Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Dealey Plaza Operational Support Network


If the basic hypothesis is correct that the assassination of President Kennedy was not the work of a lone gunman, but the result of a very specifically defined covert intelligence operation, then standard covert operational techniques were utilized, and the situation was controlled and timed to the minute. And the basic evidence in the case should affirm this.                                       
In order to maintain such control the covert managers needed to know the route and timing of the motorcade, and monitor and control communications, as well as maintain control of the scene of the crime, all basic covert intelligence operational protocols.

Who had that capability? What intelligence network controlled the motorcade, communications and the scene of the operation?

According to Major Ralph Ganis, the Skorzeny Papers indicate that there already was an established operational intelligence network in Dallas before the assassination, a network that can be detailed by the Skorzeny Papers and confirmed and supplemented by open source information on their corporate, business, foundation and civic committee associations.

Ganis also says that he knows from his military intelligence training that there were three different operational aspects of the plan that led to the assassination - the Action Arm, a Deception Arm and a Support Group.

The Action Arm actually carried out the mission, the execution of the President. That would be a well trained, financed and coordinated team run by the commanders who controlled them. These commanders had the capability to have these men carry out such “wet” assignments as assassinations - what they call Executive Action extermination of specific high priority targets. 

A second operational aspect was The Deception arm, according to Ganis, it is part of Security aspect of the operation that sets up the patsy to deflect investigative interests and permits the escape of the actual Action team. The key to this deception was using Lee Harvey Oswald’s rifle. By setting up Oswald as the Patsy he claimed to be, the covert managers aneutralized and compromised all of the intelligence agencies he had affiliations with – including the Civil Air Patrol, the United States Marine Corps, the Office of Naval Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, FBI, Cubans and Soviets.

These covert operators also protected themselves by utilizing a CIA trained anti-Castro Cuban Commando team – the Pathfinders, who were originally detailed and trained to kill Castro, and by using a very specific plan to kill Castro with a high powered rifle as he road in an open jeep, a plan that was presented to the National Security Council Special Group and JFK for approval. Even after it was “disapproved by higher authority” (JFK and RFK) this specific team were personally introduced to RFK at a remote JMWAVE sub base station, thus compromising him.

So on being informed of the assassination, the Attorney General immediately thought of these Cuban commandos he had met, confronted CIA director John McCone and called some Cuban commando he knew personally asking them if they were responsible for the murder. Thus he was blackmailed and checkmated into inaction.

The third key aspect of the Dealey Plaza Operation, according to Ganis, was the Support Group, that provided transportation, safe-houses, provisions and control and communications during the operation.
By accepting this basic outline and because the individuals with the capability to do those things are limited, we can now go back and fill in some of the blanks. We can also utilize the linkage design of establishing clear and concrete associations between them.

As Ganis wrote about his analysis of the Skorzeny Papers he immediately recognized, “…that Skorzeny was an asset of our - United States intelligence services and other Western intelligence and he was an active participant in covert and clandestine activity. That became apparent rather quickly, when I examined the papers….The part about his connection to the Dallas affair came later, as I began to transcribe the documents, get them translated, and understand the relationships that are revealed - the business relationships, and personal relationships that are revealed in the papers serves us. There was a point of discovery, if you will, along the way, when I realized you know, I either have the Answer to Dallas or I had the Key to unlock the Answer. It was one of those two.”

And an interesting key it is.

“But then I began to notice the Dallas business links that Skorzeny had,” Ganis continued, “….I realized that they were also intelligence and operational assets of the United States government. So I knew this network extended into Dallas and as I continued to research it became apparent that the operational links of the people he was involved with were the same ones that were in the stories of the JFK assassination. In fact the overlap was quite shocking. Now when I realized this, there was a point in discovery when I was by myself that I did realized this. It was a sobering moment.

Ganis calls it a combination of timeline and event matrix of principle organizations and networks. Maj. Ganis says that Skorzeny’s overt business dealings were actually covers for covert operations he was involved with and the corporate connections do establish a clear pattern for the network, what he called the “cut-outs.”
In the course of my own research I developed a unique method that I call “Three Time Hits,” as whenever an individual’s name, corporate business or location comes into play in three different areas of the story, I start a file on that subject, as I did with IRC, the Pan-Am Bank and Collins Radio.

