Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Dear Professor Sabato - Continuing Correspondence w/ Dr. Wecht Updated

Dear Professor Sabato:

In the article you wrote with Philip Shenon (“How the CIA Came to Doubt the Official Story of JFK Murder” – Politico, August 3), there is the following statement –“21st century forensic science demonstrates that Oswald was almost certainly the lone gunman in Dallas”.

Would you be so kind as to send me your information regarding this reference.

Thank you.
Very truly yours,
Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D. 

Dear Cyril,

Thank you for the note. Prof. Sabato discusses this subject at some length in his book, “The Kennedy Half-Century.”

I have not read Mr. Shenon’s book but I would imagine he addresses the issue in his book ( “A Cruel and Shocking Act” ) as well.

Kyle Kondik
Managing Editor, Sabato’s Crystal Ball
University of Virginia Center for Politics

Dear Kyle,

Thank you for your prompt response to my recent inquiry.

I have checked the reference you gave me to Professor Sabato’s book.

The only “scientific” discussion I note therin deals with the acoustics analysis that the HSCA relied upon.

I would like to receive a more specific response to my question re: “21st century forensic science demonstrates that Oswald was almost certainly the lone gunman in Dallas.”

I am certain you can appreciate the fact that as a forensic scientist deeply involved and interested in the JFK assassination for more than 50 years, such an important reference has great significance to me.

I have had no hesitation or problem in relating to major WCR defender – proponents over the years. Indeed, I developed good relationships with Specter, Bugliosi, and Posner.

I am not seeking to engage in a personal dispute with Professor Sabato. However, I cannot ignore the statement made by him and Mr. Shenon in a widely disseminated article that will be given much weight by thousands of readers.

Their comment is quite specific. Accordingly, the basis for that comment must be quite specific, also.
Just exactly what are the 21st century forensic scientific studies that buttress and validate the WCR’s conclusion re: Oswald as a lone gunman?

I believe this is a fair and logical question to be addressed to a high level academic entity.

I look forward to your response.

Thank you,
Best Wishes,
Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D. 

Dear Dr. Wecht –

I would direct you to Prof. Sabato’s and Mr. Shenon’s books.

Best, Kyle

Kyle Kondik
Managing Editor, Sabato’s Crystal Ball
University of Virginia Center for Politics

Dear Kyle:

I would appreciate a definitive response to the inquiry I set forth in an e-mail I sent to you on August 10.

I am certain that Professor Sabato agrees with me that forensic scientific analyses of the physical medical evidence is extremely important in studying the JFK assassination.

Thank you.
Sincerely, Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.

Dear Mr. Kondik:

               I am extremely disappointed by your response to my inquiry, directing me once again to “Prof. Sabato’s and Mr. Shenon’s books”.

               The hard fact of the matter is that neither book documents any specific reference to any new  “21st century forensic science” studies, techniques, or tests that prove that Oswald was the lone gunman in the JFK assassination.

               Professor Sabato must know this, and so do you.

               To slough me off as if I were some unknown simpleton is highly insulting, especially since Professor Sabato was an invited speaker at the JFK Conference in 2013, sponsored by the Cyril H. Wecht Institute of Forensic Science and Law.

               More importantly is the harsh fact that Professor Sabato and Mr. Shenon have publicly expressed a statement that is untrue.  Millions of people who have read their article are now misinformed.

               If Professor Sabato disagrees with my comments and does in fact have specific references to “21st century forensic science” tests that confirm the WCR’s conclusion re LHO as the sole gunman,  I assume he will so inform me. (And please don’t tell me he is too busy). I did six autopsies yesterday along with numerous other professional endeavors, atypical day for me.

               I am bringing this matter to the attention of numerous individuals who have been deeply involved in the study of the JFK assassination.  I am certain that they will be anxious to learn what Professor Sabato’s response is to this letter.

               Very truly yours,

Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.

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