remember an elisted pool or bowling alley and did not take the photo
interpretation course though ran many a thermofax overlay (does this date me or
what?) during night shift at training aides (or is it aids, the disease or the
assistants?). oh well! I find this site fascinating since it is the first
cantact in lo these many years. I guesss we did exist.
Comment by manny — June 13, 2007
@ 7:20
I just noticed the June 6th comment. D-day, what a coincidence. Manny
Comment by manny — June 13, 2007
@ 7:21
June 6th 1968 is also the day RFK
Comment by bill — June 13, 2007
@ 8:17
What a coincidence!
Comment by manny — June 14, 2007
@ 5:41
I was there Jan. 65 to July 65. Took
the basic INTC course and then 9666. I was assiigned to HQ, Region I of the
113th in Chicago. Holabird was a country club after nine weeks at Ft. Benning and
the training was outstanding. Anyone recall the field excercise at the old
coastal artillery fort in Baltimore harbor.
When I got theChicago, I scoped cases for three months and then went to the
Fifth Army Field Office in Hyde Park. I was a door knocker for four m onths and
then took over at SAC. I had two E-2’s, 2 DAC’s and an E-6. I have a vague
recollection that one of the young guys was named Anderson but things are a
little foggy after all these years. One of the DAC’s was named Lynch and knew
where every street address in Chicago was w/o looking at a map. My E-6 was an
old timer named George Choi and I wish I could tell him just how much I
appreciate all he did for me. We did BI’s for the most part, but had several
derogatory investigations and did security penetration efforts for the Nike
sites along the lake front. It was good duty and I worked with some very bright
and motivated guys. The Head of the region was Col. George Paddis.
Comment by Bill Yantis — July 2,
2007 @ 3:13
Did anyone serve in the “old 109th
CIC Detachment in C
Cleveland, Ohio?
Bill Yantis: The “old coastal
attilery fort in Baltimore harbor” is a new on for me. The only one I recall is
the Francis Scott Key one of “Star Bangled Banner” fame, never knew their was
Comment by manny — July 7, 2007
@ 5:01
Really enjoyed reading all the
comments above. However, was not a student at Holabird, but actually permanent
party assigned to HHC-USAINTC (not intel “S”chool, but “C”enter) from 2/23/63
thru 9/3/65. Started out in pay records where I processed incoming students,
both enlisted and officer for their pay vouchers. A special shout-out to Capt
Rakov, M.D. who thanked me for my assistance by giving me a permanent profile
so I didn’t have to to PT or KP for the rest of my duty time. After spending
about 9 months in Pay Records, my section sgt. John Davis got PO’d with me for
taking an extra day off after an extra-painful double extraction and told me to
report to my CO after I got off quarters. The CO decided he needed an OJT cook
in the consolidated mess, so he put me there where I lasted about a year as a
glorified KP. Then, thanks to SP/5 Gary Doyle, the Co Morning Reports clerk, I
was “paroled” into the orderly room to learn the MR job so I could replace Gary
when he ETS’d. A real cushy job from 6am to 2pm. Of course, then we got a new
First Shirt who thought I should work until 5pm just like everyone else (didn’t
matter that I started 3 hours earlier than everyone else). That was George “Mr
Clean” (cannot remember his last name). He had been the manager at the NCO Club
and was very well liked in that position. After he became 1st Sgt, he did a
180, becoming a real jackass. After about 6 months of Mr. Clean, I was
requested away from HHC staff to Troop Command to become a titless wac (clerk
typist) under Col. Jerry Wimberly and S/Maj Floyd Sampson and, of course, Mrs
Ortelt — the Col’s secretary (it seems as if SHE ran the office). While there I
finally got my E-4 specialist bird (quite overdue). A lot of you students there
in late 1964 and into 1965 may have come across me as the Troop Command clerk
that assigned you to your daily assignments while you were waitiing for your
classes to start. Those of you that were the non-bitchers got the plum assignments
and those picked at the end of the round (the bitchers) got the worse
assignments. Well, my 3 years came to an end on 9/3/65 and I left Holabird —
but didn’t go too far as I had fallen in love with a “local girl” and Baltimore
and stayed until 1980 when I moved back to my home state of Florida. Now, 27
years later, I am dreaming of one day soon returning to Baltimore — actually
Dundalk where I plan to retire and live out my remaining years. It appears that
Dundalk is experiencing a resurgence and regrowth. I, too, miss “Harleys”,
“Squires” and the night club up the street where they had a live band nightly
known as “The Punchanellos”. Seems as if Wednesday nights were 50c nite with
all well drinks at 50c each. Boy, could you get a buzz for $5 back then.
If any of you readers were there during ’63 to ’65 and remember your “casual
duty assignments” waiting for your classes to start or were there as permenant
party, get back with me at my email address of “”. I would
love to hear from you.
Enjoyed your recollections, the
first, I think, of someone who was permanent party. The “Bird” (a name we never
used, only students left with that nickname for the place, was a very different
place for transients and permanent “inmates.” We did the grunt work along with
our specialties and bitched comensurately. You were just a bit after my time.
The nightclub may have the Keystone or perhaps it had changed names by then?
Comment by manny — July 11, 2007
@ 5:40
Wow, the memories. Just stumbled
into this site. I graduated 97D20 at Holabird in January 1967. Do you remember
doing the surveillance training in downtown Baltimore and the locals yelling
out, “He went that way!” Then there was The Block. . .’nuf said. I went on to
the Field Support Group in D.C. –civilian clothes, light cover, paid apartment,
suburban office. Great duty. Then off to Vietnam. First MACV then levied to 5th
SFGA. Almost 40 -FORTY – years ago.
I came to this site as I’ve been trying to track down any more info about the
525th MI Group Villa that was overrun in Hue during TET. Anyone with any info
please contact me. Thanks for this site and the memories.
Manny of the 109th. We had a field
problem involving “pacification” of a population after the Infantry had swept
through. It was held at a coastal artillery fort, one of several that ringed
harbors in major cities on the seacoast. The ammunition bunkers were very large
and flooded. We were supposed to locate and identify contraband and secure
intel from “civilians” played with fiendish delight by permanent party troops.
Can’t recall the name of the place but it was not Ft. McHenry. If Craig
Anderson checks back here (he had an entry a couple of years ago) give me a
signal. I think you were one of my agents when I was SAC in Chicago. Of course,
the mind does play tricks on one.
Comment by Bill Yantis — September
1, 2007 @ 5:28 pm
Bill Yantis:
The 109th was the Cleveland,Ohio
detachment. I was permanent party at Holabird. No idea where your
“pacification” occured. Rings no bell. It might have been one of the Nike
sites? Hope you hear from Craig.
Comment by manny — September 5, 2007
@ 6:13
Drafted July 1968; basic Ft. Bliss;
Holabird Oct.1968-Mar. 1970,with language classes (French and Vietnamese) at
I was stationed at Holabird the
first time from May – Oct 1963 as a student in the Coordinator Course. Returned
as permanent party in Dec 1966 and stayed until Dec 1968. I was assigned to the
FTX Committee during that period. Comment #60, Bob Scharbert was there at the
same time. FInished the 97B and Photo Course while assigned. Went on to Vietnam
after that tour.
Comment by F. Don Clifton — November
16, 2007 @ 5:04 pm
Interesting piece on fort hunt and
p.o. box 1142 in today’s local paper. May be of interest to some of you in the
interrogation area.
Comment by manny — January 11, 2008
@ 5:32
I came to Holabird from basic at Ft.
Jackson…by train. My first week there is pretty foggy; all I remember is being
sick as a dog from the flu or something. They moved me to “casual company”
where I stayed for what must have been at least 3 months [September ’67 –
January ’68]. What a trip! I recall the guys in charge were Walshak(sp?) and
Ferenzak(sp?)…shades of Sgt. Bilko. After graduation from 96D2T (II), I think
my whole class ended up in ‘Nam.
Comment by JosephHill — February 25,
2008 @ 2:15
Someone asked about the “casual
company”. Permanent party were assigned to Headquarters company but placed on
details such as moppping until “cleared” for their permanent assignments. I
ended up under a Corporal Weeks (a real gem of a “soldier type”) mopping
floors, but only briefly due to the fact that nobody seemed to know that I was
there for a week or so, so simply wandered the base and slept in empty barracks
(some security). Did not really appreciate how unmilitary Holabird was. Really
lucked out after Knox and Gordon.
Comment by manny — March 2, 2008
@ 10:16
Any one who spent any time at Fort
HaHa will remember this place. It was the Holabird Inn, now it is the Travlers
Comment by bill — March 6, 2008
@ 11:13
Anyone still alive out there?
Comment by manny — September 30,
2008 @ 11:43
What a great site !!!!! I arrived at
Holabird in Dec 1966 and started 96B class in Jan 67. Our class was half Army
and Half Marines. Our senior NCO was a marine gunny and when he started yelling
to clean the deck and whatever they called the walls we just stood there. The
when he would try and march us to class we would refuse to break stride and
would get the old bridge bouncing. The Brass finally gave up and split us from
the Marines and SSG Skinner became our leader. A buddy of mine in basic at Ft
Knox znd I were sent to Ft Ha Ha (I had forgot all about that) by bus and got
there on a friday night. We had the same thing happen where he told us to come
back on Monday. We asked if we could go home and he said yes. We got a cab to
friendship airport and flew home to detroit. After completion of our course our
entire class except for me and another guy was sent to Bragg for assignment.
Kuzial and I were sent to Ft Ritchie Md. I was there for a few months and then
sent to Ft Bliss for language school. I went to Nam in Dec 67 and was assigned
to the 525th MI Gp. Since the thought I could speak Vietnamese they made me an
Advisor and I was with Team 51 in Bac Lieu until dec 68. From there I went to
Fr Bragg for 9 months until I discharged. Once again, what a great site to
stumble upon. Welcome home-
Comment by Bill Ballou — October 2,
2008 @ 11:30
Bill Ballou,
Marines at Holabird? In the mid 50’s
perhaps an officer or two, but 50/50? That’s some IQ leap.
Comment by manny — October 2, 2008
@ 5:12
Most of the marines were cpls &
sgts and were LRP’s and had already been to Nam. It was quite an experience !!!
They were OK with the Army privates like me.
Comment by Bill Ballou — October 2,
2008 @ 7:37
Thank God, I thought this site was
Comment by bill — October 2, 2008
@ 11:54
I wasn’t worried about the site as
much as the “posters”. Good to know other “Birders” are still checking in.
Comment by manny — October 3, 2008
@ 4:09
If any of you were advisors in
Vietnam the is a website and organization called Counterparts with posts from
members of quite a few different teams. If you search “counterparts” you will
see one called “counterparts frame page” ??? but that is the site. It is very
Comment by Bill Ballou — October 4,
2008 @ 9:13
I arrived at Camp Holabird as an E-6
MP after 10 years in the real Army….Amazing Officers called me “Jim” Re-up got
me into USAINTS teaching Map Reading to everyone; weapons ( 2″ 38cal to 97Bs ,
45cal SMGs to 96s and was a Tac NCO for a short period when Officer Basic was conducted
there….Attended 60-T-6 ( Imagery Interp ) and transferred to Air Recon as a
Math Instructor till 62, then Korea, then Math Instr until 62,then Vietnam,
then back as a math instructor until retirement as a CWO in 70. It is a real
treat to read this site as it brings back many memories. A permanent
Baltimorean, I have just a few obsevations to make.The field Artilley base at
Baltimore Harbor was a WWI Coast Artillery base at Ft Howard.( where the harbor
opens to Chesapeake Bay ) The Vietnam Village was located here. I worked with
“Lillian ” Klecka and the band was led by Msg Anderson( membership got you out
of all details )For permanent party EM membership in the ERF got those same
rights ( But got you in every friday parade on Furlow Field ). Thanks loads for
the memories>>>Jim.
Welcome to the site. Keep the
memories coming.
Comment by manny — November 4, 2008
@ 3:19
What exactly was the ERF?
Comment by manny — November 10, 2008
@ 6:31
Bernie Thielen,
To belatedly answer your 5/8/04
question: Not everyone stationed at Holabird need TS clearences. It all
depended on one’s MOS, access to classified materials and so on. Most support
personnel did not need clearence. There was a certain schizphrenia in operation
not to rule out paranoia. Manny
Comment by manny — February 19, 2009
@ 4:22
Thanks for the great site &
memories. Hello to all who I served with at Holabird in early ’68 for 97D
Went on to 525th MI Gp at the Ponderosa in Gia Dinh, RVN, then to the 113th MI
Gp (civvies) in Detroit. No regrets & proud to have served with exceptional
Comment by PHIL WISER — April 6,
2009 @ 2:13
Great memories… I arrived at the
bird on newyears day, 1968. OJ Simpson was scoring a touchdown in the RoseBowl,
and that past spring we were teammates on the SC track team. I loved being sent
from sunny California to the chill air of Dundalk and that odor of the creek! I
was not sent directly to classes in the 97 B40 as I had to wait for my
birthbay, two months later. So I was assigned to work in the basement of the
school in the mean time. I remember a general who was demoted to a pfc mopping
the floors until his retirement. That was cold. Mrs. Clicka was still working
us to type and those retired agents working the skits. Of a class of about
forty, we had about six marines, all senior to us just ourt of boot camps.
Everyone received orders a week before finishing the class and only three of us
were sent other than Vietnamese language training. Us three, Joe Bynum, an
older ex peace corps worker, was sent to Burma, another name I forget was sent
to the basement of the Pentagon to work for the Defense Secretary in the
offices of the 902nd or the Duce as we called it. I was the lucky one and was
sent back out to Los Angeles assigned to the All Army Track Team training out
of Ft. MacArthur. We had six army team members make the 1968 Mexico City
Olympic Team. I was not one of them and went to work the next month at the
115th MI Grp until moving on in life. The skills learned at the bird were the
best. I did not get to DASE or DAME classes, those were for lifers and I never
made that trip. We were yound agents and would best be used to infiltrate
groups where our coungterparts in other federal agencies could not match our
youth, so that is where we were put. Great times though. My old boss in MI is
now retired and living in Washington state and I visit him yearly. I have done
that since leaving the military in 1970. He saved me though and I owe him
forever. Richard Cayford is his name. I had been recruited into MI after being
noticed by a CIA officer working in the basement of the Doheny Library at USC
in 1967. There was a HRAF (human relations area files) system there and all
students working on anything there at the time had to sign in. Silly, how one
can innocently be nabbed. Anyway, Holabird was a great landing for any young
person at the time and it is no more. I have gone to visit the new school in
Arizona. I was amazed that the school an the people in the school are of a
different world than existed when I was as the bird. The mind that stated “the
only constant in this universe is change.” So true, but fond memories for the
Comment by gordon cooper — April 21,
2009 @ 4:42
Wow! I’m overwhelmed with memories.