I knew that Nazi General R. Gehlen began Operation Ringer to debrief communist refugees from East Europe, that CIA asset Leo Cherne was made director of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), that Notre Dame grad Tom Dooley worked for Cherne and the IRC in Vietnam, and that Lee Harvey Oswald wrote to the IRC three times from Russia seeking assistance to get home.

As for the Pan Am Bank of Miami, Castro supporter Robert Ray McCowan told the HSCA that he not only was visited at his Texas ranch by Jack Ruby, Lee Oswald and Fidel Castro, but he was paid to supply Castro with weapons with cash wrapped in Pan Am Bank wrappers. Then Jack Ruby told the WC that he brought a bag of cash out of Cuba for the owners of McWillie’s casino and deposited it for him in the Pan Am Bank. Antonio Veciana told Congressional investigators that he signed a CIA security agreement and was given basic psychological warfare lessons in an office at the Pan Am bank. And finally, although Gaeton Fonzi’s tape recording of CIA officer and arms dealer Mitch WerBell was erased, his notes survived, and in them Fonzi wrote that WerBell said that the CIA used the Pan Am bank for operational purposes.

I first read about Collins Radio in the HSCA reports when George deMohrnenschildt wrote in his manuscript “I’m A Patsy!,” that he introduced Oswald to retired Admiral Chester Bruton, an executive of Collins Radio, with the ambition of getting an Oswald a job there, after all Oswald did work at a radio factory in Russia. While Oswald didn’t get that job, Collins Radio came up again when the New York Times reported in a front page story on November 1, 1963 that Collins Radio, of Richardson, Texas, was a cover for the CIA’s maritime marauder ship The Rex. Then on the day of the assassination, an Oak Cliff auto mechanic identified the 1957 Plymouth owned by Collins Radio employee Carl Mather near the scene of the murder of Mather’s good friend Dallas policeman J.D. Tippit, with Lee Harvey Oswald behind the wheel! While that was enough for me to start a file on Collins Radio, I later learned about Arthur Collins, the founder of Collins Radio, whose company controlled the radio communications of Air Force One, Air Force Two, the Cabinet plane and all Strategic Air Command (SAC) Air Force bombers. 

Others have made such connections as well. In the movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis “Thirteen Days,” President Kennedy asks his assistant Kenny O’Donnell to review the files of Khruschev and the Soviet journalist who is serving as a backchannel communicator to Khruschev, to determine if they really were close personal friends. O’Donnell checks their files and finds that they served in the same military unit together.

In the movie “Three Days of the Condor,” in which Max Von Snowdn plays a QJWIN style assassin, a CIA official (Cliff Robertson) reviews the computerized backgrounds of some CIA agents and operatives and finds they have worked together and had created a renegade intelligence network.

So making such links and connections does work in this type of counter-intelligence research, and is the basis for uncovering and exposing an intelligence network that was designed to be invisible to standard analysis.

In November 2017, when the last large cache of JFK assassination records were released, before President Trump decided to withhold the rest, Microsoft used their Azure and Al programs to cross reference the documents that were released, using a similar procedure to what we are doing.

“When we first applied Cognitive Search to the JFK files, it was incredible to see what emerged. Not only could we answer so many interesting questions, we could see the answers and relationships in context with the original documents. When we first showed the JFK files to customers, they could immediately see how to apply it back to their own data challenges and wanted to use it to answer their own questions.” – Brien Smith (Microsoft manager)

Before computers, when I first obtained a copy of the paperback book “A Money Tree Grows in Texas,” I noticed the associations and connections between the men who served on the board of directors of key Dallas companies – such as Leon Jaworski, John Connally, Jean DeMenil, et. al.

Other individuals of interest are oil men George deMohrenschildt, Volkmar Schmidt and his Magnolia Oil company roommates, DeGolyer and MacNaughton, Jake Louis Hamon, Algur H. Meadows, Peter Gregroy, D. H. Byrd, Paul Raigorodsky, George Bouhe (who kept the records on newcombers).

Among the defense contractors involved there’s Max Clark, Brown & Root, Arthur Collins of Collins Radio, and two other Collins employees, retired Admiral Chester Brouton and J.D. Tippit’s good friend Carl Mather.

