Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Guy P. Johnson


NARA Record Number: 104-10104-10340


1. Subject (Guy L. Johnson) was born on 14 September 1913 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
2. He is identical with Guy L. Johnson mentioned in Plot or Politics (page 151) as an early defense lawyer for Clay L. Shaw. JOHNSON was defeated by Frank SHEA (Jim GARRISON’s candidate, according to Plot or Politics) in 1963 for a seat on the Criminal District Court.
3. According to Ramparts (January 1968, page 48) JOHNSON was an ONI reserve officer who recommended Guy BANNISTER to ONI.
4. JOHNSON was considered for use by CIA as a contact agent in 1954 under Project KODIAK. The clearance request was canceled however, and no reason was given. JOHNSON was the Navy District Intelligence Officer on Guam at the time and was apparently to have been used as a backstop the Agency training being conducted on Saipan. The request indicated that JOHNSON was “partially witting” and possibly already in liaison with the Agency.
5. In 1951 ONI investigated charges that JOHNSON had perjured and falsified himself while serving as an Assistant District Attorney in New Orleans but concluded that he was not at fault and cleared him for TOP SECRET on 11 May 1954.
6. The above accusations were made by a Judge William J. O’HARA of the Criminal District Court....
7. According to Edward SUGGS, a Jack MARTIN (not a reliable source) JOHNSON claimed to have a secret U S Senate document, the “Homme Report”. This report allegedly proves that Robert KENNEDY “had a contract out” on Fidel CASTRO at the time President Kennedy was assassinated. JOHNSON allegedly stated that he could not volunteer to go before the Orleans Parish Grand Jury, but that he wanted GARRISON to ask him to do so (The Houstonian, 20 February 1968).

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