I went there out of basic for the Agents class in the Summer of 68…Just after
Bobby Kennedy was shot. Some of the people I met there are friends of mine to
this day. I took a weekend off and hitched down to Virgina Beach to visit a
buddy while I was in casual co. I just didn’t have it in me to come back after
the weekend and went awol for a week. Finally I got up the guts to head back
and thought I would be shot immediately. Amazingly, nobody even knew I was
gone! Went to the Holabird inn bar and got on their Dart Team. First time I
ever played darts and still play to this day. Placed 2nd in the world in ’96.
Great Site.
Comment by Jack Radigan — April 22,
2009 @ 5:47
Gordon Cooper,
Curious, how have you found Holabird
different from Huachucha(sp?)? Different troops? Interested in your
Manny Adler
Comment by manny — May 3, 2009
@ 10:00
Arrived at Holabird in April 68
after basic at Bragg.Memories much like everyone else. Seemed like eaven after
basic. Casual until June , then started class 96B20-Intel analyst. Was to go
OCS in Fall. Got orders for RVN onlytobe sent back to Holabird. Back on orders
for OCS.Orders came thru for OCS but in INF. Turned down. Who wanted to INF
LTi68. RVN with 525 – assigned to 55th MID in Nha Trang tillMay 69.Extended to
Task Force South in Dalat/PhanThiet until 9/69. Early out .Did not want to go
to Bragg & paint rock. Ended mltary career with WVANG in 91. Fond memories.
The BLOCK – had lunchon 21st birthday at Playboy club. Great officers
-especially Col PrestonDavis inAdvance cource. Great bars off base. JohnDoyle
Comment by John Doyle — May 6, 2009
@ 6:42
I was at Fort Holabird from January
69 till May when I got orders for Germany.
I went through the 97B4 class and how well I remember and still tremble at the
thought of “Peachy Keen” and “Peter Poor”- what super memories.
I don’t miss the stench of Colgate creek but I do recall it.
I was briefly at the 66th MI Group
in Munich and then a week at the 527th MI Company but spent most of my time in
the Karlsruhe Field Office on Smiley Barracks in Karlsruhe, Germany.
I was sent to Oberamagau (lord wish
I could spell) to learn German hence my MOS became 97B4LGM3.
Would love to hear from any of you.
Comment by John Washington — May 22,
2009 @ 5:12
The 527 MI company being of course
in K town.
Comment by John Washington — May 22,
2009 @ 5:14
One more incident if I may:
I was interviewing an actor who appeared as a gay man dressed in a blue velvet
smoking jacket, open at the waist. He sat right next to me on a couch that had
been provided as a stage prop. I was nervous as heck and at the end of the
interview he asked me if I had anything else I wanted to say or ask. Anxious to
get off stage I replied “NO” to which he replied I just flunked the interview.
A LT told me that I would be
interviewd by the actor Peter Poor (Joseph Bandiera) I think. Worst guy you
could get.
Every time Peter Poor entered the
room using whatever name the role called for that day, the class would hiss and
boo him and right on clue he would turn to the class and say “I hear air
escaping from someone’s head” and we all laughed and he ate that up.
For one week I had the Aztec Two
Step in anticipation of my next interview. The LT reminded me that if I didn’t
do well, I would be dropped from the class.
So my day came, people hissed and
booed and Peter did his thing and then it was my turn to be on stage.
Knowing this would probably be my
last interview if not my last day on earth, Peter asked me who my installation
coordinator was – how the heck do I know who is the head of some installation?
I looked at Peter and said “General” and then I paused to think and out of my
stupid mouth came the word “Electric”- Peter stood up, his hands turning white
from gripping the table, spit coming out of his mouth and he asked if I was
ready to be an Agent.
The class was howling, I was almost
in tears and I was later told that the ONLY reason I didnt wash out of the
class was that Peter Poor thought it was funny too.
God bless that man.
Comment by John Washington — May 22,
2009 @ 7:36
Comment by John Washington — May 22,
2009 @ 7:59
One thing I can mention while
working as a CI Agent on Smiley Barracks in Karlsruhe, Germany, was the time I
was coming back from getting the mail.
I noticed some guy with a camera on
a tripod so I went over to him and asked what he was taking pictures of. He
showed me an old car in a field and said some friend in Karlsruhe who had no
access to the barracks might be interested in buying the car if it was in good
shape and so he was taking pictures of it in hopes of selling it.
I went over to the tripod and looked
through the lens of the camera and all I saw were military vehicles, not the
car in question.
I went to our office and told what I
saw and our entire office along with a German who worked for us and a Dutchman
– the wizard of photography (he could do amazing things with photographs) all
decended on this guy in the field.
We confiscated his camera and
developed the film and what we saw were all sorts of NATO weapons all laid out
on a blanket. Weapons from the US, France, Germany, Belgium etc.
It turns out that the man was a
Czech and worked as a cook. There were numerous Czechs and Poles who worked at
various jobs on the barracks and all of a sudden they all got “notices of sick
relatives back home” and they all left.
Fancy that !!!!!!!!
Comment by John — May 22, 2009
@ 10:58
Am I on a roll or what !!!!!!! –
last one I promise.
Once coming back to the office, my boss informed me that that American Red
Cross had called and wanted to see me.
If I recall the Red Cross was near
the entrance to Smiley Barracks.
The Red Cross doesn’t call unless
there is an emergency so sweating and heart beating I raced up to the Red Cross
Waiting a second to catch my breath
and to compose myself for the bad news, I went into the personnel office and
was asked “How long has it been since you have written your mother?”
I said “What” and they replied that
she (good ole mom) had called the Red Cross because she hadn’t heard from me.
Needless to say I had a letter in
the mail the next day. I told “She Who Must Be Obeyed” (SWMBO) that I was well
and if ever she received an envelope with nothing in it, it meant I was still
I did manage to send a letter now
and then and several empty envelopes.
Comment by John — May 23, 2009
@ 12:18
Good site
Comment by John Doyle — May 23, 2009
@ 8:21
Comment by John — May 23, 2009
@ 10:32
I remember when we arrived at Fort
Holabird in January of 69. Cold as heck and of course the barracks were none
too warm. If the wind could blow in so could the rats come in.
My aunt had sent me a tin of
brownies but by the time I got them they had dried out and had been smashed to
bits. So I offered them to the guys in the barracks.
What wasn’t eaten was used as rat
bait for the traps we had been setting for the past week with of course no
The lights went off and then “snap
!!!! – a trap went off. The consensus of the group was to flush the thing down
the latrine. Little did we know that the guy really did flush the thing down
the latrine but at the same time ran his hands under the faucet to get them all
wet and when he came back into the dark barracks, he ran his hands over his
“bunkies” face and said “Man did that thing bleed”
Gagging could be heard barracks
Comment by John — May 24, 2009
@ 3:02
Comment by John — May 24, 2009
@ 9:26
Well I broke down today 4/26/09 and
bought a ring from the above website.
Comment by John — May 26, 2009
@ 3:30
I couldn’t believe it when I
stumbled across this website. I could have written the description. I came to
Holabird from Dix in September 1965, as an E2. I was lucky to find a cab driver
who knew where Holabird was. Noone at the bus station had any idea wher it was.
I was in a state of shock for a week, after basic. I was in the interrogator
course, and graduated in December, 1965 to return to the 826 Mi Detachment in
Hartford, CT. I thoroughly enjoyed all the comments. They brought back pleasant
Comment by Bob Reuter — June 4, 2009
@ 12:47
Thanks Bob for sharing your
Comment by John — June 5, 2009
@ 7:52
Comment by manny — June 6, 2009
@ 4:50
41 years ago today, I got out of the
army and left Ft HaHa forever. (I wish I could go back and visit but I know it
is gone).
Comment by bill — June 7, 2009
@ 12:15
See posting 19. Now have seen aerial
of Holabird in early 60s, have emailed Manny Adler on this site, and dug up my
Was EM permanent party photographer,
lived on 3rd floor bay of lg. brick bldg. (seen in aerial). Marched to work to
another brick bldg referred to as CIC Headquarters. Believe it was near eastern
edge of Ft. Our floor (lowest) contained locked files, B&C, mechanical
sorters and our photo lab.
Duty assignment was: HQ
Detachment,8579th DU; AIC, 8579th DU; HQ Co,8579th AAU.
Can anyone tell me what DU, AIC, and
AAU stood for? And what were thay the 8579th of?
Can anyone tell me where to find my
workplace on the aerial photo?
Finally, dated a cute WAC – but
that’s another story.
Charlie Larus
Comment by Charlie Larus — June 10,
2009 @ 10:59
What an amazing web-site! I arrived
at the “Bird” in December, 1965 to begin 97B classes in January, 1966. I
couldn’t believe I was in the US Army! What a trip! Yes, the Holabird Inn was a
favorite spot as was the sub bar down the street. I remember all the South
Vietnamese officers, including generals being trained in our classroom
building. I still have a lot of the old manuals we used and classroom notes.
The “rabbit hunt” in downtown Baltimore was a memorable stunt. Does anyone
remember Brett Hardy? He was a classmate of mine who invited me to his wedding
in Washington DC. If I remember correctly, his bride was the daughter of a NY
It’s great reading all the stories
of 40-45 years ago. After graduation, I went to DLI in Monterey to learn
Romanian in 1966; ending up in Germany as an AH for OCE targeted against the
And, of course, Ma Klecka will be
remembered forever!
Comment by Tony Wirkus — June 25,
2009 @ 4:04
Arrived at the Bird on January of
1968, straight from Fort Dix. I don’t remember how I got there. First thing I
heard was from somebody who said “You won’t believe this place”.
Spent several weeks on a casual
status as a cook’s helper, not KP, but helping with the cooking.
I knew one guy who was sent to a
detail to do painting. He told them he was allergic to painting, so they told him
to report back to get another detail. Instead he went back to the barracks, and
put up a sign saying he was on a night-time detail! Never did anything.
I had about two years of college,
but was less educated than many of my classmates, we had about 5 guys with law
degrees. Everybody went to ‘Nam except one guy who got himself into the AG’s
office. He went later.
Trained as a 96B, Order of Battle.
Sspent a wonderful year in Phu Bai, as in “Phu Bai is all right!”
Comment by Ken — June 25, 2009
@ 6:04
Finally reread this interesting site [five years after initial read].
Thanks for your answer to my question [#3 above]. By the way I finally
remembered his last name – Wallace. He was somewhat embarrassed because he got
100% on the first two tests.
Did anyone flunk out of your classes? I don’t recall anyone in our class
flunking out. One engineer left early for an assignment requiring his talents.
Another guy who spoke Italian left early to be a “grad student” in Italy. I
accepted their leaving at face value.
Are many of you members of the National CIC Association [NCICA] and/or the
Association of CIC Veterans {ACICV}?
Stan Solin organized our Orange County CA group several years ago for lunches
every two months. We welcome any one interested in the camaraderie; no dues and
no membership in any organization required.
I don’t remember Colgate Creek, probably because I was there in winter time
{Jan. thru April 1956].
Do any of you have stories about the instructors? Bernard Sweeney {DAC}was such
an avowed anti-Communist and taught for so many years that the 1950s pupils
remember him.
How could I forget Wallace because he saved my bacon. Several weeks into our
training I corrected the instructor. The instructor didn’t appreciate it, but
let it pass. We {I} learned to just shut up {Yes, I should have known better].
Later in the course, I wasn’t paying much attention because this same
instructor was boring. He called on me. When I provided the answers to his five
questions he went apoplectic. It was really intense until Wallace asked an
appropriate question and defused the situation. I profusely thanked him after
Comment by bernie Thielen — July 16,
2009 @ 3:39
Just like the last post, I too have
reread the site. It is amazing to read all these posts about an army post (Fort
Holabird) and NO bitching or complaints. That tells you what a great place it
was to be assigned to as a student or permanent party.
Comment by bill — July 18, 2009
@ 10:18
Comment #21 A few years back from
Jeff Gallant. I remember Rocco and Nick. Nick and I landed up going to the 1st
Infantry Division, with myself at Division and Nick going to 3rd Brigade. Last
I saw Nick he was returning to “the world” after re-upping.
Comment by Cesar Rosales — July 19,
2009 @ 1:39
Just discovered this site and the
memories all came back. I went to the basic course and 9666 course in the first
part of 1965. Got assigned to Region 1 of the 113th in Chicago. After duty in
the region HQ went to Fifth Army Field Office as a agent and later SAC. I note
that Craig Anderson was on the site and left a message several years ago. He
was one of the agents who worked for me. If he sees this, I hope he responds:
I’d like to find out what he has done for a career. That draftee army was an
odd one and with all of the passions that arose from the VN War, lots of
controversy as to troop quality issues: That was not the case with INTC. I met
very few people who were not really superior soldiers. The Holabird training
was worthwhile and impressive. I had a great car pool (George Gore and Nick
Hanson ((Imagery Interp.)) and Dick Marler – 9666): Wonder what happened to
them? Played more pool in the small day room than at any other time in my
life..eating lunch and shooting 8 Ball. After IOBC at Benning the experiences
at Holabird were an entirely different slice of the Army.
Comment by Bill Yantis — July 23,
2009 @ 5:38
Bill Yantis:
The draft pulled in some very bright
folks as is evidenced by the sense of humor and literacy of this website.
Comment by Manny Adler — July 24,
2009 @ 7:16
What memorys of the Bird. I was a
97D graduating in July 68. Since the rumor was most of our class (44) were
going to Nam I got everyone to kick in a buck so the lucky ones who didnt go
could have a party at the 1 2 3 on us. The Army in it’s wisdom decided that if
your name started with a R, S, or T, you got to go to Nam and the rest got very
nice stateside duty. Since I was an S and I held the money, I changed the rules
and the seven of us “lucky” guys went into the 123 and bought every pitcher
they had, stacked them on tables and got as drunk as I have ever been.