Oswald's benefactor Michael Paine worked with Nazi General Dornberger were at Bell Helicopter, while Oswald's pal Max Clark was working security at General Dynamics.

Certainly if a man sits on the board of directors of an oil company or defense contractor, they must know each other pretty well and must work together to further company business.

Besides the corporate connections of those involved in the Dealey Plaza Operation, we can also make clear and concise connections of those who serve on civic and political action organizations – such as the Dallas Civic Council, the Graduate Engineering Program, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, the Freedom Fighters of Congo and the Americans who support a French Colonial Algeria.

Individuals who owned and worked for these corporations, defense contractors and civic organizations were all entwined in the network responsible for killing JFK, though probably not all of them. It is these associations that provided the capability for them to work together covertly as well as overtly.

If this analysis is correct, then those involved in controlling communications and support were also involved in support and had to control the transportation and the scene of the operation, which limits our suspects to those who controlled the motorcade, the radio communications and the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD).

While the White House Communications Agency (WHCA) set up their remote radio station in a suite of rooms in the Dallas Sheraton Hotel, that provided direct lines of communications to the Motorcade Security channel, Air Force One, the White House Situation Room, the Pentagon, and the office of the director of the Secret Service.

The Dallas Civil Defense Emergency Operations Center (DCDEOC) also had the capability to monitor all radio communications including the Motorcade security channel, both Dallas police frequencies and the Air Force One radio transmissions, as well as direct lines to all emergency response companies in the Dallas area and the security arms of all of the major defense contractors in the Dallas area.

Years after the DCDEOC closed, some reporters were permitted in and took a tour, some with movie cameras that filmed the operations room, where some of the radios were still there, and the blackboards had the names of local air bases and defense contractors as well as an acronym RADEF – which I have decoded as RA – Reserve Affairs – (according to official military acronym translator) – Defense Emergency Fund/Finance.

The two air bases listed on the blackboard were Carswell AFB, where Air Force One took off from to fly the ten minute trip to Dallas’ Love Field, and Grand Prarie Naval Air Station, where a Navy jet later flew some of the Dallas evidence to Washington.

The Defense Contractors on the board – General Dynamics and Texas Instruments, are just two of the major defense contractors in the area that become entwined in the assassination drama, with the others including Haliburton, LTV, Bell Helicopter and Collins Radio.

While the Dallas Emergency command and communications bunker, which was under the command of Col. Jack Crichton, and he had the capability to monitor all of the radio communications, the most important radio communications were under the control of the White House Communications Agency (WHCA), with their remote station set up at the Dallas Sheraton Hotel. The relay station for the Air Force One radio communications was called “Liberty” station, and was located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the home of Collins Radio company.

In Dallas Collins Radio had established another station at their airplane hanger at Redbird Airport.

When I asked Arthur Young, inventor of the Bell Helicopter, who got his stepson Michael Paine a job with the company in Texas, why Bell relocated to Dallas rather than stay in upstate New York? He said the government made them move for security reasons.

As former Nazi General Dornberger was involved in security at General Dynamics, the defense contractors were connected in their concern for security and their association with the Emergency Civil Defense center, originally set up to coordinate post nuclear war revival.

In addition, the defense contractors, once all relocated to the Dallas-Fort Worth area, discovered that the one resource they needed – engineers, were in short supply, so after going out of state to recruit such help, they established  The Graduate Research Center of the Southwest, with Arthur Collins as its first director.
President Kennedy was originally scheduled to give his Dallas speech at a university where he was to receive an honorary doctorate degree, but the university’s board of directors backed out at the last minute and withdrew their invitation. So instead, JFK was to give his speech before the Dallas Citizens Council luncheon at the Trade Mart, where the Graduate Research Center was originally supposed to be honored for their work.

In a vault at the National Archives in Washington is a blood stained typewritten speech – the Undelivered Speech that JFK was scheduled to give before he was killed, that he kept in his inside breast pocket of his suit jacket. In the first sentence of that speech the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest is mentioned.
“I am honored to have this invitation to address the annual meeting of the Dallas Citizens Council, joined by the members of the Dallas Assembly – and pleased to have this opportunity to salute the Graduate Research Center of the Southwest…..for they represent the best qualities of leadership and learning in this city….”

“….The righteous of our cause must always underline our strength. For as was written long ago: ‘except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.’” 

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