Saturday, January 19, 2019

Point Six of the Ten Points of Agreement

6. The official investigation into the JFK assassination immediately fell under the control of U.S. security agencies, ensuring a cover-up. The Warren Commission was dominated by former CIA director Allen Dulles and other officials with strong ties to the CIA and FBI.

Just read Warren Commission attorney Sam Sturn's interview with the House Select Committee on Assassination (HSCA) to understand how they were kept from knowing a few basic things - the CIA's consideration of operational use of Oswald, the destruction of the Hosty note and the CIA-Mafia plots to kill Castro to name three.  

If the Warren Commission knew those three things, said Stern, they would not have trusted the FBI or CIA as much as they did, they would have sought other sources of investigative information and they would have looked into the Cuban connections much more closely, not using the FBI or CIA as primary sources. 

We are not so constrained. 

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