I spent my year with Det A, 1st Bn, 525th in Quang Tri then the last 18 months
at DODNACC in St Louis
Comment by Kurt Schulz — August 1,
2009 @ 1:22
Found this looking for LIDMAC
Was at “The Bird” twice. Once in 1969 for six weeks for the tactical
intelligence staff officer’s course. Then in 1971 I was back for six months for
the counter intelligence controll officers course. We were the last officer’s
agents class (9666) to go through Holabird. The next class went to Ft Huachucha
Does anyone remember the typing teacher from WWII – Mrs. Klecka? asdf jkl;.
Seem to remember a ton of typing homework. Wound up sharing an apartment at
Bear Run Apartments (recommended by post housing) with Larry Robertson from
Albany Oregon & Roy Sumisaki from California (I think Frisco). Many fun
lunches at the Holabird Inn across the street from the post famous for their
rectangular hamburger hero and, of course, their drinks. There was a new car
assembly plant within a mile or two of the post and they gave an interesting
tour. Anyone remember Sparrows Point? It was near the Bear Run Apartments and
there was some kind of steel mill there that gave off iron dust and everything
around would turn rust red overnight. Went to Vietnam from Holabird and served
with Col Wensyl (Wenzyl?) in the 3rd Bn, 525th MI Group, headquartered in Bein
Hoa and covering Military Region III. Great assignment for being over there.
Glad I didn’t know about the tunnels under Cu Chi when I was there each month.
Anyway, this was a nice drive down memory lane. To all, be well !!!
Comment by Steve Schein — August 3,
2009 @ 2:22
I attended CIC school at the bird
7/5/54-11/54. I was with a large group of just completed ROTC 2nd lts, directly
from college. Many were Ivy league. I was married & lived off base in
Dundalk. Boniface Campbell was Commanding Genl at the time. Would love to hear
more from my class. bb
Comment by barry bonoff — August 5,
2009 @ 3:54
Where did you go after Holabird?
This site keeps getting hits and more interesting as it goes. Thanks Jim for
getting the ball rolling!
Comment by manny — August 6, 2009
@ 2:22
A question—do any of you remember two guys from New Jersey? One was Mike
Soriano and the other was Doug Scott.
Comment by Jeanne Giaiimis — August
19, 2009 @ 5:36 pm
I stumbled on this by accident. It
was fun reading. After being drafted and basic trainin at Ft Ord in California,
I was sent to Holabird in the fall of 1963 for the CI agent’s course. I
remember the time there fondly and actually enjoyed the instruction and relaxed
atmosphere after basic. JFK was assassinated while we sat in class. I will
never forget when the major who was teaching our class walked into the room and
told us, “Your Commander-in-Chief is dead.” I was stationed at the 526th INTC
in Okinawa for a little over a year and then to the Pasadena, Calif. field
office. Anyone else reading this there when I was?
Comment by David Sexton — August 30,
2009 @ 1:58
Oh, I do remember Mrs. Klecka’s
typing class. Called it “Clicking with Klecka.”
Comment by David Sexton — August 30,
2009 @ 2:08
Class B-501 97B 1967 – Vivid
memories of the 1-2-3 club and green beer. Returned a few years later for the
Defense Against Surreptitious Methods of Entry (DAME)and Defense Agaist Sound
Equipment (DASE).
Comment by Jim Corey — September 10,
2009 @ 9:22
Seems like only youngsters are
responding. I was at Holabird Signal Depot and Camp Holabird from Jan 47 to Sep
49, S/Sgt, Company A (Officer’s Training Co.) Chief Clerk. No air conditioning
and TYPEWRITERS. Any old timers there during that time?
Comment by Charles Phillips —
September 10, 2009 @ 10:01 pm
Keep the comments and the memories
coming. Great page to read.
Comment by John — September 12, 2009
@ 6:51
Arrived at the Bird in May 69.
Attended 96B class R-20 (I think). Graduated 30 Jul 1969. One of 17 class
members who received orders to Viet Nam. Of those five of us ended up at the
191st MI Det, 1st Cav, Phuoc Vinh. But that is another story. Holabird was
really another world after Basic at Ft. Polk. Arrived late on Friday (early
Sat). Remember getting up late Sat morning to see everyone putting on civies. I
didn’t have any but didn’t waste time buying some down town. I remember a lot
of people talking about waiting for their class to start (97B) waiting for
clearances or birthdays (seems like you had to be 21 before you could become an
‘agent’. So many memories…..123 Club, Dundalk Ave, Colgate Creek, and oh those
early morning classes (Mon) after long week end parties. Glad I found this
site. I remember classmates; Conte, Powley, Robideaux, Barney, Shoop (USMC) and
class leader Smalls. Unfortunately I have lost contact with all of them.
Thanks for the memories and WELCOME HOME, BROTHERS.
Comment by Greg McNally — September
19, 2009 @ 5:40 pm
You had to be 21 as a 97D so you
could carry a side-arm in civilian clothes stateside.
Comment by bill — September 19, 2009
@ 11:19
I was at Holabird Signal Depot from
fall of 1946 to fall of 1947. Was in the 181’st Signal Depot Co. and spent my
time at the big signal repair shop re: advanced training as a radio repairman.
Comment by Laurence Stratton —
September 21, 2009 @ 8:59 pm
Arrived at Holabird March ’66 for
96D course . Went to Nam in July ’66 , 1st M.I. in Da Nang . Was in 2nd
Armored Div prior to Holabird and all anyone cared about was getting my div
patches off my uniforms .Hell On Wheels seemed to bother everyone .After Nam
ended up a Bragg in HQ Co Contic .
Comment by jeff morgan — October 2,
2009 @ 8:03
I failed to mention that from
1947-1949, Co.A CO was Maj. Dellinger, XO Lt. Coats, 1st Sgt Bivert, Mail Cpl
Wargo. Also from Air Force Basic in San Antonio: Payne, Millslagle, Shaffstall,
many others. Sgt’s Jackson, Nettleton and Potvin were there also.
Comment by Charles Phillips —
October 12, 2009 @ 11:42 am
There were some Air Force barracks
on base. Each morning blue (what else) buses took Air Force personnel into
Baltimore proper. I believe they were Air Research and Development Headquarters
folks? We never crossed paths. Hush-hush among the hush. Anyone remember this
or know any more?
Comment by manny — October 13, 2009
@ 4:49
I remember eating in the enlisted
mess and the airforce personnel always had their own section on the far side of
the room seperated by a low wall divider. (1965-1968).
Comment by bill — October 14, 2009
@ 12:07
Attended 97c course in early 1968.
Arrived RVN 6 June 68, day after RK was shot. Into to Vietnam was on Ponderosa
rooftop drinking and watching the light show – tracer bullets. II Corps got me
hooked on Asia and have been involved with it ever since (, but
regret I didn’t keep in touch with classmates.
Anyone know how how to locate site
of the Ponderosa in Saigon of today?
Was at the “Bird” summer & fall
of 1962. Mrs. Klecha, Major Tarbutton, actors in fishbowl. Korea 1963,
Philadelphia FO 1964. Would like to find classmates. 971 S/A.
Comment by Larry Taylor — October
15, 2009 @ 9:03 pm
Went thru Fort Holibird in 1948
after taking a clerical course at Fort Lee, Va. Went to the 115th CIC Detachmet
in San Francisco and spent a year there. Was then sent to the 66th CIC
Detachment in Stuttgart, Germany where I spent over 3 years. Then back to Fort
Holibird to take the agents course After completing that I left the army. Have
a lot of memories of my days in the CIC.
Comment by Harry Carlisle — October
20, 2009 @ 6:28 pm
Anyone out there remember Lt. Col.
Isadore Max Belba? Working on a biography of Lt. Col. Belba.
Comment by Mark — October 22, 2009
@ 11:30
Was at Holabird for basic and 9666
classes May-Sep 1965. Then to Korea (2d MI Det) Oct ’65 – Feb ’67. One
classmate to Korea with me – lost touch with all others. Memories of the “Bird”
are sketchy. I do remember the great Italian food at Squires. Regret that the
old post is now history.
Comment by Graydon (Ed) Elliott —
October 22, 2009 @ 8:50 pm
W. Griffith:
I served at Holabird as a 97D20 from
March-October ‘68 in OPS III & IV, before I replaced a guy named (Dan?)
Moen as the NCOIC of the USAINTC Liaison office in the Pentagon. I worked under
BG William Blakely and his Liaison Officer, Lt. Col. Paul Feduska. We must have
met at some time. Blakely was later replaced by BG “Black Jack†Matthews, just before I ETS’d in Dec. ‘70. Quite a ride…I
worked in OPSIV as a “swing shift†analyst during Chicago DNC, coordinating with FBI & CIA. I
remember with no particular fondness “Subversive Sam’s†bar and the Hardy’s squat & gobble. More than anything, I
remember the camp followers at the NCO club. Some wild nights with local
factory girls. I remember once being callled in to drive one of the brass to
the Pentagon before I was transferred there…got totally lost. Good guy though,
he never said a word. You must have been a better driver. The only other thing
that really sticks out from now more than 40 years ago, was meeting then MAJ
Lee Holland, who eventually became one of the Iran hostages. Thank God he
survived that ordeal. Well enough reminiscing for now. ‘Hope your service
served you well.
Comment by Michael Kurz — October
23, 2009 @ 11:04 am
Great site….my dad and family was
stationed at Fort Holabird, MD.
When I ask some older vets if they
ever heard of this base, most of them just shake their head and say “Nope”….I
glad to see that there actually was a Fort Holabird, MD.
Enjoy reading the stories posted.
Holabird was probably one of the
least known posts in the Army. I have encountered very few veterans who have
heard of the place (or folks when I was in active service for that matter).
Comment by Manny Adler — October 26,
2009 @ 3:41
According to my dad’s military
record, he was assigned to Holabird from 18 Oct 55 to 18 Mar 57. He transfered
from Ft.Meade (HHC 2101 SU)…no idea what this stood for..??
Anyways, his record shows that he
was assigned to “Intel Sch USAIC, Ft. Holabird, MD. I don’t suppose you or
someone else may recall what that stands for..?
You see my dad passed away several
years ago (he never talk much about his duties while in the Army) and now my
kids want to know what grandpa did while he was in the Army. Unfortunately, I
don’t have many answers.
Any suggestions on where to look?
Comment by Jim — October 27, 2009
@ 5:58
USAIC was U S Army Intelligence
Command (or Corps)
Comment by bill — October 27, 2009
@ 11:47
Hi, I am pleased to have found this
site because when I mention Fort Holabird people look at me like I am from the
Twilight Zone. I was there as a MI student 2nd Lt in QV13 (Quick Vietnam)in
early 1970 but went to Korea instead and became the S-2 for the Eight Army MI
Group. While in training I lived in downtown Baltimore in a high rise
appartment building called Sutton Place. My daughter is now going to Johns
Hopkins University and I have recently asked people about Fort Holabird ant I
just get starange looks and no one has even heard of the place! So much for
history. I have found the Fort loacation but I don’t think there is anything
left of the Fort. I will be back in Baltimore next week and will take a short
pilgramage to the site 
Comment by Dan Hussey — November 2,
2009 @ 10:01
U.S. Army Intelligence Center (also
Command, changed in different time periods). CIC School, etc. Your dad and I
may well have served together as our service match closely. Since I do not have
his name I have no way of providing more informatio, sorry.
Comment by manny — November 2, 2009
@ 3:05
I was a 97B40A back in 1970, then on
to the 902nd MI, then the 113th MI and finally a stint in Korea, TDY to VN.
Anyone remember the Sandwich shop down (left) from the front gate? Best
sandwiches ever. Before there were sandwich shops too. Glad this site exists.
Thought I was drifting off to the Twilight Zone myself. No one has ever heard
of the place. Glad I’m not really alone!
Comment by Lon — November 6, 2009
@ 7:04
Harleys, everything smothered in
Comment by bill — November 7, 2009
@ 1:15
Manny, Bill and fellow readers,
Reference to my post #178 and your
replies #179, #181.
Thank you!
My dad’s name was Harry E. Scott;
(AKA: Red-because of his hair color). I believe he was a Sgt. I hope that may
According to his military records,
he was assigned as a “Inf Instr, Intel Sch USAIC Ft Holabird, MD”. No idea what
he did or may of taught.
After Holabird, he was stationed at:
“USA Artic Indoc Sch 8353 APO 733”. I believe this was at Ft. Greeley, Alaska.
Prior duties included, Pennsylvania
Army National Guard, KMAG-Korea, 132 Ord Co DAS Ft. Meade, MD; 55th Ord Co DAS
Ft. Meade, MD; Fort Greely Alaska; Knox, KY; Ft. Dix, NJ; Ft. Polk, LA; and
previous Navy enlistment in the 1940’s.
I hope you may recall him or be able
to point me in the right direction.
Thanks for your service to our
Comment by Jim — November 8, 2009
@ 9:48
Forgot to mention that we use to
live on Oakwood Road, Baltimore, MD (Dundalk) during this time. I may have some
old photos.
Comment by Jim — November 8, 2009
@ 9:53
Stumbled on this site doing a
post-mortem search on behalf of my Dad, Curt “Pierce” Davis, Japanese POW
during 1942-1945. He told me a couple of years before he passed away (in 6/09)
that he had been at Ft Holabird, but never said in what capacity. I know he had
been in pub affairs office at Ft Knox where I was born, and had been a typing
teacher at some point early 50’s of Korean War recruits. Dad had written poetry
as a POW and when he came to Holabird he loaned writing to someone named
Mayer/Myer/Meyer/Myers/Meyers…. and never received it back. So I’m still
searching, but if I stumble across anyone out there who knew my dad, please
give a shout out.
Comment by Faith (Davis) Trinkl —
November 11, 2009 @ 3:13 pm
Discovered your site recently &
thought I’d check in on Veteran’s Day. I arrived at Holabird Nov.4th,1966 from
Ft. Jackson and started class several weeks later as a 96B20. The place seemed
surreal especially Casual Company and many guys wearing civvies after normal
duty hours.Got to go home that first weekend and every one after since I lived
in Waterbury,Ct.One of my more memorable chintzy details in Casual was a Q-boat
assignment from about 5 at night to 6 in the morning. Someone said they used it
to drop agents off at designated areas.As I recall, it looked like a tug boat
with a galley and full seating area. I was told not to go to sleep but to
polish the brass on the entire boat to ensure that I wasn’t to snooze.Fell
asleep about 2 and woke in time to greet the guy in charge.He chewed my butt
off for napping saying I did a lousy job. Actually he was right as I only did
the bell,didn’t look much better than the remaining brass.When I started the
R-11 analyst course many guys had degrees or several years of college,one
student was a foot doctor who refused a commission.Remember the “rout step”
Colgate Bridge whose creek rendered the odor of the day.
