The President of the United States has been shot and
seriously wounded
T 3 – Patch 5
1 - 26000, Andrews, I have the White House.
2 - Okay, thank you.
3 - And I want to keep this frequency open.
4 - The frequency has been taken …
5 - …give ….a copy
6 - Roger.
7 - 86972 is good and readable. I have a party on that wants to talk to you. Stand by.
8 - Standing by.
9 - Hello? What is your name again?
10-Jackson .
11- Mister Jackson?
12- Yes.
13- Okay. Hold on line one.
14- 86972, 86972 I have a Mister Jackson, a Mister Jackson on. Will you give him a call, please?
4 - The frequency has been taken …
5 - …give ….a copy
6 - Roger.
7 - 86972 is good and readable. I have a party on that wants to talk to you. Stand by.
8 - Standing by.
9 - Hello? What is your name again?
11- Mister Jackson?
12- Yes.
13- Okay. Hold on line one.
14- 86972, 86972 I have a Mister Jackson, a Mister Jackson on. Will you give him a call, please?
15- Mister Jackson, this is SAM
86972. How do you read me?
16- I read you very well 72. I would like to talk to Colonel Toomey or Colonel Holland please. Over.
16- I read you very well 72. I would like to talk to Colonel Toomey or Colonel Holland please. Over.
17- Okay. Colonel Toomey is coming on right now, Stand
by One please.
18 - Okay.
19- Roger. This is Colonel Toomey. Go ahead.
20- Colonel Toomey, this is Murray Jackson. The President of the United States has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. Governor Connally was also shot at the same time. Would you please get the message to Secretary of State Rusk, and I will stand by. Over.
20- Colonel Toomey, this is Murray Jackson. The President of the United States has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. Governor Connally was also shot at the same time. Would you please get the message to Secretary of State Rusk, and I will stand by. Over.
21- Roger, Murray .
We have already received the news. We have the UPI on. We have turned around.
We are returning to Hawaii. We are estimating Hawaii in one hour and twenty
minutes. We will be on the ground in Hawaii in one hour and twenty minutes and
will be returning to Washington or Dallas. We have another aircraft alerted to
take part of the party to Dallas, and we are returning to Washington. Over.
22- Thank you very much Colonel Toomey. I will relay that
information to Mr. Ball right away. Over and out.
23- Okay, the secretary has talked with his office inWashington , I believe and also Pierre
Salinger has been in contact with the White House from the aircraft.
24-Okay thank you very much. Over and out
23- Okay, the secretary has talked with his office in
24-Okay thank you very much. Over and out
T-3 – Patch 6
1 - 26000, Andrews. Go ahead sir.
2 - Loud and clear. A signal check please. 26000, I
read you loud and clear, here also, sir. Stand by on this frequency.
3 - Right. Thank you.
3 - Right. Thank you.
T 3 – Patch 7
T3 – 7
1 - Andrews sideband. Airman Gilmore.
2 - Roger. Are you in contact with the party coming back from Tokyo? Go ahead.
3 - Yes sir. We’re going through Liberty airwaves for that aircraft.
4 – Roger, can you connect me with Wayside?
1 - Andrews sideband. Airman Gilmore.
2 - Roger. Are you in contact with the party coming back from Tokyo? Go ahead.
3 - Yes sir. We’re going through Liberty airwaves for that aircraft.
4 – Roger, can you connect me with Wayside?
5 - Standby One Six.
6 - Sir?
7 - Yes Sir?
6 - Sir?
7 - Yes Sir?
8 - There’s Mister Jackson running a patch to that aircraft
at this time, would you like to listen in or would you like me to break the
patch sir?
9 - Ah, could I wait please?
10- Yes, you can standby. You’re number two.
9 - Ah, could I wait please?
10- Yes, you can standby. You’re number two.
T 3 – Patch 8
T3- 8
1 - 86972, Andrews.
2 - 86972.
3 - Roger, standby. I have another one.
4 - Who is this sir?
5 - This is the White House.
6 - Okay, standby please.
7 - 86972, 86972, Andrews, I have Crown on, will you give them a call sir please?
2 - 86972.
3 - Roger, standby. I have another one.
4 - Who is this sir?
5 - This is the White House.
6 - Okay, standby please.
7 - 86972, 86972, Andrews, I have Crown on, will you give them a call sir please?
8 - This is 86972, go ahead.
9 - Roger, This is Crown, we wish a phone patch to Wayside. Go ahead.
10- Roger, standby for Wayside.
9 - Roger, This is Crown, we wish a phone patch to Wayside. Go ahead.
10- Roger, standby for Wayside.
11- Crown.
12- Roger, go ahead please.
12- Roger, go ahead please.
13- Crown this is Wayside. Go ahead. ‘
14- Go ahead please
15- Wayside? Wayside? This is Stranger. Do you read me? Over.
16- This is Wayside. Go ahead.
17- Kilduff has asked that all cabinet members return toWashington immediately. Over.
15- Wayside? Wayside? This is Stranger. Do you read me? Over.
16- This is Wayside. Go ahead.
17- Kilduff has asked that all cabinet members return to
18- We are enroute to Honolulu ,
where we have ah….Washington. Over
19- Roger Roger, will they notifiy us of time of arrival.
20-Situation…to Dallas.
21- Roger, Roger, we do not have any firm….as to the exact
status……go…..Dallas ….Wayside…..go
22- ……..Wayside this is Stranger, over.
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