Friday, August 24, 2012

DC Museum of Hidden History launched

John Judge, Director of the Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA) writes: 

The Museum of Hidden History has begun. We have applied for our nonprofit status so donations are already tax-deductible. We set up a website and a WePay account for online donations. We even got featured on their Donate page. Here is a description and our updated brochure. Hope to see some more of you this year! JJ 

The Museum of Hidden History in Washington, DC is an exciting new venture which will combine a library, archive, museum and research center about other perspectives and unknown facts revealing US history. We define hidden history as what we don't know because of miseducation and assumptions, what we can't know because of our paradigms and lack of counter-narratives, and what we are not allowed to know by the National Security State

We are excited about our plans to create a first stage Hidden History Research Center and Library in the coming year. That will be followed by a series of traveling exhibits that will be on view in museums around the country. With your help, we hope to open the Museum of Hidden History in 2017.

We will be telling stories of American history that you’ve never heard – secrets about powerful figures, operations performed under the radar, and actions hidden from the public, from people like you, that changed our country.

We will be revealing history from many perspectives, including those of women, ordinary people, people of color and others whose voices have yet to be heard and whose stories remain untold. They are part of our real but hidden history.

We will be using new archives, documents and research to re-tell aspects of history that have been lost or distorted, and to inform us about our own history, kept from us for decades but now “declassified” and open to the public.

Our history is in danger of being lost. The true history of America’s past, as well as recent history from World War II forward, has yet to be accurately and honestly told. In the near future, countless books, records, documents and archives of hidden history will either be preserved or destroyed. We have begun the process of protecting them and supporting the full release of government files still buried in the name of national security.

History matters, and access to real history is critical! Our history informs our present and our future, and information is the most important tool in a real democracy.

The Museum of Hidden History will be a center for anyone who wants to learn about the hidden or distorted history of US foreign and domestic policies that led us into our current situation. It will tell the hidden history of –

◊ The inception of the National Security State and the Pentagon
◊ The rise of the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex that President Eisenhower warned about
◊ The global rise of corporate power
◊ Government secrecy and emergency plons
◊ American wars, especially since WWII, and the permanent war economy
◊ Covert operations and wars carried out by US intelligence agencies
◊ The rise of government spying and violations of Constitutional rights of citizens
◊ The use of assassination as a tool of political control both in the US and abroad
◊ The murders of President Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr., and others
◊ The COINTELPRO attacks in the 1960’s and 1970’s against the peace and
civil rights movements, and their renewal after 9/11
◊ The untold history of Native Americans, African Americans and other people of
color, women and immigrants in America
◊ Popular resistance and movements for social change whose history is actively
hidden or denied
◊ The struggles of ordinary people to make their voices heard through the civil
rights, women’s suffrage and labor movements

What is the Museum of Hidden History?
The Museum of Hidden History is a new museum that will be located in
Washington DC for the following purposes:
♦ Preserving historical documents and research that might otherwise be lost
♦ Serving as a repository for newly-released classified files on US history since
1947, when secrecy became the norm

The Museum of Hidden History will combine a museum, an archive and a library.
It will be a research and learning center into the hidden history of the United
, both here and abroad, with emphasis on the period from WWII to the
present. The focus of the Museum will be on revealing information, raising
questions and provoking discussion, rather than on propounding a particular
point of view or set of conclusions.

What is the Mission of the Museum of Hidden History?
♦ To inform and educate the public about little-known aspects of local,
national and international history, about actively hidden history, and about alternative perspectives on history
♦ To provide a mechanism for the preservation of history that might otherwise be
♦ To encourage the unearthing and exposure of new aspects of history
♦ To support the release of government records that would shed light on recent
American history

What is Hidden History?
♦ What we do not see because of our assumptions and mis-education
♦ What we cannot see because of our paradigms and lack of counter-narratives
♦ What we are not allowed to see by the National Security State

♦ Howard Zinn, historian and author (1922-2010)
♦ Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers whistleblower
♦ Rep. Cynthia McKinney, former Congresswoman
♦ Judge Joe Brown, jurist, Martin Luther King, Jr. assassination case
♦ Cyril Wecht, JD, MD, world-renowned forensic scientist
♦ Ronnie Dugger, journalist and author
♦ James Loewen, sociologist and author
♦ John Pilger, author and documentary filmmaker
♦ Michael Parenti, historian and author
♦ Peter Dale Scott, researcher and author
♦ William Blum, historian and author
♦ Louis Wolf, editor Covert Action Quarterly
♦ Dick Russell, researcher and author
♦ Sam Smith, editor, Progressive Review

Please let us know if you are interested in this Museum, would want to visit once we open our doors, have something you could contribute – research collections, volunteer hours, ideas for exhibits or financial support. Please sign up for our mailing list on our home page and receive our regular updates and news – and tell your friends about us.

We can't do all this without your support. All donations are tax-deductible and can be made here:
or sent to:
Museum of Hidden History, P.O. Box 772, Washington, DC 20044.

Visit our website at
Write us at

Please send this on to your friends who might be interested in the Museum

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