There were other
smells that wafted into our campus from the beer breweries and the rubber
processing I think.Could not believe it when I was assigned to Ft.
Shafter,Hawaii after filling out a “dream sheet” It was a very small
installation a few miles from Waikiki,no formations no extra duty,”It was
Paradise with the 319th M.I. Bn.” The Pueblo Incident sent me to the 502nd M.I.
Bn. in Seoul, Korea with G2 8th Army.This was a very good assignment and
subsequently I volunteered for Nam. July 1968 saw me with Security
Plans&Operations with U.S.A.H.A.C. ETS was the day the U.S landed on the
moon,20July,69;many beers since the “123 Club”.Thanks for your time, Manny,
great site .I think we all had something special at the “Bird” to remember,
especially the unique caliber of men we served with there. This site reflects
it.I’dliketo say hello to a few guys who were at the
Bird:Doug”Stonewall”Jackson,Monteiro,Cleavand,the”Count” Grossberg,Doc
Levin,Larry Formicella,Mike Guidone,Keller,and everybody from R11″ Ed Hotchkiss
Comment by edward hotchkiss —
November 11, 2009 @ 8:39 pm
Thanks to all of you for serving.
Comment by John — November 13, 2009
@ 7:24
Got to Holabird middle of 1967.
97B40 class. Two USMC E5’s in our class-just back from Vietnam. Remember the
Holabird Inn well… ham sandwich I ever ate. I remember that a lot of the
guys were from the East Coast and would catch the train home on the weekend. I
was from Michigan and was stuck in town. The two Marines had a car and we would
buy a case of beer and end up at a drive-in movie on Friday night. We would
usually get tossed before the movie was over. Left Holabird and went to the
101st at Ft. Campbell, but didn’t stay long. We were interviewing incoming
draftees about political leanings and drug use. Had enough of that after a
month or two and volunteered to go to Vietnam. Assigned to 5th SFGA in Nha
Great site you have here. Stirred up
a lot of memories.
Comment by Ron Mahinske — November
15, 2009 @ 11:09 pm
Just found the site. I arrived at Ft
Holabird in Dec 65 right before the big snowstorm. Basic at Ft Polk, I had been
told Ft Ord so when I got to the Bird I didn’t know what to expect. No KP, good
food and laundry. 97B training in between the Holabird Inn and the “Block”. I
couldn’t believe it but sent back to CA for the 115th Riverside FO. Never made
it reassigned to LA Field Office, 15 min from home. Everything was great,
working in civvies, background investigations and did some TDY to AZ and Ft.
Ord. Then, I got my orders for the 525 MID in Saigon, March 1967. My boss, CWO
old CIC hand, asked me if wanted to go. I said no choice, he called a friend
and I was reassigned to the 526 MID Okinawa for 15 months. Best time of my
life, TDY all over and no NAM. Great memories, keep up the site.
Comment by Richard Duarte — November
18, 2009 @ 10:27 pm
Have great memories of the “Holy Bird.”
Drove up after Basic at Ft. Jackson in May 54. What a change!!
Spent a lot of time on E. Baltimore Street until I got married On Aug. 1, 54.
Flew home to NC, got married on Sunday afternoon – flew back to Baltimore and
was in class Monday AM. Great honeymoon. Shipped out to Germany in October and
spent the next 18 months at Region I, 66th CIC Group (7807 USAREUR DET.) in
Stuttgart. Would love to hear from Hoben, Glass, Huckelberry, Childs or any of
my classmates.
Comment by Gene Garland — November
24, 2009 @ 4:40 pm
Don’t have a clue how I found this
site, but boy does it bring back memories. From basic at Ft. Jackson to the
Bird in March 1966 (96D) then to Offut Air Force Base for more training then to
502nd in Korea and back to Holabird as trainer for Reserve Units that were
being called up. Hated to hear that the place has closed down, would love to
visit one more time.
Comment by Steve Bostick — November
30, 2009 @ 8:29 pm
Wow! What a find!! My 1st memory of
Ft. Holibird was breakfast, after arriving (0030). Arrived in front of the SP5
“chef” and was asked how I wanted my eggs. Almost lost it right there. Ft.
Leonard Wood was never that kind. Spent several months there in the CI course,
97B. Spent a lot of time at Memorial Stadium and got to see every AL team play,
when not throwing darts at the Holibird Inn. Powell, Stormin’ Norman and the
big stud for the Senators. Left there in June 1971 and arrived at the 511th on
7-10-71. Spent 2 days at HQ and then left for RO Graf, 7th Army Training
Center. Left the unit and rotated home in 10-73.
Comment by Craig Childress —
December 5, 2009 @ 6:23 pm
Craig Chidlress – i did 3 years as a
97B at RO Graf (1981-84)…it was above the bank when i arrived and then moved to
a stand-alone building. Our translator was Alfred (Fred) J. Tampe. Do you
remember him? if so, drop me a line at
Comment by Mike Miller — December 5,
2009 @ 11:09
Stumbled on this site from a Goggle
alert. Was at Holabird from Nov 65-Feb 66, after coming from the engineers via
DLIWC-Bulgarian with over 10 years service already and a SP5. Met CPT Warnicke
while taking the 96C IPW course and was invited to his home with my family – I
still see him every year in church in Seattle on Easter. Spent the next 17
years in MI mostly in Germany with the 66th and 18th MI and retired from Ft
Lewis WA in 1983 as a CW3. After retirement from State Patrol in 2004 worked a
year at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. None of the MI guys there ever even heard
about Ft Holabird.
Comment by Art Farash — December 7,
2009 @ 4:03
What a trip Holabird was. I attended
from Sept. ’68 until February ’69 as a 97B40. We all expected to go right to Nam
after completion of the course. About three weeks before finishing we were
given a sheet to fill in that listed our linguistic skills. There were columns
across the top that read “fluent” “understand” and “no knowledge”. Down the
left side were listed the languages: Vietnamese, Laotian, French, Spanish,
Italian, German, Other. I checked off “no knowledge” on all but one.
taken a semester of German in Jr. High School I deemed myself “fluent” in
German and spent the next 2 1/2 years in Frankfurt at the 503 MID at Drake
Edwards Kaserne and the 165th MI Co. at Gutleut Kaserne where I never once had
to use the language. Ironically, I became fluent in German during my tour there
but that was due to dating the German girls, not any language school.
I arrived at Fort Holabird in
January, 1961, after basic training at Fort Dix, NJ. I stayed at The Bird until the end of May after completing the agents course. From
there, I spent a year in Monterey at ALS studying Ukrainian, (with Dave Smith,
Dennis McNeil, and Joe Kalousek), and then to FO Nuernberg, Germany with the
511 MI until coming home.
The Commandant at Holabird in ’61
was General Prather, who among other things, enjoyed staging Friday afternoon
parades. These misguided spectacles began in early April.
The field was never quite dry
enough, and there were plenty of low, wet spots through which we needed to
slosh, causing lots of damage to the spit-shined shoes we wore with our dress
uniforms. The marching band was made up of USAINTS students with varying
musical and marching abilities, and was termed the Drum and Stumble Corps. It was the NCOs who came up with that name.
I had a squad leader whose name was
Robert Doane. Others in my squad were Paul Bosten, Bill Hodge, and Bob
Carpenter. This was at a time when “The Mickey Mouse Club†was a favorite of daytime television for kids. Our squad reworked
the words of the theme song from this show to run like this:
“Who’s the leader of the squad
that’s made for you and me? R-O-B-E-R-T-D-O-A-N-Eâ€
We learned that Bob Doane didn’t
like this very much, so we stopped singing it in his presence, but we enjoyed
harmonizing in the bar across the street after a few beers.
Two guys in my class were named
Munzenrider and Heckenlively. The staff had a good time mispronouncing their
names. Polysyllabic words were tough for them.
I understand that Fort Holabird was
used for housing German POWs during WWII, and after that, Watergate-related
criminals were kept there in the 1970s. I believe that it is now a housing
I miss you all, and wish I could see
every one of you again. I can be contacted at: I would like to hear
from somebody.
Bill Krause
Friday parades were a tradition (or
abomination) for ego gratification for the Generals, some dependents and
assorted visitors. Permanent party had to endure these along wih kp, guard
duty,etc. And they wanted us to re-up!
Comment by manny — December 10, 2009
@ 10:30
I was assigned at Fort Holibird the
first time in 1948 and was sent from there to Camp Lee Virginia to learn how to
type. Then to the 115th CIC Detachment in San Francisco as a clerk. After about
a year I was sent to Stutgart, Germany and served over 3 years in the 66th CIC
Detachment. Left Germany in 1952 and went back to Fort Holibird for several
months training. After completing the training I decided to leave the Army in
December 1952. Would like to hear from anyone who might remember me.
Comment by Harry Carlisle — December
13, 2009 @ 1:18 pm
Found this sit by accident. Brings
back lots of memories. I would like to hear from guys assigned to the USAREUR
Liason Team in the late 1960,s.
Comment by Jerry Gilbreath —
December 17, 2009 @ 1:46 pm
My name is Tom Brennan. I was at Ft.
Holabird in the Spring of 1964 for the agent course (9666), then to Monterey
for the German course, to Border Resident Office, Hof, in Germany as OIC from
Feb 1965 to mid-1966. After Hof, I transferred to Nurnberg as the FO Commander,
511th MI Company, 66th MI Group until Dec 1967 when I separated..
My greatest memories of Holabird
include Mrs. Klecka for typing and the actors who tied us up in knots during
the interviews. I recall Mr. Robert?) Bandillera (phon) and Ms.(Julia?)
Margolies (phon). There was one other whose name escapes me. It was very
humbling to be behind the one way glass wall and hearing the laughter from the
rest of the class on the other side when I made an ass of myself. Then there
was the day they polygraphed me in that room and held up a Playboy centerfold
in front of my face. I can still hear the laughter as the needle went crazy.
There was a classmate who was a Navy
Lieutenant j.g.. who had a convertible. We car pooled from Washington every day
and drove through the Harbor Tunnel. We would remove our hats because if they
ever flew off in the tunnel they would be gone forever. One morning a field
grade from the post observed us without our hats and saw the Holabird sticker
on the car. . The Lt. was summoned to his office and berated for being “out
of uniformâ€. The Lt. could
not believe this chicken shit and just stared at the officer until he was
Comment by Tom Brennan — December
21, 2009 @ 4:20 am
My dad, Tom Cornwell, was in the
Army Intelligence unit there around 68-71, if any one remembers him….he then
went on to Vietnam. I just remember hearing stories of Holabird as a kid.
Comment by Maria — December 23, 2009
@ 12:11
Hi all, Immediately after my basic
training at Fort Knox, I spent the spring of 1966 at Fort Holabird training for
a 96B20 MOS. Like everyone else, I soon began to wonder just what this military
was all about. The two duty stations couldn’t have been more different. My
memory of that time in my life is not too good except I do recall the drinking
at the 123 club and the bus trips to DC almost every weekend. I also recall the
food served in the mess hall being very good, the varied type of military
personel constantly buzzing all over the post, and the distinct oder and color
of Colgate Creek. I ended up serving in the 519th MI Bn at Tan Son Nhut Airbase
from July 66 to July 67. I love reading the comments herein and god bless each
and every one of you.
Comment by Ross Morgan — December
29, 2009 @ 2:13 pm
Happy New Year to all.
A terrific website!!!
My father was stationed, twice, at
Fort Holabird, befroe and after Korea.
We lived in nearby Dundalk.
I remember Sunday School, Church,
picnics etc. at the Fort; all the while having no idea what my father, or
anybody, actually did there.
Great memories.
Thank you,
Comment by Bob Bartles — January 6,
2010 @ 2:20
Bob Bartles,
Neither did we.
Comment by manny — January 6, 2010
@ 5:58
This is a great site and brought
back many happy memories. I arrived at The Bird from Dix on September 10, 1954.
After a couple of months shuffling papers in Stuttgart I was assigned to Region
XII (Kaiserslautern), where I worked with a great bunch of guys, explored the
most beautiful part of Germany, and drank the best wines in the world. Those
were the best years of my life. I’d like to hear from anybody who was at The
Bird at that time or stationed in Kaiserslautern at any time.
Comment by Myron Johnston — January
8, 2010 @ 8:22 pm
I graduated from CIC school at Ft.
Holabird in the winter of 1952. Out of my graduating class of some 50 students,
five of us were assigned to the far east. I wound up at CIC headquarters in
Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. Was discharged in April, 1953.
Comment by Robert Livesay — January
9, 2010 @ 1:14 pm
I joined the army at the end of
April 1966 and took basic at Ft. Polk. I arrived at Ft. Holabird in August and
attended the Coordinator course (97D20). I remember the huge parade field in
front of the large barracks building. The MPs would fire the pack howitzer at
raising and lowering of the flag and made sure to check the bore to make sure
that no one stuffed a roll of toilet paper in it. I still have a picture of
myself standing next to the gold plated sphynx.
Upon graduation, two of us went to
Korea and the rest went to Vietnam. I spent the best year of my life at Company
B, 502d MI Bn at Tracy Compound (Liaison Office) in Seoul.
I was reassigned to the 113th MI
Group headquarters at Ft. Sheridan (Illinois). As it was 90 miles from home, I
couldn’t complain. I finished out my enlistment there in April of 1969.
In one of the comments from the
1990’s, Jerry Race mentioned that he was there at the same time. If he checks
this site or anyone knows where he is I would like to contact him.
The comments here have brought back
many memories. Thanks, Dan
Comment by Dan Rundell — January 14,
2010 @ 12:01
My father Sgt. Joseph Lorusso was
stationed on base around 1966-1970. We lived in officers housing. It was a
square neighborhood with a playground in the middle.
I remember visiting soldiers and watching them shoot pool. My father was
married and had 10 childern. I would love to hear from anybody that remembers
My email is :
Iam not sure what his job was. We moved to Pa. in 1971
when I was 7 years old.
I do remember an officer Sgt. Jim mcCann.
I do remember eating at Sqiure’s. We did visit through the years. If I remember
correctly the owner/wife is named Toots or Tootise. My father passed away in
1987 and buried at Arlington. I loved reading everyones comments and memories.
God Bless..
Army brat,
Angie Lorusso
Comment by Angie Lorusso — January
14, 2010 @ 8:31 pm
P.S to comment #209
we lived on College Ave.
Comment by Angie Lorusso — January
15, 2010 @ 8:14 pm
colgate ave. NOT college ave.
Comment by Angie Lorusso — January
15, 2010 @ 8:57 pm
After attending basic at Ft Polk I
arrived at Ft Holabird in May/June 1966 attending the CI agent course. My first
assignment was the LA Field Office, 115th MI Group, commanded by LTC Sueda. May
first boss was CWO Cheeks(PSI Team 1) followed by CW0 Bob Jenkins(SI Team 5). I
subsequently was assigned to the 511th MI Company in Germany and later went to
MACV Tm 42, Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam. After many more assignments I retired
in 1990 as a CW4.
Post #190(Richard Duarte) I rememeber
you from LA.
Post #202(Maria) I served with Tom
Cornwell, but I just can’t remember where.
Comment by Ed Harris — January 17,
2010 @ 6:52
Arrived at the Bird in Jan 1962 for
agent training. Spent lots of time at the Acropolis on the dock, Slim Browns
bar and the Holabird Inn. Managed to get in tight with the assignments Sgt and
was sent back home to the 113thINTC Rgn 5 in St. Louis. Still have memories of
the mandory Parade on saturdays, and being required to get a haircut every
week. Was in the office in the Mart bldg when Kennedy was shot. What a mess.
Would love to hear from anyone that remembers me.
Comment by Norman Minshall — January
17, 2010 @ 9:39 pm
Comment by Norman Minshall — January
17, 2010 @ 9:41 pm
I went from Ft. Gordon, GA (Basic
Training) to Ft. Holabird in November, 1969. I was trained as a 96D2T (Image
Interpreter) and was sent to Viet Nam right after graduation in the spring of
1970. I was assigned to the 172nd MI Det with the 173rd Airborne Brigade in II
Corp (Central Highlands) stationed at LZ English where I spent the year on
flight status shooting my own aerial photography, making mosaics, forward
observing for artillery and going on extended flights ‘over the borders’ on
Mohawk camera planes. I would love to hear from anyone who was there with me!
Comment by Bill Harrison — January
21, 2010 @ 9:33 pm
Went through the “Bird” in the
Fall-Winter of 68-69. Holabird was a great place. It was a well kept neatly
trimmed college type campus. Wish there were more pictures. During those years
the school was jammed packed with students from all over the U-S and the
planet. The instructors were super,a who’s who of the I-community. Spent the
next several years at the IG Farben working with some of America’s best.
Comment by RF — January 29, 2010
@ 9:06
Taps for one of our own, J.D.
Salinger (WWII CIC).
Comment by Manny Adler — January 30,
2010 @ 2:58
I too stumbled on to this great site.
Never thought about how blessed we all were to land at the smelly Fort in
Dundalk MD. Arrived April 69 from Knox via air to Dulles and bus to Dundalk. A
month later started 97B class after a few interesting work assignments. Got to
do KP and after breaking out in the worst case of prickly heat I decided to try
something different if possible. Had made friends with Steve from Hammond IN
who got me a job as CQ where everyone checked in. On 24 off 48. In the middle
of the night I was vacuuming the CO,s office and the machine quit. I took it
apart to repair it and was literally covered with dirt and grime when the OIC
came in the office on his rounds. When his aid came in and shouted “attention”
it literally scared the crap out of me. I managed to jump to attention and
salute the officer. He was kind of a prankster himself and took one look at me
and laughed and said he was glad to see that sombody was working at that hour.
Started class soon after and it was just like going to college. Had the PM
Class so no early rises and that was good. My wife, 2 year old son and I lived
at Chesapeake Bay Apartmments as far East of the fort as we could go. Great
memories of Crabing on the bay. Assigned to 113th MI CFO out of school and then
transfered to Carbondale Field Office (30 miles from home). Lived in our own
house until they relocated me to the 502nd in Seoul Korea Tracey Compound.
Couldn’t figure out why as I was working my butt off there. Later when I met up
with the 20 other Holibird grads at Ft Lewis we figured out that we had all
been doing some civilian observation that had been unappreciated by congress.
Got to Seoul on Dec 21, 1970 a Merry Xmas from Uncle Sam. Sat on my butt for
several months before getting an early out to come home to farm. Met some real
characters at Holabird and in Korea. People wouldn’t believe the things we got
to do. As you can tell a great number of memories have reappeared because of
this website. Thanks
Comment by Terry Clark — February 2,
2010 @ 2:42
Ed Harris: I almost jumped when I
read you served with my father – I will pass along that information to my
brothers, they’ll be thrilled. Thank you!
Comment by Maria — February 8, 2010
@ 2:28
Comment by GEORGE KRISKO — February
10, 2010 @ 6:01 am
Took Basic Agent course Nov61-Feb62;
stationed 108th INTC Group, New York Feb62-May63; Security Service Detachment,
Ft. Amador, Canal Zone Jun63-Jun64; looking to connect with agents Dale
Campbell (went to Korea in ’63) & Tad Bartlett of Manhattan field office;
Harry Jennings Bryan at Amador
Comment by howard crise — February
10, 2010 @ 5:14 pm
From Nov. 1968 to April 1969
attended 97B school at Holabird. Had a blast. School was good, as was the food.
Remember sitting in the lounge and watching Joe Namath beat the Colts. Probably
the only one not rooting for the Home Team. Actually treated us with respect,
maybe because we were the ‘spooks’. Had a ball in Baltinore and DC. Only one in
my class that didn’t have a 4 year degree. When orders came, I was the only one
to RVN. Assigned to a special ops unit with the 1st ARVN Div in Hue. All the
rest went to Korea. Have a lot of fond memories of Holabird and the men in my
class. They were all smart guys…..Hope they all lived a good life.
Comment by Wes Lorenz — February 11,
2010 @ 9:31
We lived on post when my father,
Col. Gerald Duin, was stationed at Holabird ’56 to’58. Gen. Prather was the
post CO. As a dependent, I went to Eastern High School; the boys went to City
College. During that time, there was an instructor named Betty MacDougall whose
daughter, Jill, was my best friend. Mrs. MacDougall’s husband had been killed
on a golf course a few years earlier, and she later married an officer named
Mclaren. Does anyone remember any of these people? Except for a mention of Gen.
Prather, there seems to be a lack of information about that time period.
When I was there, there was a sports store right outside post across Holabird
Ave (I think) where we used to see Johnny Unitas hanging out.
This is a great site. Thanks!
Comment by Ingrid Richardson nee
Duin — February 14, 2010 @ 7:40 pm
Wes Lorenz, was your brother at the
Bird before you?
Comment by Bill Leach — February 15,
2010 @ 1:23
To Bill Leach…
No, no brother before me. Went there right out of Ft. Dix. Remember I was able
to sneak my car onto Ft. Dix during basic training. Figured I could just jump
into it after basic and drive to Baltimore. Not quite..they threw me on the bus
and off I went. When I checked in @ Holabird, I told my Sgt. about my
predicament and he gave me a ride to the bus station where I got a ride back to
Dix to get my car. Made it back to Holibird before morning formation. Had a
friend going to Georgetown University at the time and almost every weekend I
went to DC and had a blast. He lived in a large house with about 10 other guys.
The place was always crawling with girls. Sure hated to leave Holabird……
Comment by Wes Lorenz — February 17,
2010 @ 9:19
To Wes Lorenz,
To Wes Lorenz,
I was stationed at Holabird from Oct
65 – Jun 68. While there, my cubicle mate was Frank(I think) Lorenz. With the
spelling, I thought maybe you were related. I don’t remember what Frank did.
(it was over 40 years ago) but he was a good guy.
I worked at the S-2 and we issued
all the security clearances for the students and permanent party at the school.
It was a great job at a great post. If I could have spent 30 years there, I
would have been a lifer.
Comment by Bill — February 17, 2010
@ 8:31
I first arrived at Ft. Holabird in
Sep 67 for the 97B course. I was an SSG direct from the 172 Inf Bde, Ft.
Richardson, AK. Wonderful time at Ft. Holabird. I was married and lived in Essex.
From there I went to Region IV, 113th MI Group, Denver, CO for 10 months,
including either two or three weeks in Chicago after Martin Luther King’s
death, prior to joining the 101st MI Det, 101st Air Born Division, Hue (LZ
Sally), Vietnam. Got out of Vietnam safe and eventually retired after two tours
in Germany and an assignment with DIS in St Louis, MO.
Comment by Brace Barber — February
21, 2010 @ 7:29 pm
What exactly does DIS stand for?
Comment by manny — February 22, 2010
@ 7:36
DIS stands for Defense Investigative
Service. DIS came into being in 1973, replacing the services of the
responsibility for background investigations for DOD.
Comment by Ed Harris — February 24,
2010 @ 9:12
Comment by manny — February 26, 2010
@ 7:40
Whoops, sorry.
Comment by manny — February 26, 2010
@ 7:41
Great website. Incredible memories
and how fast time goes by. Would Like to here from those who went through
Holabird Sept 1967-February 1968, then sent to the 502nd MI Battalion in Korea.
No one on the message board so far except Dan Rundell who was a year ahead of
me in that process knows what that experience was like. I know others shared it
Daryl, I was at the 502nd from Sept
66 until arround March or April of 68. Your name sounds very familiar.
Comment by Steve Bostick — March 3,
2010 @ 12:15
Left Holabird in Jan 1968 and arrived in Comp.B, 502nd MI., Tracy Compound,
Seoul, in Feb 1968. We may have overlapped a bit.
I arrived at Company B during Oct. 1966 (I think-been a long time) and was
assigned to LIAISON, which was run by Donald Fox (civilian/ex army intell NCO).
I lived in the hooch right next to the Mess Hall. I was a “Coordinator”-97D20.
Some of the names I remember are George Koopman, Ralph Stein, Steve
Dobrowolski, John Smart, Colonel Russell Cogar, and Chubby Kim(one of our
Korean interpeters and a good poker player).
Which office did you work in?
Comment by Dan Rundell — March 4,
2010 @ 12:38
When I left the Bird I first went to
Offut Air Force Base to school for II then on to the 502nd. I worked for Brig.
Gen. Brooks (Air Force) at the USSSD build. behind 8th Army G2 I worked with
these guys almost daily. Some of the guys I remember are Al Bridges, Jon
Tallman, John (red) Miller, Ed Kerr, Louie Domerese, Lynwood Fisher, Pop
Atchley, Maj. Ware, Capt. Kirby, Capt. Paula Jenkins,1SG Groosman, and most
important Mr. Song (bartender at the NCO club I think we called it the Hilltop
Comment by Steve Bostick — March 4,
2010 @ 11:29
It’s great to see this site still
alive! Facebook has a page now looking for alumni. I took the 96B20 course from
August to October 1968. Arrived on base in July and had to wait for my class to
start. Got assigned to permanent KP as a cooks helper. A civilian guy. It was
not bad duty. Sort of liked it. Making like 40 gallons of soup at a time. Well
about a week before my class was to start, the Mess Hall Major asks me and the
cook into his office. The Major wants to send me to cooks school, because I was
a “natural”. I just look at this guy, and say Thank you major. I have enjoyed
my time working for you, but I have my heart set on being James Bond! When our
class had its turn for KP, I was assigned to help the cook again. Colgate Creek
and the bouncing bridge…..Harleys and the Holabird Inn….Stepenwolf..Born to be
wild. As luck would have it; the class after us got there orders before us.
They went to hawaii, we went to ‘Nam. Ended up in I Corp..3rd Marine Division
G2/G5 with 7th Psyop in DongHa. Then back to Fort George G. Meade. Looking back
now, I wished I had stayed in.
Comment by Pasquale Vallese — March
4, 2010 @ 12:36 pm
Just remembered, we were assigned to
525 MI group in Saigon, but our plane broke down in Anchorage. We were stuck
there over night. By the time we got thru the Phillipines, into ‘Nam, they had
given away our assignments. Sent out to Saigon, then Danang, then Quang Tri,
and finally Dong Ha. So much for an office job working with Westmoreland!!
Comment by Pasquale Vallese — March
4, 2010 @ 12:50 pm
What a great site…lots of memories
here. I was in the MI Special Agent course in the fall of 1967, direct our of
basic training at Ft. Gordon, GA, and went on to a one-year course in
Vietnamese at Ft. Bliss. After that, spent most of my time in Viet-Nam as an
agent handler with the 635th MID, Team 2 attached to the 196th LIB. I was also
liaison to MACV folks in Tam Ky. Discharged in Jan.’70.
Stopped by the Ft. twice since leaving the service — once in the early 80’s, I
believe, and the last time a few years ago. On the first visit, I found a sign
that used to hang over the gate to Holabird Ave., “You are now entering the
most dangerous place on earth — an American highway.” The guard wouldn’t let me
take it — she had no sense of history or humor. The second time there, the only
signs of the fort were the old officers club (now a VVA chapter), the metal
bridge and part of the “stairs to nowhere” near the oval track.
— Bill Pritchard
Comment by Bill Pritchard — March 7,
2010 @ 8:40
Pasquale (#239) My flight was also
delayed overnight in Anchorage enroute to RVN. They put us up at the Anchorage
Westward Hotel. That was in July 1971. Then arrived in country and assigned to
3rd Battalion 525th MI Group in Ben Hoa. Is that the same time you went over?
Comment by Steve Schein — March 8,
2010 @ 5:28
Steve(241). We had the break down in
November of ’68. We were in our Summer short sleeves, when we were removed from
the plane and assigned rooms. They gave us $10 for breakfast, and I had to
spend like $5 of my own, just to get 2 eggs, bacon, toast and coffee.
If Bill Pritchard reads this…your name sounds so familar. Were you ever at Ft.
Meade, or did I know you from Holabird. Facebook has a couple of pages trying
to get started, for those who use facebook.
Code name Poncho.
Comment by Pasquale Vallese — March
8, 2010 @ 11:54 pm
What a great site! I was a student
at the Bird from Sept. 65 to Jan.66 (97D) and From Jan. 68 to May 68. The above
comments brought back great memories. Does anyone remember a WAC by the name of
Mary Tillman? I would love to get in touch with her, any one who remembers me.
Comment by Bill Morrissey — March
10, 2010 @ 6:11 am
Any one who remembers Mary Tillman
can get in touch with me at I
am also interested in John Farley, or Geroge Kirby. This is one of the most
intersting sites concerning persons that were in the MI community. Bill
Comment by Bill Morrissey — March
11, 2010 @ 1:46 pm
when i enlisted my reruiter was
going over all these choices. none seemed to fit until he said he never
recruited anyone for ais. allow me to be the first, he knew nothing and was all
i needed to hear. ft knox next orders for holabird were posted 5th wk of
basic=”duties as commander may direct”. i arrived sept 64 and was assigned to
97d training. halfway thru they offered perm party at holabird. i was from 90
miles from there,just married after basic and already saw the advantages fo
duty at “the bird”. so i accepted and immediately arranged housing at
essexshire gate apts. upon completion of the course i was assigned to dept of
area studies. job title=asst instructor and while i had a lot of interaction
with future agent handlers in many ways, 75% of my time and effort was
overseeing the vault in das where the documents were kept and controlling
distribution of said documents. i spent my entire 3 yr enlistment less basic at
holabird. as such i can appreciate more than most what a unique pleasurable
experience. for which i say thank you to the recruiter that knew nothing. it
was already known that a future move to arizona was impending otherwise i may
have reupped with the hope of a 20 year assignment to holabird, as realistic as
that may sound. but alas i knew it was not to be. now as i approach 65 and my
retirement for selling insurance arrives 103110 i look back on the place and
people that laid the foundation for the rest of my life and say those three
years from 0964 to 070467 were some of the best of my life frank stella
Comment by frank stella — March 11,
2010 @ 6:03
I was in class B-2, 1948. Went from
there to 66th CIC, Germany. Later to 115th CIC, Spokane Field Office. That has
been one heck of a long time back. JFN
Comment by John F. Nisley — March
22, 2010 @ 2:34 pm
I was a student at Dlundalk
University in 1948, Class B2. Since then I went the the Language School, at
Monterey, CA. Two tours in Germany and one in Korea.
Stateside I spent my time in Washington State. Those were good times and I miss
them but dream about them a lot. JFN
Comment by John F. Nisley — March
22, 2010 @ 4:25 pm
Attended Ft. Holabird 1967 Intel
Analyst. Graduated 2nd in class of 65. Ended up as Ch, Intel Br, Mil Intel Div,
G2, Hq, 8th Army in June 1967.
Chuck Searcy was in same class, Bob
Comment by Bob Liskey — March 23,
2010 @ 11:33
Hi Everyone,
Basic in Fort Jackson, June 65, then
onto the Bird sometime in September, 96B20, went through all courses, DAME,
DASE, Interrogation POW, was on the night shift, 12-6am, out of our class of
50, one got kicked out, 2 went to Redstone, two went to NAC center, actually on
the post, and the balance to Nam. I was one of the lucky one’s, I stayed at the
Bird. Great duty, five of us, 2000 civvies, mostly girls. Just one small story,
a few of us, and a few good Beret frinds went down to Baltimore to have a 1000
drinks, beat up about 100 hippies, made the Sun’s headlines, (Naturally) but
will always remember our punishement, stood in front of the General, (Townsend)
and all he said was you did a GREAT job, next time do a better one, kill those
bastards. Loved that guy.
Lots more stories although mind is slippin a bit, but if anyone remembers me,
love to hear from you. I also registered the domain; USAINTS.COM will build a
nice site, could use your input.
Nick Nolter
Could also use some info if any of
you went through “Area Studies”
Attended Intell School at Fort
Holibird in 1971, looking for perm personnel (WAC) with the first name of Ivy.
Love the stories and memories.
Comment by John — April 9, 2010
@ 12:47
What is yours?
Comment by manny — April 9, 2010
@ 2:13
In the fall of 1967, while waiting
for classes to start we spent several months doing Casual Duty and living next
to a barracks of WACs. That was interesting. One casual duty was weekly
(Wednesday) pillow and bed sheet collection from the school dorms. We rapped up
25 sheets per bundle and filled a truck with bundles to take to the Fort
laundry, a large facility. There, since there was not much else to do, we would
sack out on the huge piles of sheet bundles drinking coffee all morning until
someone could figure out what to do next. I was young and had not much coffee
drinking experience.
Fort Holabird is where I learned to
drink coffee (addicted) and probably why I ended up in Seattle the coffee
drinking (Starbucks) capital of the world.
I neglected to mention that I
learned to drink whiskey in the evenings there, so I owe Fort Holabird a lot on
forming my lifelong choice of beverages.
I arrived in late Oct 66 FROM Dix
and like all of you, thought the Army had made a mistake. This could’nt be an
Army post!! Went to 96B training and then to Ft Bragg awaiting shipment to VN.
Came back again after VN for 96C. They goofed and thought I was going to re-up,
otherwise I would have rotted at Ft Bragg waiting to get out. However, my duty
at Holabird was very pleasant both times I was there. If you think it was good
as a pvt, you should have been there as a student SGT. I had the world by the
balls then. Even officers would say please and thank you. Spent as much time at
the Holabird Inn as I did in class. Until I talked to someone from Baltimore, I
thought Hamburgers was a restaurant.(clothing store) Do you remember we would
pass underneath it every time we went downtown. (to the BLOCK)God it was great
to be young !!
Comment by Jim Smith — April 20,
2010 @ 10:14
Sorry I didn’t stumble on this
websiste sooner. Like many others, my arrival at the ‘Bird was a complete
shock. I got there just after Easter in 1956 after a less than delightful eight
week plus tour at Ft Dix. I recall that it was raining and my raincoat was
somewhere in my barracks bag. As I got out of the taxi an older soldier
approached and told me to be sure and get a receipt from the taxi driver, He
then pick up my bag and led me into what turned out to be his office. When he
took off his raincoat I could see that he was a Master Sgt. He must have seen
the expression on my face as he remarked that I wasn’t in Basic any more and
could expect to be treated like a human being. After signing in he took me over
to the reception barracks and told me to pick a bunk. There was a bunch of guys
already there, and we started to introduce ourselves. It turned out that
several of us had mutual friends and fraternity brothers. I remember some
names,ie. Bill Mattox, Moose Mitchel Beau Scott and John Donahue to name a few.
With nothing to do we soon found the EM club and had a few beers. That was the
first of many parties to follow in the next 16 weeks. We all wanted to go to
agent school, but the army needed analyst that day so we became 971.3s
You could tell the way the wind was blowing by the smells you encountered when
you fellout in the AM. About the second week we were there, our platoon sgt,
Jack Reilly took several of us to Baltimore for a tour of Easst Baltimore
Street. Having lead very sheltered lives up until then. we were like little
boys at the circus. There was a minimum amount of Mickey Mouse (CS) like
Saturday AM inspections and Friday Retreat Parades. We all felt a little
resentful at having to salute anyh car with an officer sticker on the bumper,
even if it was being driven by a wife or daughter. We went to great lengths to
avoid doing this. I remember a few funny incidents, but I will save them for
another time. Bill Mattox, Bob Ruby,Dave Good, Don Grey and I ended up on the
USNS Upsure going to Munich Germany and the 66 CIC. Beau Scott went to Japan.
To make sure that the Army system of assignment held true, the three guys in
the class that spoke fluent German were also sent to Japan. I have great
memories of my two years in the CIC,and will share them at another time. My
college roomate and fraternity brother ,Don Brown, was Clerk of the Works for
the school at the time. He got there before me and was permanent party. I
haven’t heard from him in 50 years, but would love to. Ed Delehanty
Comment by Ed Delehanty — April 20,
2010 @ 4:50
Hello all. I arrived at Ft Holabird,
from Ft Dix, in October or November of 1969. Started the 97D20 Course in Late
November or Early December. By that time the “casual company” had been
designated “C” Company and things were beginning to get more “Army”. They had
started an NCO school, the “casuals” were being used to build asphalt sidewalks,
that sort of thing. But I made the move to the “big building” and avoided the
worst of it. I will remember that chain bridge to the day I die. That sign that
stated “Break step going over bridge” must have been the most ignored command
in the US Army. While a casual I remember being used as a “border guard” on a
97C exfiltration exercise at Sparrows Point. The ones we caught were
interrogated in the old powder magazines of Fort Howard. Left in Feb or March
1970 for the 902d in Falls Church, VA. Then on to 702d MID in Long Bihn in
March 1971. Took the Agent Course at Huachuca in April or May 1972. Joseph
Bandiera “Peter Poor” had moved out there with the school and I am proud to
say, completely resisted my efforts at interrogation in the “Fish Bowl”. Great
Site. It is really good to hear from folks who were there. Through the years
you sort of quit talking about Holabird, because you know no one will believe
Comment by Farrell Tucker — April
21, 2010 @ 11:57 pm
In 1956, we lived in wooden
barracks. I remember the big brick headquaarters and my old college roomate
lived there. I think there was a beer hall there too. Everybody seems to know
of the old chain bridge, but I cannot place it. We were off weekends unless you
had KP. I only had it once and was pissed off because I had learned I was
shipping out to Germany shortly and wanted to get home to see my folks before I
left. I did manage to do that a week or two later. In fact I got a ride to
White Plains from our CO Jack Moran. Iam trying to remember the nome of the
school First Soldier. He was a short stocky guy usually with a cigar in his
mouth. He turned out to be a pretty good guy. Boniface Campbell was GIC. I
think he was responsible for the Friday afternoon retreat parades.
Comment by Ed Delehanty — April 22,
2010 @ 9:52
Hey, Bostick, how about John B.
Sherman (P&O, G2, EUSA), Tom Mullaney (Intel Br, G2, EUSA), Bubba Lewis (MI
Div, G2, EUSA), Neil O’Leary (OB Br, G2, EUSA), John Benkert (MI Div, G2),
Bruce K. Grant (Civilian former agent handler 502d), McTaggart, LTC Martin (Ch,
MI Div, G2, EUSA), LTC Sam Basille (prior Ch, MI, G2, EUSA), LT Tim Lewis (Ch,
OB Br, G2, EUSA), LT Ken Chisolm, LT Stuart, Jim Houseman (Civilian Affairs,
G2, EUSA), Richard MIller (Intel Br, MI DIv, EUSA assigned from 502d), SGT
MAJOR Robertson (G2, EUSA), George Vukovich (MSG CTR, G2, EUSA), SGT Youngblood
(MSG CTR, G2, EUSA), COL COURIS (USASSD), ….Some others on tip of beling
remembered but mind not as sharp as it use to be.
Comment by Bob Liskey — April 23,
2010 @ 10:28
Thorpe (KMAG)
Comment by Bob Liskey — April 23,
2010 @ 10:29
Bob, none of these names jump out at
me except Thorpe was he a 1LT but the more I think about it a Cpt. My memory is
pretty much shot.
Comment by Steve Bostick — April 23,
2010 @ 8:05
Kind of funny how most of our
memories are “pretty much shot” except for bits and pieces of Holabird. Still can’t
figure out why?
Comment by manny — April 27, 2010
@ 8:51
I think it might have something to
do with all the “good” memories. I haven’t read any “bad” memories on this
site. Holabird was so different from what we all expected when we got there
whether from basic training or another duty station. I know I spent 3 great
years there and have a ton of memories, almost all good. I just wish I could
find more photos of the post. It is almost like it didn’t exist. I have a 8mm
home movie, about 2 or 3 minutes long but it is very grainy and not much
Comment by Bill — April 27, 2010
@ 11:28
Might be interesting to post it on
Comment by manny — April 28, 2010
@ 12:23
Fort Holabird Photos:
There is now a “Fort Holabird” Facebook page where photos can be attached.
There are also three very good books with pictures of the BIRD, 1950s, 60s,
early 70s. The books are part of the Army Lineage Series, written by John
Patrick Finnegan. They can be purchased on the inter net and can be found at
some libraries. The first book is “Military Intelligence” 437 pages. There’s
also “Military Intelligence A Picture History”,195 pages and “The Military
Intelligence Story, A Photographic History”, 153 pages. There are a few Fort
Holabird photos in all three books and the CIC-MI history is a nice read.
Comment by RF — April 28, 2010
@ 1:28
Like a lot of other poster –
arriving at Holabird was a eyeopener. Went to Bragg for basic Feb 67. Arrived
at Holabird in Apr-May 67. Class date was for Jun 67, Casual till class.
Remember a Sgt Adank as part of reception group. Good guy once you got to know
him. After class ended was set to go to OCS. This was cancelled because of lack
of degrees. About 9-10 got order for RVN. Went home to Va before leaving. But
got a call from the Pentagon recinding order to RVN – back to Bird. Went to work
in MIOAC as clerical. LTC Preston Davis was the OIC. Remember a Cpt Stackman.
Harry Bressler – Staff Sgt from Johnstown Pa. Finally got order for OCS.
Problem was that I was not going back to MI but to Inf. Thought that was not a
good idea for 1968. Thought about it for 2-3 minutes. Turned down. Next orders
for RVN May 68. Assigned to 525 MI then to 55Th MID in Nha Trang at IFFV. Was
in Kontum when I ran into classmates fron Bird on way home. Ended up extending
for a addition four months to get an early out. Wanted to go back to college in
fall but missed but 10 days. Got home Sep 69. Met a lot of great people at the
Bird . Wish that I had note full names and Hometown. What a difference from
basic. Was treated like a regualar human being by Superiors ant the Bird. I
feel that part of the success that I have ahd in life is do to there influence
. My extention was supposed to keep me in Nha Trang but ended up with Task
Force South in Dalat then Phan Thiet at LZ Betty . Thanks for reading. John
Comment by John Doyle — April 28,
2010 @ 1:30
Manny, I will try to get the film
posted (I will have to ask my kids to help me).I will have to find it first. It
might take a few days. I’ll let you know when (if) it happens.
Comment by Bill — April 28, 2010
@ 11:53
Thanks and let me know the site.
Comment by manny — April 29, 2010
@ 4:55
Anybody remember George Gilmore? He
was Assignment Officer at the ‘Bird sometime during the 60s. I served with him
and his wife Betty in the 66th Field Office in Munich.
Comment by Ed Delehanty — April 30,
2010 @ 3:49
Manny, I finally got the 8mm movie
posted on YouTube. Just put in Fort Holabird in the search box. The first 17
seconds are blank but then it runs for about 4 minutes. It is a little grainy
and turn down the sound so you won’t hear the annoying clicking of the old
movie projector. Enjoy.
I think I took this in 1967. It is
about 4 min. long. Turn down the volume so you won’t hear the annoying sound
of the old 8mm film projector. What I remember:
Post Chapel
Post Library
Movie Theater
Students Barracks/Parade Grounds
(Note the train moving in the background)
Colgate Creek (hold your nose)
School Building
Test track/ball field
Colgate Creek again
Post Dispensary
A friend, Gary
Old Tank/Jeep Test Track
Headquarters USAINTC with Gary and
the Sphinx (which is which)?
Old wooden trestle going over
Dundalk Ave and through the post
Old PX
Permanent Party Barracks
Main gate and Main Street
My nieces and nephews for about two
Sorry for the long post
Comment by Bill — May 1, 2010
@ 7:17
Thanks Bill…..the 8mm home movie
brought back some memories…I was surprised how much stuff I did not
remember………..Thanks again for taking the time. You should post it to the
facebook Holabird page.
Comment by Pasquale Vallese — May 3,
2010 @ 4:51
Hi Manny,I will.
It brought back many memories for me too. I hadn’t watched it for a while. It
was a great place to spend 3 years.
Comment by Bill — May 3, 2010
@ 6:56
Manny, I tried to post it on
Facebook, it said it was too big and it didn’t support that type of file (??) I
left instructions to view it on YouTube.
Comment by Bill — May 3, 2010
@ 11:58
Thanks to Bill Leach who worked for
me in 1965 for this link, and also for his 4 minute Oscar winning movie.
It as a cool and foggy day when I emerged from the Harbor tunnel in May 1959
and took a right on Holabird Avenue. What a dreary area I thought. After
checking in and settling, and hungry, I drove back west, then north, then west
again on EAstern Avenue. After passing by Patterson Park and through that
section of the city, I thought to myself, “Is this all there is to Baltimore?”
Only later did I finally get downtown!
Quite memorable was the situation of
the Bird. When the wind blew from the west, you could smell Lever Brothers soap
factory. if the wind was from the South, the Fleishmann’s yeast factory. But…
from the east? Baltimore’s sewage facility.
Yes, I remember General Prather. Was
he succeeded by a General Coverdell? The Sphinx! ah yes, it’s motto, same for
Intelligence corp, “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies.”
Attended a short 5 week course of
orientation and then the photo interpretation course, leaving about November of
that year for Ft Bragg and the old 519th.
Anything was better than Bragg, so signed up for Russian language at Monterey,
CA and after that back to the Bird in October 1961 (the Berlin wall had just
gone up) for 9668 training. Someone mentioned the Fort which is Fort Howard.
That was where we landed one cold and snowy night in order to “infiltrate” and
check out our targets.
anyone remember the Brentwood Inn with it’s wine cellar? Someone did mention
Haussner’s a favorite place of mine with it’s art on the walls.
after that off to Germany for three
and half years, but back to the Bird September 1965. And that is where I met
Bill Leach and his buddy Nesbitt who worked for me in the S2 shop of Troop
Command (Col Wimberley was CO).
After that it was ‘Nam as an advisor
to Vietnamese National Police in Saigon. Our little shop later achieved infamy
as Operation Phoenix.
Sigh! Thanks for the memories.
Comment by Harlan Lunsford — May 4,
2010 @ 4:28
Thanks for posting the film. Just
finished watching it. Boy, so much one doesn’t remember.
Comment by manny — May 5, 2010
@ 10:18
I posted here last year. Found some
paperwork from Holabird recently….all original. Some names to ponder (last
only): Raycraft, Van Burk, Biegelow, Blemker, Coomes, Davis, Diamond,
Dickinson, Dignan, Garner, Getter, Gody, Gorsky, Hofmann, Kunkler, Luehrs,
McNichols, Murphy, Nielson, Ommen, Palmquist, Roeder, Smith, Stemme, Talerico,
Trader and York. Orders dated 23 June 1967. FYI…any names ring a bell? Ron
Comment by Ron Mahinske — May 5,
2010 @ 5:39
thanks for this post mate. hope you
have a good day. thanks. 
I posted a few pictures on FaceBook
– Fort Holabird.
Comment by Bill — May 6, 2010
@ 9:36
There’s gotta be a few guys besides
me who were there in 1956. I kow I’m getting old, but I can still walk and
Comment by Ed Delehanty — May 10,
2010 @ 9:31
Ed #278),
Some of us were there in ’56. Where
you Permanent Party?
Comment by manny — May 10, 2010
@ 5:02
No Was in a class. My college
roomate Don Brown was Permanent party. He was School Clerk of the Works. My
class started around the first part of April and ended about the middle of
June. Shipped out and ended up in Munich arount the First of July. I remember a
Lt. by the name of Jack Moran was our CO at the school.
Comment by Ed Delehanty — May 11,
2010 @ 3:24
What was “school clerk of the
works?” The works stymies me. Nor does Don Brown ring a bell. We had a clerk
named Don Davis (law degree from University of North Carolina and a pfc) and a
Don Redddick, an undertaker from Washington, D.C and also a clerk, place
Comment by manny — May 12, 2010
@ 11:38
Clerk of the Works just an
expression. Don Brown was Company Clerk for the School, or so he told me. Come
to think of it, there may have been more than one school going on at the time I
think he was clerk for the school for agents and analyists. 10 years later, my
brother Steve went through the school. He ended up in ‘Nam. When he came back
he got on the faculty and taught servailance. He would bring the class up to
White Plains where my family lived at the time and do a problem. He enlistsed
my mother to stand on the corner with a newspaper under her arm etc. etc. They
made her an honorary member of the Ft Holabird faculty, with an official
certificate presented by some Major or Col with the appropriate cermony in her
dining room where she would feed the class after the problem.
Comment by Ed Delehanty — May 13,
2010 @ 12:52
Thanks for the memories, I was at Ft
Holabird in 1969 from March-May taking an Intelligence Analyst course. We had
some great Marines in our class as well, and one weekend we got into a brawl on
the softball field playing members of another class. I remember the gritty
sports bars in the area, going to Pimlico, seeing the Orioles, going to a Jimi
Hendrix concert, the EM club and the famous pig sisters.
Next stop, Vietnam.
Regards to all. LK
when i was graduated col rutledge
was director of instruction and col elvin dalton and lt col thomas hessler were
my bosses as commander and asst of das during my 3 yrs there also remember ssgt
ken sawai head nco major joe eng, security officer, w/o peterson, had a
different joke every day civilian employee and reserve general bellin, we used
to bowl during lunch hour, majot ted switty, air force and close friend. during
some lunch hours all of us including the colonels would play volleyball
together. all gentlemen and a pleasure to work for and with. sorry for the many
others not mentioned but it would be too long a post. get more of you named
next time. some of you that trained w d/as will no some of these instuctors i
am sure fondly
Comment by frank stella — May 15,
2010 @ 11:45
post 284 was for time period 10/64
to 07/67 time frame
Comment by frank stella — May 15,
2010 @ 11:46
Attended eight week Officers
Intelligence Course during April and May 1970 after two years in Vietnam. As a
Navy guy, I attended using an alias! Did anyone else enjoy this experience?
Comment by len — May 18, 2010
@ 9:49
Regarding post above by Steve Shein:
When were you at 3rd Bn at Bien Hoa. I have been trying to remember the LTC’s
name and you mentioned it: Colonel Wentzel. I left in Sept. ’71 and he was
still there. I was the SGT E5 who worked in the front of the S3 shop.
Larry Hamilton
Comment by Larry Hamilton — May 19,
2010 @ 1:46
…for any of you who served with the
511th MI Company please feel free to come visit our web site at:
…this includes those who served with
the ROs and BROs from 1960 to 1980. There are more than 100 former members who
receive our newsletter. (106 newsletters so far)
Former commanders LTC Leonard
Spirito & LTC Thomas Dooley are a part of the email group.
I got there in Aug 1970, after Basic
at Ft Polk, waited for TS clearance for a month doing lots of KP. I was amazed
to see brick barracks. All I was familiar with from visiting my uncle at Ft Ord
and SF Presidio in the 50’s and 60’s, and Polk was old wooden buildings constantly
being cared for by grunts like me. So, I went through the 97B course, had a
blast every weekend in DC and Arlington after becoming friends with a fellow
classmate, Ernie Buck. Some might remember him as “Dirty Ernie”. We both stayed
on as instructors (pretty sure we were drafted) and, in my case, with
absolutely NO prior combat, or military experience, went on to teach classes in
Interview/Interrogation, Tactical CI, Survielance, and my favorite-SouthEast
Asia Orientation for soon-to-be S2s, J2s. At first that was a bit intimidating
for me, a new PFC, but after a while it became fun. I was one of the last to
make the move to Arizona when the school moved. THAT was a change. No more
brick. I suffer from Can’t Remember Sh.. and don’t recall many of the names of
some great people that I worked with. Audited the DAME course at Huachuca.
Being a Rabbit during a surviellance exercize in downtown Tucson in 1972 was
not the same as running the Block back in Baltmer, as they pronounced it. Back
then it was 6 square blocks and just about everything was closed on a Sunday. I
miss the class parties, working with those crazy actors and trying to get the
lesson point through to the hung over SEAL or SF E-6 cleaning his finger nails
with a dagger.
After almost 3 yrs of USAINTS I went
on to ROK and, again, stayed where I entered, assigned to the ASCOM Field
Office, fun times, great people, and interesting work. Then back to CONUS to Ft
Riley dor my last 60 days, oops, got there just as they were all going to play
war games in the mud in Germany and I couldn’t go. I almost stayed, but since
DIS took my job, I would have had to get a new MOS with no guarantees, so that
was that. I have seen Ernie a few times since then, but no one else. I have a
few photos of Huachuca area, but nothing from Holabird. Names I remember: 1LT
Ron Pratchal and his broken ‘Vette, SFC Ralph Griest, SGT Dennis Alred, SGT
Bill Keeney, SGT Russ Turner, SGT Ernie Buck…
Thanks for this site.
Comment by Dave Anderson(Sacramento,
CA) — May 21, 2010 @ 8:56 pm
Regarding Post # 287 by Sgt Larry
Hamilton, yes, I was in 3rd Bn, 525th MI Grp, Bien Hoa. Got there in July ’71
and LTC Jim Wensyel was the CO. Wensyel was a great boss and he had been my CO
at Region 1, 108th MI Group in NYC and got me assigned to his unit in Vietnam .
I was a 1st LT as was a friend, Bill Coughlin from upstate New York. I think
the XO was Maj. Macias (he reminded me of Ernie Kovacs). There as a senior NCO
named Noel (can’t remember his last name) who I think first came to RVN in 1963
or 64. As I recall, Noel was pretty good on the ping pong table we had in the
club. We shared our Bn Hdqtrs compound with a MIBARS unit and a dental unit.
There was a Cpt Mike Skidmore who was the S-4 and was from West Virginia. When
he rotated back to the “WORLD” he was replaced by Cpt Roy Allen. The guy who
ran the club on the compound was named Mike Lamantia and I think he was from
Staten Island, NY. It was a great compound with movies nightly and a live show
weekly. The bands used to show up in mini vans long before the vans became
popular in the USA – mostly Phillipino groups who somehow managed to sound
exactly like the bands they covered. We had chopper pilots assigned to the battalion,
one of them we called, “Doc”. The two of them partied very hardy and flying
with them was always interesting. As pay officer, I flew with them each month
to our detachments in Tay Ninh, An Loc, Zuan Loc, Vung Tau and Cu Chi.
Someone’s pet monkey in Cu Chi grabbed my badge & credentials from my shirt
pocket and ran off with them. That was an interesting chase & recovery
operation. Who knew about the tunnels under Cu Chi back then?
Comment by Steve Schein — May 23,
2010 @ 9:37
Comment by Bill — May 23, 2010
@ 11:33
Re: Post #290. Lt. Schein. I
remember the Lt. whom you replaced as pay officer. Many of the men I worked
with were leaving about the time you arrived in country. I worked closely with
the Ops. Officer, Major Weyand (had he left by the time you arrived?). Until
shortly after Xmas of 1970 I was a case officer at one of the teams down the
road at Bien Hoa and remember going to Cu Chi (I think it was headquarters of
2/25 infantry division). I remember reading about the tunnels there after the
war (was glad I was ignorant of them when I was there). Before you arrived, I
believe in April of ’71 the chopper went down and all four on board were
killed. I have found sites on web with the names of those individuals. I
remember the incident quite vividly as the LTC thought I was the best and
fastest typist in the unit so he had me type all the letters he wrote to the
families of those killed(was a very emotional experience for me).
Comment by Larry Hamilton — May 24,
2010 @ 11:08
The bus trip sounds familiar. It
seems that everyone arrives at the “Bird” in the middle of the night.I was in
the last enlisted 97B class, 97B11. Does anyone remember Smenow’s (spelling ?)
Tavern just outside of the main gate.
I had the opportunity to wax the
floors of the OLOG Building 2 days before it was torn down. I ended up at the
Ft Lewis Field Office, 115th MI Group.
Comment by Mike Hanlon — May 26,
2010 @ 8:49
Waxing the floors of OLOG two days
before it was torn down sounds like the Army that I remember. I was afraid
things had changed. Some things did. We wore brown shoes. Ed Delehanty
Comment by Ed Delehanty — June 1,
2010 @ 6:10
That’s the Army for you. In early
January, 1955, upon entering basic training, we were issued brown low-quarters.
By June of that year orders came down that low-quarters were to be dyed black.
Planning ahead Army style.
Comment by manny — June 2, 2010
@ 5:46
Manny, you just reminded me of the
old phrase
“brown shoe army”.
Harlan Lunsford
Comment by Harlan Lunsford — June 3,
2010 @ 1:31
I came from Fort Ord, California to
Fort Holabird in 1958. I’d finished school at UC-Berkeley but I turned down
OCS; took the French language exam in Basic training and was told to go to the
Intelligence School! Being African American made it difficult for me out side
of the post. Baltimore was segregated. I remember two white friends sat with me
in the balcony at a movie house in Baltimore to see South Pacific. I could not
go to our graduation party because the club would not allow me to enter. I was
scheduled to go to SHAPE headquarters in France but an NCO told me, “No way.” I
went to Stuttgart, Germany. I made great friends and got to travel over Europe.
I am still in touch with one friend who was in the class ahead of me but who
also was in Stuttgart. Great memories.
Comment by Jerry Wright — June 5,
2010 @ 5:14
BOSTICK,,,ur name sounds very
familiar. I was with the 502nd from 72 to 73 and saw what happened when the ROK
White Horse battalion returned from VietNam. By that time ASCOM was reduced to
just a few US bodies. We went from a 10 man field office to 2 when I left. But
before that I was teaching CI at the Bird and later, Huachuca. Do I remember
you from there, maybe? With CAPT Harris, USMC, CI?
Comment by Dave Anderson(Sacramento,
CA) — June 6, 2010 @ 8:54 pm
My husband had an entrance physical
at Holabird Sept. 1970,the VA has said that they have lost all of his medical
records and they also said that no one had a physical at Fort Holabird during
that time.We are surching for anyone who had a physical there during
Sept.1970.Any help we can get would be greatly appricated.
Thank you God Bless
Liz Bright
Comment by Liz Bright — June 7, 2010
@ 10:33
Now some 40 plus years later, I find
memories of Fort Holabird to be both vivid and increasingly assertive. As so
many of you have retold, they were interesting times and each and all of us
remain as witness.
Was a student at Holabird in early
67, did a year in Vietnam in 67 and 68 at 519th MI bn./CICV and then returned
to alma mater in mid 68 and remained there as an instructor until the end of
September 69 (ETS). I lived in building 110 and taught classes out at the Barn,
bldg 320 and bldg 1. Worked part-time evenings sliding beers and ersatz
hamburgers across the counter at the 123 Club. Good times, mostly great folks.
What remains of Holabird in clearly
evident on Google Earth (mainly the Officer’s Club with its filled-in swimming
pool and that odorous anchor of many a recollection: Colgate Creek. The best
parts live on in many a memory … the way it’s supposed to be! Still have fond memories
of closing the NCO club and then walking down to Squires for a pizza and more
brew. Anyone remember a tall curly headed Squires’ waitress named Colleen?
Alas, growing up is vastly
Regards all!
Tom Coughlin
Comment by Tom Coughlin — June 15,
2010 @ 4:39
I was an early post-Holabird 97D
trainee at Huachuca, coming back later for 97B training. The instructors and
support people there were still waxing nostalgic about “The Bird,” mainly I
think because of the conspicuous absence of nightlife in Sierra Vista.
I had no idea that draftees had ever been routed to the Intel School; it
seems…incautious to give a high level clearance to somebody who’s been rousted
from his peaceful occupations by conscription. I know I would not have been
happy about it. It must have felt odd, swearing to uphold a constitution that
prohibits involuntary servitude next to a bunch of conscripts; by the time I
went in, the draft was suspended.
Almost all of the draftees were
given SECRET clearances. All of the Agents and Coordinators had volunteered and
given TOP SECRET clearances.
Comment by Bill — June 16, 2010
@ 12:12
I was a draftee and got a top secret
clearance as did the rest of the class. This was in 1956 so things might have
changed since. I remember in one class that we were asked if we knew of any
Communists or fellow travellers amongst our college professors. I don’t think
they got too many names. Some of our instructors felt that the coalminer’s
song, popular at that time, was subversive. We were also asked if anyof us
would like to volunteer for CIC Airborne.
Again, no takers.
Comment by Ed Delehanty — June 16,
2010 @ 10:18
Draftees and RA’s both were eligible
for Top Secret and Secret clearance in the mid-50′ as both worked with the same
materials and there were far more draftees in intelligence (probably based on
education and IQ).
Comment by Manny Adler — June 16,
2010 @ 4:34
From 1965-1968 I worked in S-2,
Troop Command for the school where we issued or validated the security
clearances for the students and permanent party. In almost all cases, the
draftees were not issued Top Secret clearances. They might have been issued at
there next duty station on a need basis. All the agents and coordinators were
volunteers not draftees.
Comment by Bill — June 16, 2010
@ 11:37
Oh the memories! I was assigned to
the Bird in 1971. Got there and no one knew where I was supposed to be or what
I was doing there. The CSM gave me a choice, he would find me a job or put me
up for the first available levy. I decided to stay and I became a driver for
LTC James Howard who was the Headquarters Commandant. What a great assignment!
I would drive to DC and spend my days being a tourist. Came down on levy seven
times but was deemed critical to the Bird. Finally left there in 1973 when the
Command moved to Ft. Meade.
I have been looking for some of the
old timers from the Intel Command:
LTC James W. Howard
James Schlicher
The Skori brothers
Doug Magnani
Marilyn Hanna
Laurette Sturm
Sonnie Williams
Sally Kimbell
If you know where these folks are
now days or you were at the Bird from 1971 to 1973 drop me a line at:
Comment by C. G. Alvord — June 27,
2010 @ 11:21
I stumbled across this site as I was
searching for a definition of what a 97D40 MI Coordinator was! Apparently, it
was a secondary MOS I had and never knew it! I, recently, received my complete
file and saw the listing. If anyone could explain what a 97D40 did I would
appreciate it. I got sidetracked reading all the posts on this site and never
continued the seach! Really a great trip!''
I was a 97B40, CI Agent, and in the
Army from January `68 to December `70. I read a lot of the posts with
amusement, and interest, in things I forgot, bringing back many memories of
Holabird and surrounding establishments especially Squires. I had to laugh
at some of the posts on first reactions to Holabird directly out of Basic. I
experienced much the same thing arriving late on a Friday night via train from
Ft. Bragg, called the Fort and they sent a SGT to pick me up thought I as
in trouble! Also, being in Casual Company for two months (March to mid May)
with an SSGT in charge, who was always happy as long as we were there on Monday
morning! One day a 2nd Lt appeared changing all the assignments he lasted about
two days and we were back to normal, at least normal for Holabird! Or, being in
class and attending afternoon sessions, getting to sleep late after partying
the night before. A new SSGT in charge of quarters didn't like that and sent
us out picking up cigarette butts, early in the morning. However, he did not
realize the area he sent us was in the vicinity of the School Commandant's
quarters who happened to appear and questioned why we were not studying on our
free time – the SSGT was gone that day!
I went through the Agent's course
from May to September `68 and was well beyond lucky being assigned to the New
Haven, Connecticut, Field Office, 108th MI Group, where I remained for my whole
tour! As I recall, my entire class got assigned to Field Offices throughout the
US. After graduation from Holabird I never had a uniform on, again, until the
day I processed out! Spent the majority of my time doing background
investigations and, of course, the era of spying on civilians covering campus and anti-war demonstrations. Hardly any military
life involved, and most of the time it was difficult to remember you were in
the Army! We were far enough from our Regional Office in Boston that no one
ever bothered us. Other than to process out I only went to the Group Hdqtrs,
Ft. Devens, MA, once to pickup a new car! New Haven was only 80 miles from my
home on Long Island, so I was there all the time it was like a commute!
One funny little thing that I took a lot of ribbing about – my RA service
number ended in 007!
Frank Pavlak (
Comment by Frank Pavlak — July 1,
2010 @ 11:08
Frank, a 97D40 compiled the reports
from all the agents, FBI, local police, and military records on a “subject” ,
the object of an investigation (BI or NAC) to determine the course of action to
take. Most of the time it was weather or not to issue a security clearance.
A 97B40 could be used as a coordinator if needed and a 97D40 could be used as a
97B40 if needed.(rarely).
Comment by bill — July 2, 2010
@ 11:15
GREAT SITE !!! I served FAFO, 113th
MIG, Chicago from Mar 1965 to Aug 1967. One of my SAC’S was Bill Yantis.
I would like to talk to him if you can forward on my email address!!! I have
info on George K.B. Choi that he mentions in his posts, also Civilian employees
that he speaks of.
Thanks again,
Bob Davey
Comment by BOB DAVEY — July 5, 2010
@ 12:10
Went to Holabird in 1962, right out
of basic at Ft. Jackson. Completed the “Coordinator” course and was assigned to
the 109th INTC Group working out of the US Customs House in Baltimore. I
returned to Holabird in 1965 for the “Agents” course and was shipped to 401st,
later changed to the 710th in Honolulu, Hawaii. Would enjoy hearing from anyone
who might remember me.
Bill: Thank you for defining what a
97D40 did. Now I know where all those Agent Reports went!
Comment by Frank Pavlak — July 6,
2010 @ 11:40
Like many others, I also stumbled
onto the site, just like finding the Fort. Who would have believed it was so
small after the Basic Training forts we all attended. I think Jim runs the blog
and kudos to him for an excellent site. His archives are also worth a look!
Thanks to Bill(?) for the U-Tube video. I can’t believe any more of us took the
time to document the place. I’ll bet those of us who served outside of CONUS
have more pics. Any chance of getting them uploaded by MI Group on the site?
Comment by Bruce Hagar — July 7,
2010 @ 3:21
Bruce, have you checked out
“Fort Holabird Alumni” and
“United States Military Intelligence”
Comment by bill — July 7, 2010
@ 11:07
Fort Holabird Photos: Check out post
264 referencing three authorized books with pics from the “Bird” and other
intell installations. You may recall there were no pictures allowed at Holabird
Graduations..not many photos of anything..discretion was a factor and probably
LIDMAC, which was preached constantly. On the 97D MOS, they were generally
those under 21 years old not yet allowed to carry B/C’s until cross trained.
CONUS Agent Reports (AR’s) ended up
at the Central Records Repository, or the “barn” as we called it. First left
before the RR tracks. Most of the blog posts deal with the School. A tour of
the Repository would have been equally impressive. The records went back to
WWII, at least, and were all on paper. The storage area and movement of
dossiers from the stacks was something I’ll never forget. Can’t imagine how
long it would take to computerize them. Dossiers of people of “extreme
interest” would require shopping carts to get them to the civilians who
reviewed the reports. Retired officers, DOD civilians, and a smattering of
Permanent Party. Truly, an amazing combination. An indivdual named fnu
Doyon(sp)had the time to collect what he called “Doyon’s Collected Errors” from
AR’s. If anyone knows him, or has a copy, you owe it to the individuals who
wrote them to post it. It’s a classic only Holabird’s would appreciate!
Comment by Bruce Hagar — July 8,
2010 @ 4:58
Stumbled on this site and spent
several hours reading the comments. Wow! It was a great trip down memory lane.
After basic training at Fort Jackson, SC,I arrived at Fort Holabird in April
1965 for the 97B Agents Course. My route to “the bird” mirrored that of many of
my classmates, college; then a job while I sweated out the draft. The draft
finally caught up with me in January 65. While at the induction station, a
silver tongued recruiter convinced me that an extra year of enlistment in
Intelligence was better than the Infantry. Many of us were smart-ass college
boys with little affection for the military. Our unofficial class song was the
“Mickey Mouse Club Song, which we sang with great bravado in the barracks to
protest any task that we thought was unnecessary harassment. We yelled
“chair-borne” when dismissed after marching to class. Fort Holabird was like a
small college campus with just a small amount of the military BS, like morning
police call, KP, and marching to class. Baltimore was a fun city. Just didn’t
have the pay grade to fully enjoy it. After graduation, my first assignment was
the Jackson Mississippi FO, a small office with just three of us. My Holabird
classmates teased me when they learned that I was going to Mississippi, land of
racial tensions and klu kluxers, but it was a great place to work;lots of
driving and knocking on doors. We covered more than half of the state. Best of
all I met my wife there. From Jackson,MS I was sent to the 201st MI Detachment,
Uijonbu, Korea in late 1966. Things had started heating up in Korea the
previous year and continued to escalate in 1967. I worked in the Special
Operations Branch(SOB) and had contact with five ROK Division CIC units stationed
along the DMZ. Things got very interesting at times. The ROK’s were real “kick
ass” soldiers and good people to work with. Left Korea in January 68 and back
to the land of round eyes and big PX’s for discharge. My time in Army
Intelligence was well worth that extra year of enlistment. I cherish those
memories and experiences. Anyone out there who may have crossed paths with me
or shared experiences, please contact me.
Comment by John M. Cone — July 8,
2010 @ 9:29
Bill, I checked out Facebook and
unless I’m doing something wrong it doesn’t hold a candle to this blog. I saw
your post and the pic of the bar, nothing else. Jim, or anyone else have any
ideas where to upload pics of the 525th, 135th, and Saigon during Tet?
Comment by Bruce Hagar — July 10,
2010 @ 3:56
Jim of Parkway Rest Stop here. I
am amazed at the response this blog post has received. As many of you know, it
was the last of a series of posts I did about basic training. I did not include
any information about what happened after training at Fort Holabird, because I
didn’t think it would interest most of the people who visit the blog.
Given that this post has drawn an
audience of MI Types, I will share some stuff that MI Guys would “get.”
Virtually all the interrogators in
classes prior to mine went to Vietnam, and I had assumed that I would also be
assigned to Vietnam. As it turned out, the assignments were largely driven by
language capability. The guys who spoke Korean were assigned to Korea and the
guys who spoke German (I was among that group) or East Bloc languages were sent
to Germany. We had a guy who spoke Italian (Charlie Scudder), and he was sent
to Italy (only a few miles from his parents’ summer home). The guys who spoke
no foreign language or who spoke French were sent to Fort Hood, after which I
presume then went to Vietnam.
I was assigned to the 511th MI
Company in Nuernberg and from there to the Border Resident Office in Passau
(part of FO Cham). There were about five or six of us there, and it was great
duty, except for the all-too-regular visits by officers on “TDY” to “inspect”
the place on their way to spend leave time in Austria. They really loved to
visit the office, because one of the interrogators stationed there (Ray Potter)
happened to have been a Wurzburg-trained chef who, prior to being drafted, was
the chef for the Governor of Florida. Filet Wellington seemed to be the
favorite of the visiting officers.
Once, one of the visiting officers
asked Ray for some salt, and Ray ate his face off. “Sir, I spent hours
preparing this dish and it absolutely does NOT need salt.” Another time,
another high ranking officer asked Ray for Ketchup, and I thought Ray was going
to have a stroke. “Ketchup? On my filet Wellington? Absolutely not!” I figured
that outburst would get all of us transferred to the Mekong Delta, but I guess
the officer realized that, even though the BRO was an Army Installation, our
dining room was not a mess hall and Ray was not a mess cook.
Many more stories. I’ll hop in once
in a while and tell them.